IGENUS installation and use

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

The latest iGenus and admin management http://www.igenus.orgigenus_2 [1] .0.1_20040713_release.tgzigenus_admin_0 [1] .1.tgz 1, first install: IGENUS_ADMIN_0 [1] .1.tgz [root @ localhost qmail] # TAR ZXVF IGENUS_ADMIN_0 [1] .1.tgz -c / var / www / mail [root @ localhost qmail] # cd / var / www / mail / admin [root @ localhost qmail] # cd incruotes [root @ localhost qmail] # vi config_inc.php content corresponding to the following: $ CFG_VPOPMAIL_HOST = "localhost"; $ CFG_VPOPMAIL_USER = "vpopmail"; $ CFG_VPOPMAIL_PASS = "123456"; $ CFG_VPOPMAIL_DB = "vpopmail"; $ CFG_VPOPMAIL_TABLE = "vpopmail"; $ CFG_ADMIN_TABLE = "admin"; $ cfg_lagsite = true; $ cfg_numofpage = 20; $ cfg_vpopmail_path = "/ home / vpopmail"; then add the current SQLCReate Table `Admin. (` ID` int (10) unsigned Not in the vpopmail table in MySQL` (`ID` int (10) unsigned Not Null auto_increment, `site_id` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',` Domain` VARCHAR (128) Not null default '', `quota` smallint (5) unsigned not null default '0',` Total` Smallint (5) Unsigned Not Null DE Fault '0', `CreateTime` Timestamp (14) Not null,` login` CHAR (1) Not null default ', `cur_total` smallint (5) Not null default' 0 ',` cur_quota` smallint (5) Not Null Default '0', `GID` VARCHAR (11) Not null default '',` expiration_time` Timestamp (14) Not null, `Flag` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',` Maxmsg` int (10 Unsigned Not Null Default '0', Primary Key (`ID`), UNIQUE Key` Domain` (`Domain`) Type =

[root @ localhost iGenus] # cd docs View the following IGENUS.SQL files Additional SQL statements in the database can be http: // ip / mail / iGenus / you can enter your webmail. The following is my mysql The structure of the lower vpopmail table - phpMyadmin SQL DUMP - VERSION 2.6.0-PL3 - http://www.phpmyadmin.net - Host: localhost - Generating Date 04 09: 2004 09: 12 - Server Version: 4.0.21 - PHP Version: 4.3.9 - Database: `vpopmail`--

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table `Address`

Create Table `Address` (` ID` int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, `pw_id` int (5) unsigned not null default '0',` Name` VARCHAR (64) Not null default '', `email` Varchar (128) Not null default ', UNIQUE Key `ID` (` ID`), Key `Pw_id` (` PW_ID`) TYPE = MyISAM Auto_Increment = 1;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table `Admin`--

Create Table `Admin` (` ID` int (10) unsigned not null auto_increment, `site_id` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',` domain` VARCHAR (128) Not null default ', `quota` smallint (5) Unsigned Not Null Default '0', `Total` Smallint (5) Unsigned Not Null Default '0',` Createtime` TimeStamp (14) Not null, `login` char (1) Not null default ',` Cur_total` Smallint (5) Not Null Default '0', `cur_quota` smallint (5) Not null default '0',` GID` VARCHAR (11) Not null default ', `expiration_time` TimeStamp (14) Not null default '00000000000000', `Flag` int (10) unsigned not null default '0',` Maxmsg` int (10) unsigned not null default '0', primary key (`ID`), UNIQUE Key` Domain` (`Domain `) = = Myisam pack_keys = 1 auto_increment = 3; - ---------------------------------- ---------------------

- Table structure `Board`--

Create Table `Board` (` ID` int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, `Num` int (5) Not null default '0',` Title` VARCHAR (50) Not null default ', `Content` VARCHAR ( 255) NOT NULL Default ', `Host` Varchar (50) Not Null Default' ',` Allhost` int (1) Not null default' 0 ', primary key (`ID`) TYPE = Myisam pack_keys = 1 Auto_Increment = 1;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure `Card`--

Create Table `Card` (` ID` int (5) unsigned not null auto_increment, `pw_id` int (5) unsigned not null default '0',` Linkman` Varchar (64) Not null default '', `CompanyName` VARCHAR (100) Not null default ', `address` VARCHAR (255) Not null default',` Position` Varchar (32) Not null default ', `Phonenumber` Varchar (16) Not null default',` Mobile `varchar (12) Not null default ',` email` Varchar (128) Not null default' ', `partaker` Varchar (32) Not null default' ',` Memo` VARCHAR (255) Not null default', Primary key (`ID`)) Type = Myisam auto_increment = 1; - --------------------------------- -----------------------

