How to bundle multiple files into an executable

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  67

The download sample program code combines multiple files into a final executable, and when running this final file, it is equivalent to running multiple files before the merge. This program will often use in Trojan program, do you want to know how it is implemented? Below I use the example code of a file bundle made with VC6.0 to tell you that the interface is running as follows: Figure one basic composition of thought: in fact, the composition of the idea is very simple. Create a new binary, first write your bundle data and its file length, then write the data of the first file you want to bundle and its file length, then write directly to the second you want to bundle Data and file length of files ..., in the end, you can write directly to the last file you want to bundle (no file length). The final file is executed, that is, the above method is inverted. (The following example only tells you how to implement the bundle of two files, as for the bundle of multiple files, readers only need to change the change or both, please read the instance code after downloading.) Let me talk about how to specifically To achieve: 1. Bundle multiple files for an executable first get the file length of your own bundle and the first file length to bundle file, enumerate the first to bundle the file, there is an icon, if you use It is an icon that eventually generates files, otherwise use the default icon with your own bundle to do the icon that finally generates files. Write the data of your own bundle in the new binary file and its file length, then write the first data to bundled files and its file length, and finally written directly to the second file can be used. The bundle number code is implemented as follows: // Bind multiple files as an executable Bool cbindfiledlg :: bind_files ()


File * myself; // own file

File * out; // final synthetic file

FILE * IN; // Terfer to be bound

Int Bytesin;


Struct_stat st;

Unsigned int founder = 0x12345678;

Unsigned Int I, K;

INT L = 1; // status display

CHAR BUFF [20]; // State display

His_name = strfirstfilepath; // The first bound file name

_stat (my_name, & st);

Modify_data.my_length = st.st_size;



MessageBox ("Bind file, the length of your own file is zero when it is zero!", "Error");

Return False;


BUF = (Byte *) Malloc (MODIFY_DATA.MY_LENGTH);

IF (buf == NULL)


MessageBox ("Binding files, error when allocating your own file length!", "Error");

Return False;


myself = fopen (my_name, "rb"); // Open your own file

IF (myself == null)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Binding files, make an error when you open your own file!", "Error");

Return False;


BYTESIN = FREAD (buf, 1, modify_data.my_length, myself);

Fclose (Myself);

IF (Bytesin! = modify_data.my_length)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Binding files, you can't fully read your own file content!", "Error"); return false;


For (i = 0; i


For (k = 0; K


IF (BUF [i K]! = ((byte *) & finder) [K])



IF (k == sizeof (finder)) // positions and saves its own data file size


Memcpy (Buf I, & Modify_Data, Sizeof (MODIFY_DATA));




IF (i> = modify_data.my_length - sizeof (finder))


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Bind file, error when you can locate your own file!", "Error");

Return False;


IF (_stat (strfirstfilepath, & st)! = 0 || St.st_size == 0)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Binding files, read the first error when you want to bind files!", "Error");

Return False;


List_my_icons ();

OUT = FOPEN (StrfinalFilePath, "WB"); // Creating the final synthetic file

IF (out == NULL)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Binding files, errors when creating bindings!", "Error");

Return False;


TotalBytes = fwrite (buf, 1, bytesin, out);

IN = fopen (strfirstfilepath, "rb"); // Open the first file to be bound

IF (in == NULL)


Free (BUF);

Messagebox ("Bind file, open the first error when you want to bind the file!", "Error");

Return False;


// Write the first length to bind files to the synthetic file

TotalBytes = fwrite (& St.st_size, 1, sizeof (st.st_size), out);

// Write the flag bit (synchronous or asynchronous execution) of the file execution mode after the final decomposition

Updatedata (TRUE); / / transmission control value to variable m_sync

Totalbytes = fwrite (& M_Sync, 1, Sizeof (int), out);

While (Bytesin = FREAD (BUF, 1, Modify_Data.my_length, in))


TotalBytes = fwrite (buf, 1, bytesin, out);


Fclose (in); // Close the first binding file handle

// Set the progress bar display

M_Progress.SetRange (0,500);

For (int m = 0; M <500; M )

M_Progress.SETPOS (M);

m_parts = _LTOA (L, BUFF, 10);

m_parts = _t ("a file is bound"); Updatedata (false);

l ;

