Oracle question question

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  65

Oracle question question

1. The initial password after the Oracle installation is completed?



System / Manager

Scott / Tiger


2. Oracle9ias web cache's initial default user and password?

Administrator / Administrator

3. How to create a database in Oracle 8.0.5?

Use ORAINST. If there is a MotiF interface, you can use ORAINST / M

4. ORACLE 8.1.7 How to create a database?


5. How do Oracle 9i creates a database?


6. What is the naked device in Oracle?

Naked equipment is the storage space that bypass direct access to the file system

7. How can Oracle distinguish between 64-bit / 32bit versions? ? ?

$ Sqlplus '/ AS SYSDBA' SQL * Plus:. Release - Production on Mon Jul 14 17:01:09 2003 (c) Copyright 2001 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved Connected to: Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release 9.0.. 1.0.0 - Production with the parting optioning jserver Release - Production SQL> SELECT * FROM V $ VERSION; Banner ---------------------- ---------------------------------------- Oracle9i Enterprise Edition Release 0 - Production PL / SQL Release - Production Core Production TNS for Solaris: Version - Production NLSRTL VERSION - Production SQL>

8. What does SVRMGR mean?

SVRMGRL, SERVER Manager. 9i is not, it has changed to SQLPlus / Nolog to archive log type with SQLPLUS

9. How do I tell which machine is logged in Oracle?

Select Machine, Terminal from v $ session;

10. What statement is used inquate?

DESC TABLE_NAME You can query the structure of the table SELECT FIELD_NAME, ... from ... You can query the value of the field

Select * from all_tables where table_name like '%' select * from all_tab_columns where table_name = '??'

11. How to get a trigger, process, and function creation script?

DESC User_SourceUser_triggers

12. How to calculate the size of a space occupied?


Here: aaa is the value of db_block_size; xxx is the table you want to check13. How to view the maximum number of sessions?

Select * from V $ Parameter where name like 'proc%;

SQL> SQL> Show parameter processes

Name Type Value ---------------------------------------------- -------------------------- AQ_TM_PROCESS INTEGER 1 DB_WRITER_PROCESS INTEGER 1 JOB_QUEUE_PROCESS INTEGER 4 log_archive_max_processes INTEGER 1 Processes Integer 200

Here is 200 users.

Select * from V $ license; where the sessions_highwater record has reached the maximum number of sessions

14. How do I check the system locked transaction time?

Select * from v $ locked_Object;

15. How to run Oracle in ArchiveLog.

INIT.ORA log_archive_start = TRUE

Restart Database

16. How do you get which users are using the database

Select Username from V $ session;

17. What is the maximum number of fields in the data table?

The maximum number of columns in the table or view is 1000

18. How to find the SID of the database?

Select Name from V $ Database; you can also directly view the init.ora file

19. How do I view this machine IP address via SQLPLUS on an Oracle server?

Select Sys_Context ('Userenv', 'IP_Address') from Dual;

If it is logging in to the local database, you can only return, huh, huh

20. How do I adjust the time for the database under UNIX?

Su -root Date -u 08010000

21. How to grab the MEMO type field empty information record in Oracle Table?

Select Remark From OMS_FlowRec Where Trim ('' from remark) is not null;

22. How to use the data of the BBB table to update the information of the AAA table (associated field)

Update aaa set bns_snm = (SELECT BNS_SNM from BBB WHERE AAA.DPT_NO = BB.DPT_NO) Where bbb.dpt_no is not null;

23. P4 computer installation method

Change Symcjit.dll to Sysmcjit.OLD

24. Which query server is OPS?

Select * from V $ Option;

If Parallel Server = True has OPS

25. Which is to check the permissions of each user?

Select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS;

26. How do I move the table space?

Alter Table Table_name Move TableSpace_name;

27. How do I use the index mobile watch space?

Alter Index Index_name Rebuild TableSpace TableSpace_name;

28. How to start DBA Studio under Linux, Unix?


29. Is the subject of query lock?

V $ LOCK, V $ locked_Object, V $ Session, V $ SQLAREA, V $ Process;

The method of querying the latter: select s.SID session_id, s.username, decode (lmode, 0, 'none, 1,' null ', 2,' row-s (ss) ', 3,' Row-x (SX) ', 4,' Share ', 6,' S / ROW-X (SSX) ', 6,' Exclusive ', TO_CHAR (LMODE)) MODE_HELD, DECODE (Request, 0,' None ', 1,' NULL ', 2,' ROW-S (SS) ', 3,' ROW-X (SX) ', 4,' Share ', 5,' S / Row-X (SSX) ', 6,' Exclusive ', TO_CHAR (REQUEST) MODE_REQUESTED, O.OWNER || '.' || O.Object_name || '(' || Object_Type || ')', S.Type Lock_Type, L.ID1 LOCK_ID1, L.ID2 LOCK_ID2 From V $ LOCK L, SYS.DBA_OBJECTS O, V $ session s where l.sid = s.SID and L.ID1 = O.Object_ID;

30. How to unlock?

Alter System Kill Session 'SID, Serir #';

31. How to modify the editor under SQLPLUS?

Define _Editor = "" - must be added to define a new editor, or write this in $ oracle_home / sqlplus / admin / glogin.sql to make it permanently valid.