- Table structure` Dir_Control`--

Create Table `Dir_Control` (` Domain` CHAR (64) NOT NULL Default ', `cur_users` int (11) default null,` level_cur` int (11) default null, `level_max` int (11) default null,` Level_start0` int (11) default null, `level_start1` int (11) default null,` level_start2` int (11) default null, `level_end0` int (11) default null,` level_end1` int (11) default null, ` Level_end2` int (11) default null, `level_mod0` int (11) default null,` level_mod1` int (11) default null, `level_mod2` int (11) default null,` Level_index0` int (11) default null, ` Level_index1` int (11) default null, `level_index2` int (11) default null,` the_dir` char (160) Default Null, primary key (`domain`)) type = myisam;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------ The structure of the table `Forword`--

Create Table `Forword` (` ID` int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, `pw_id` int (5) Not null default '0',` Email` Varchar (64) Not null default ', `success` int 1) Not null default '0', `save` int (1) Not null default '0', primary key (` ID`)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1 auto_increment = 1;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table `LastAuth`--

Create Table `Lastauth` (` User` Char (32) Not null default ', `domain` Char (64) Not null default',` Remote_ip` Char (18) Not null default ', `Timestamp` Bigint 20) NOT NULL Default '0', Primary Key (`User`,` Domain`) type = myisam;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table` -

Create Table `logs` (` PW_ID` int (5) default '0', `ip` Varchar (15) Not null default ',` action` VARCHAR (15) Not null default', `Time` DateTime default null , `Content` VARCHAR (64) Not null default ',` Email` VARCHAR (128) Not null default' ') type = myisam;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- The structure of the table `Message`

Create Table `Message` (` ID` int (5) unsigned not null auto_increment, `Title` Varchar (255) Not null default ',` Body` TEXT NOT NULL, `Createtime` DateTime Not Null Default' 0000-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00-00 00 00 00 00:00:00 ', `Updatetime` DateTime Not Null Default' 0000-00-00 00:00:00 ',` pw_domain` VARCHAR (64) Not null default', UNIQUE Key `ID` (` ID` )) TYPE = Myisam auto_increment = 1; - --------------------------------------- -----------------

- Structure of the table `Personal`

Create Table `Personal` (` ID` int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, `pw_id` int (5) Not null default '0',` trueename` VARCHAR (10) Not null default ', `fax` VARCHAR ( 20) Not null default ', `Telephone` VARCHAR (15) Not null default',` sex` int (1) Not null default '0', `Year` int (4) Not null default '0',` Month` int (2) Not null default '0', `day` int (2) Not null default '0',` education` VARCHAR (4) Not null default '', `Marital` int (1) Not null Default '0', `Occupation` VARCHAR (15) Not null default ',` CompanyName` VARCHAR (30) Not null default', `province` VARCHAR (6) Not null default ', Primary Key (` ID`) ) Type = myisam pack_keys = 1 auto_increment = 1;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table` -

CREATE TABLE `scheduler` (` id` int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, `begin_time` int (11) unsigned default NULL,` end_time` int (11) unsigned default NULL, `title` varchar (255) NOT NULL default ', `Body` VARCHAR (255) Not null default',` pw_id` int (11) unsigned not null default '0', primary key (`ID`)) TYPE = MyISAM Auto_Increment = 1; - - -------------------------------------------------- ----

- Structure of the table `Stow`--

Create Table `Stow` (` ID` int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, `pw_id` int (5) Not null default '0',` Name` VARCHAR (64) Not null default ', `http` Varchar 128) Not null default ', `Memo` VARCHAR (255) Not null default', primary key (` ID`)) TYPE = Myisam pack_keys = 1 auto_increment = 3;

- - ------------------------------------------------ ------------

- Structure of the table` -

Create Table `Vpopmail` (` Pw_name` Char (32) Not null default ', `pw_domain` char (64) Not null default' ',` pw_passwd` char (40) default null, `pw_uid` int (11) default Null, `pw_gid` int (11) Default Null,` Pw_gecos` Char (48) Default Null, `Pw_dir` Char (160) Default Null,` Pw_Shell` Char (20) Default Null, `pw_clear_passwd` charult Null, `pw_id` int (5) Not null auto_increment,` Createtime` TimeStamp (14) Not Null, Primary Key (`pw_id`) TYPE = MyISAM Auto_Increment = 15;


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