IN = fopen (strSecondFilePath, "RB"); // Open the second file to be bound

IF (in == NULL)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Binding files, open the second to bind files, error!", "Error");

Return False;


While (Bytesin = FREAD (BUF, 1, Modify_Data.my_length, in))


TotalBytes = fwrite (buf, 1, bytesin, out);


// Set the progress bar display

M_Progress.SetRange (0,500);

For (int N = 0; n <500; n )

M_Progress.SETPOS (N);

m_parts = _LTOA (L, BUFF, 10);

m_parts = _t ("a file is bound");

Updatedata (FALSE);

l ;

Fclose (in); // Close the second binding file handle

Fclose (out); // Close the final synthetic file handle

Free (BUF); // Release buffer

Return True;

} 2, release the final synthesis file and run them at the same time. Open your own file, you get the file length of your own bundle, you can locate the file pointer to the first bundled file, read its file length and its data, and read the data to the first new file. in. Similarly, the number of bytes of the two file length values ​​can be saved by the file length of the read self-bundle file and the file length of the first bundled file, can accurately position the second bundled file. Read their data and write into the second new file. At the same time, running these two files, and finally deleting these two files can be used. The code that releases the final synthesis file is implemented as follows: // Decompose the merged file, and run them void cbindfiledlg :: unbind ()


File * myself; // own file

FILE * OUT; // After breaking the file

Int Bytesin;


Char Temp_exe1 [] = "temp1.exe"; // Decomposed binding file name

Char Temp_exe2 [] = "Temp2.exe"; // Decomposed binding file name two

INT syncflag; // File final execution flag

BUF = (Byte *) Malloc (MODIFY_DATA.MY_LENGTH);

Myself = fopen (my_name, "rb"); // Open the final synthesis file

IF (myself == null)


Free (BUF);

Messagebox ("I have an error in the Isolated File!", "Error");



OUT = FOPEN (Temp_exe1, "WB"); // Create the first bound file

IF (out == NULL)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("In the Isolate file, create the first binding file, error!", "Error");



// Position the file pointer to the length of the bundle program

FSeek (myself, modify_data.my_length, seek_set); // Read the length of the first binding file

IF (& PROG1_LENGTH, SIZEOF (PROG1_LENGTH), 1, Myself) == 0)


Free (BUF);

Messagebox ("Separate file, read the first binding file length!", "Error");



/ / Read the final file execution mode (synchronous or asynchronous execution)

IF (& SyncFlag, Sizeof (int), 1, myself) == 0)


Free (BUF);

Messagebox ("Separate file, read the first binding file length!", "Error");



/ / Read the first file content and write

While (bytesin = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), myself)


IF (Totalbytes Bytesin> PROG1_LENGTH)


TotalBytes = fwrite (buf, 1, bytesin, out);


Fclose (out); // Close the first binding file handle

#ifdef debug_print

FPRINTF (stderr, "copy% D byte! / n", totalbytes);

#ENDIF Debug_Print

TotalBytes = 0;

OUT = FOPEN (Temp_exe2, "WB"); // Create a second binding file

IF (out == NULL)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("In the Isolation file, create a second binding file when you have a binding file!", "Error");



// Position the file pointer to the second binding file header in the final synthesis file, offset ==

// (Bundlers own file length Save the first binding file length Charter number Save the final file execution flag accounts bytes first binding file length)

FSeek (myself, modify_data.my_length sizeof (modify_data.my_length) sizeof (int) prog1_length, seek_set);

/ / Read the second binding file content and write

While (bytesin = fread (buf, 1, sizeof (buf), myself)


TotalBytes = fwrite (buf, 1, bytesin, out);


Fclose (out); // Close the second binding file handle

#ifdef debug_print

FPrintf (stderr, "replicated% D byte / n", totalbytes);

#ENDIF Debug_Print

Fclose (myself); // Close the final synthetic file handle

IF (totalbytes == 0)


Free (BUF);

MessageBox ("Separation file, there is no separated object in your own file!", "Error");



Free (BUF); // Release buffer

IF (! syncflag) // 0 - Synchronous execution, 1 - asynchronous execution


// After being decomposed, it is performed for synchronous execution.

Create_Process (Temp_exe1, False);

Create_Process (Temp_exe2, False);



// After being decomposed, it is an asynchronous execution method.




} In the specific implementation details, you can carefully view the (detailed note) after downloading the instance code.


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