32. Oracle generates a random function?


33. Query disk competition commands under Linux?


33. Query the CPU competitive situation command under Linux?


34. Query the current user object?

Select * from user_Objects;

Select * from DBA_SEGMENTS;

35. How to get an error message?


36. How to get a link situation?


37. View the status of database characters?


Select * from V $ NLS_PARAMETERS;

38. Query the table space information?

Select * from DBA_DATA_FILES;

39. Oracle's intend user wants a password?



40. What is the solution to Java.exe?

Generally, OracleoraHomExiHttpserver is changed to handle.

X is 8 or 9

41. How to give a list, column incorporation?

SQL> Comment on Table Table IS 'Table Note';

Comments have been created.

SQL> Comment on column table. Column is 'column annotation';

Comments have been created.

SQL> SELECT * from user_tab_comments where comments is not null;

42. How do I check the condition of each table space?

SQL> COL TABLESPACAT A20 SQL> SELECT B.FILE_ID File ID Number, B.Tablespace_name Table Space Name, B.bytes bytes (B.Bytes-Sum (NVL (A.Bytes, 0))) is used, SUM (NVL (A.bytes, 0)) Remaining Space, SUM (NVL (A.Bytes, 0)) / (B.bytes) * 100 Remaining Percentage from DBA_FREE_SPACE A, DBA_DATA_FILES B Where A.File_ID = B.File_ID Group By b.tablespace_name, b.file_id, b.bytes order by b.file_id43. If you set Oracle to MTS or dedicated mode?

#dispatches = "(Service = tcp)" Plus is MTS, the comment is a dedicated mode, and the SID refers to your instance name.

44. How can I know the current SCN number of the system?

SELECT MAX (KTuxescnw * Power (2, 32) KTuxescnb) from x $ ktuxe;

45. How do I get milliseconds in Oracle?

No support before 9i, 9i starts with TimeStamp.

9i can use Select SystimeStamp from Dual;

46. ​​How do I get a return in the string?

Select 'Welcome to Visit' || CHR (10) || '' from DUAL

47. How is the Chinese sorted?

Before Oracle9i, Chinese is sorted according to binary coding.

In Oracle9i, in accordance with Pinyin, Ministry, Sprinkler. Set NLS_SORT value

SCHINESE_RADICAL_M Sort by the first (first order), the stroke (second order)

Schinese_stroke_m Sort by the stroke (first order), the first (second order)


48. Can the object name in Oracle8i use Chinese?


49. How to change the SQL * PLUS boot option in WIN?

SQL * Plus own option settings We can set in $ oracle_home / sqlplus / admin / glogin.sql.

50. How to modify the default date of the ORACEL database?

Alter session set nls_date_format = 'YYYYMMDDHH24MISS'; OR

Can add a line of NLS_DATE_FORMAT = 'YYYYMMDDH24MISS' in Init.ora

51. How do I put the small table in the KeeP pool?

ALTER TABLE XXX Storage (Buffer_Pool Keep);

52. How do I check if a Patch is installed?

Check what ORAINVENTORY53. How to make the SELECT statement automatically generate the serial number of the query result?

Select Rownum, Col from Table;

54. How do I know the tableSpace in a table in pattern?

SELECT TABLESPACE_NAME from User_Tables Where Table_Name = 'Test';

Select * from user_tables There is a field tablespace_name, (Oracle);

Select * from dba_segments where ...

55. How can I make a backup table with the original table?


55. How do I modify Procedure under SQLPLUS?

SELECT LINE, TRIM (TEX) T from user_source where name = 'a' order by line;

56. How to remove procedure to lock it unexpected?

ALTER SYSTEM KILL Session, kill the session, but you have to check her session ID first


Retreat the process again.

57. What is SQL Reference?

It is a SQL manual, including grammar, functions, etc., the document center of Oracle official website has downloads.

58. How do I view the status of the database?

Under UNIX PS-EF | GREP ORA Windows Look at the service if the service can be connected to the database

59. How to modify the primary key of a table?

Alter Table AAA Drop Constraint AAA_KEY; ALTER TABLE AAA Add Constraint AAA_KEY PRIMARY Key (A1, B1);

60. Change the size of the data file?

Use Alter Database .... DataFile ....; Handmade the size of the data file, which is damaged for the original data file.

61. How do you check in Oracle in run?

View v $ sessions table

62. How can I see how many tablespaces do you have?

Select * from DBA_TABLESPACES;

63. How do I modify the number of user connections to the Oracle database?

Modify INITSID.ORA, increase the process, restart the database.

64. How do I find the last update time of a record?

Can be viewed with Logminer

65. How to read and write files in PL / SQL?

The UTL_FILE package allows the user to read the operating system file via the PL / SQL.

