Some discussions on variable data types (1)

zhaozj2021-02-16  152

The Variant variable has an OLE definition that can be stored any type of data, and some variables are stored in 16 bytes in the format of the figure below.

0-1 2-7 8-15 VARTYPE Unused Value

The 0th and 1-byte saves an integer value to indicate what type of data stored in the 8-15 byte, and the 2nd to 7 bytes are generally useless, and in most cases, The 8th to 15th bytes of the variable are not all used. Such as: Save an integer number with a Variant variable, then start the value of 2-Vbinteger, sessiles 8 and 9 bytes in the two bytes.

Let's write a code to verify it.

DIM V AS VARIANT 'VARIANT is the default data type of VB, so it can also be defined as DIM V

v = 1000

Debug.print Vartype (V) 'Output Results 2 -VBINTEGER

Also replace it:

Private Declare Sub CopyMemory LIB "kernel32" Alias ​​"RTLMoveMemory" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, BYVAL LENGTH AS "

DIM V As Variant

DIM I as integer

v = 1000

CopyMemory I, V, 2

Debug.print "0-1" is "& I

CopyMemory I, Byval (Varptr (V) 8), 2

Debug.print "8-9 is" & i

It can be seen that the result of 8-9 bits is 1000, while 0-1 bit is 2-vbinteger.


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