Exchange 2003 Public Folder C1030AF7

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

Click on the public folder population window to report the wrong C1030AF7 "The Operation Faled Because of an HTTP Error 501 (Not Implement)." With Exchange Server 2003

If you receive the error: "The operation failed because of an http error 501 (not implemented) Verify that the exadmin virtual root exists on the destination server.ID no:. C1030af7" when trying to view public folders in the Microsoft Exchange System Manager The.

First, TRY Performing The Steps in this kb article:

IF That Does Not Work, The Perhaps You Have a Configuration Similar To Mine.

I Run Many Websites On My Iis for the Various Projects / Weblogs That I Host. I've Also Moved My Inetpub Folder To Another Drive and Directory from Where It Was When I First Setup Exchange Server 2003.

Since I have only a single IP address on my server, I must rely on the use of host header mappings to port 80 for each of the ten or so websites that I host. The ExAdmin endpoint required by the Exchange System Manager resides on the " DEFAULT Web Site "Website. It Seem I DID NOT ADD A HOST Header Mapping for The Server Name in The Configuration for" Default Web Site ".

In plain english - you need to add a host header mapping to the default Web site in Iis with the value of your server's name (without the domain).

Here's how you can do it, step-by-step fashion:

Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager (in administrative tools) Right-click on "Default Web Site" and choose "Properties" Click on the button labeled "Advanced" Make sure you have an entry for the name of the machine ( "MANDELBROT "in my case). I'm not entirely sure it's a requirement, but I also added a mapping for a blank host header so as to make this the default website at this IP address for port 80Refresh your Exchange System Manager view and try to expand the Public Folders node. If it does not work and you've followed these directions, I feel bad for you because I know how frustrating it can be when you find a solution to the exact problem you're having on Google and it Turns Out Not to Work (That's How I felt instator ".

Now i can administer my Exchange Server 2003 Public Folders from the Exchange System Manager and IT.

You receive an error when try to expand the public store folder by using Exchange System Manager in Exchange 2003



When You To Expand The Public Folder Store by Using Exchange System Manager On A Computer That Is Running Microsoft Exchange Server 2003, You May Receive An Error Message That Is Similar To The Following:

An Internal Server Error Has Occurred ON The Server. The Requested Operation Faled.

ID NO: C1030AF2

Additional, When You Try to View The Properties of a Public Store Folder, You May Receive An Error Message That Is Similar To The Following:

The Operation Faled Because of an HTTP Error 501 (Not Implement). Verify That The Exadmin Virtual Root Exists on The Destination Server.

ID NO: C1030AF7


This Problem May Occur When The Exadmin Virtual Server IS Not Working Correctly.


To resolve this problem, you must re-create the Exadmin virtual server in Internet Information Services (IIS). To re-create the Exadmin virtual server, back up the IIS metabase, remove the Exadmin virtual directory, remove the directory-service-to -metabase-rephanity (DS2MB.DLL), AND Then Restart The System Attendant Service.

1. To Back Up The IIS Metabase, Follow these Steps:

1. START Internet Information Services Manager.

2. Right-Click The Server Object, Point To All Tasks, And The Click Backup / Restore Configuration.

3. In The Configuration Backup / Restore Dialog Box, Click Create Backup.

4. In the Configuration backup dialog box, type the name of the backup file in the Configuration backup name box, and then click OK.Your backup is added to the Previous backups list in the Configuration Backup / Restore dialog box.

5. Click Close To Return To The Internet Information Services Manager Main Window.

2. TO Remove The Exadmin Virtual Directory, Right-Click The Exadmin Object In Internet Information Services Manager, And The Click Delete.

3. To Delete the Directory-Service-to-Metabase-Repinent in the Metabase, FOLLOW THESE STEPS:

1. Start a command prompt, and then change to the drive: / inetpub / adminsscripts review.

2. Type Cscript Adsutil.vbs Delete DS2MB, AND THEN PRESS ENTER.

4. In Services, restart the Worldwide Web Publishing Service and the System Attendant service.Restarting the System Attendant service restarts the Microsoft Exchange Information Store service, restarts the message transfer agent (MTA) stacks, and re-creates the Exadmin virtual directory.Note to open Services, click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Administrative Tools.In Internet Information Services Manager, verify that the Exadmin virtual directory has been re-created. Open Exchange System Manager, and then verify that You can access and administer the public belice.

If you continue to receive the public folders, Follow these Steps:

1. START Internet Information Services Manager.

2. Right-Click The Exadmin Object, And The Click Properties.

3. On The General Tab in The Local Path Text Box, Type // BackofficeStorage To Replace The EXISTING / / BackofficesTorage Text.

4. Click Ok to Close The Properties Box.

The Information in this Article Applies TO:

§ Microsoft Exchange Server 2003



§ Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Standard Edition

Source Document


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