66. How to put "&" in a record?

INSERT INTO A VALUES (Translate ('at {&} T', 'AT {}', 'at');

67. How does EXP add Query parameter?

Exp user / pass file = a.dmp tables (bsempms) query = '"where EMP_NO = /' s09394 / '/"

68. About Oracle8i Support Simplified and Traditional Character Sets?

ZHS16GBK can be supported

69. What software is Data Guard?

Is the replacement of Standby

70. How to create a spfile?

SQL> Connect / As Sysdba SQL> SELECT * FROM V $ VERSION; SQL> CREATE PFILE from Pfile; SQL> CREATE SPFILE from Pfile = 'e: /ora9i/admin/eygle/pfile/init.ora'; files have been created. SQL> CREATE SPFILE = 'E: /ora9i/database/spfileeygle.ora' from pfile = 'e: /ora9i/admin/eygle/pfile/init.ora'; files have been created.

71. Application of kernel parameters?

SHMMAX mean: This setting does not decide how much physical memory is used in Oracle database or operating system, only determines the number of memory available. This setting does not affect the kernel resources of the operating system. Setting method: 0.5 * Physical memory example: SHMINFO_SHMMAX = 10485760 shmmin meaning: Shared memory minimum size. Setting method: Usually set to 1. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmmin = 1: SHMMNI meaning: The maximum number of memory segments in the system. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmmni = 100 shmseg Meaning: The number of maximum shared memory segments per user process can be used. Example: set shmsys: shminfo_shmseg = 20: semmni meaning: The maximum number of Semaphore Identifierer in the system. Setting method: Set the value of this variable to all Oracle's instances of all Oracle's instances of the processes to add 10. Example: Set Semsys: seminfo_semmni = 100 SemMns Emnity: The maximum number of EMAPHORES in the system. Setting method: This value can be calculated in the following manner: the sum of the value of the processes of each Oracle instance, the sum of the value (remove the largest processes parameter) the number of the maximum of the processes × 2 10 × Oracle instance. Example: Set Semsys: seminfo_semmns = 200 Semmsl: Meaning: The maximum number of Semaphore in a set. Setting method: Set the value of the largest processes in INITSID.ORA for 10 all Oracle instances. Example: set Semsys: seminfo_semmsl = -200

72. Which users have SYSDBA, SYSOPER?

SQL> conn sys / change_on_installsql> select * from v_ $ pWFILE_USERS;

73. How to back up one or more tables alone?

EXP user / password Tables = (Table 1, ..., Table 2)

74. How to back up one or more users separately?

Exp System / Manager Owner = (User 1, User 2, ..., User N) FILE = Export File

75. How do I have a full-text search for a CLOB field?

Select * from a where dbms_lob.instr (a.a, 'k', 1, 1)> 0;

76. How do I display the current connection user?


77. How do I view the path to the data file?


78. How to check the existing rollback segment and its status?

SQL> Col ​​Segment Format A30Sql> SELECT Segment_Name, Owner, TableSpace_Name, Segment_ID, File_ID, Status from DBA_ROLLBACK_SEGS

79. How to change the CHECK range initially defined by a field?

SQL> ALTER TABLE XXX DROP CONSTRAINT CONSTRAINT_NAME; then create a new constraint again: SQL> ALTER TABLE XXX Add Constraint Constraint_name Check ();

80. What are the Oracle common system files?

Display these files from the following view: V $ DATABASE, V $ DATAFILE, V $ logfile v $ ControlFile V $ Parameter;

81. Connect Inner Join?

Select a. * From bsempms A, BSDPTMS b where A.dpt_no = B.DPT_NO;

82. How to get an external connection?

Select a. * From bsempms a, bsdptms b where A.dpt_no = B.DPT_NO ( );

Select a. * From bsempms A, BSDPTMS B wherea.dpt_no ( ) = b.dpt_no;

83. How to perform a script SQL file?

SQL> @ $ PATH / filename.sql;

84. How to quickly empty a big table?


85. How many database instances do you check?


86. How many tables do you query the database?


87. How do I test the time used by the SQL statement?


SQL> Select * from Tablename;

88. Is the reaction function of chr ()?


SELECT Char (65) from Dual;

SELECT ASCII ('a') from Dual;

89. Connection of strings

Select Concat (col1, col2) from table;

SELECT col1 || col2 from table;

90. How to guide the results from SELECT to a text file?

SQL> Spool C: /Abcd.txt;


SQL> Spool OFF;

91. How to estimate the I / O number of SQL execution?

SQL> Set autotrace on;



SQL> SELECT * FROM V $ fileStat;

You can view the number of IO

92. How do I change the field size under SQLPLUS?

Alter Table Table_name Modify (Field_Name Varchar2 (100));

Change the big line, change, unless it is empty)

93. How do I query a day of data?

Select * from table_name where trunc = to_date ('2003-05-02', 'YYYY-MM-DD'); 94. How do SQL statements insert a full date?

create table BSYEAR (d date); insert into BSYEAR select to_date ( '20030101', 'yyyymmdd') rownum-1 from all_objects where rownum <= to_char (to_date ( '20031231', 'yyyymmdd'), 'ddd');

95. If you modify the table name?

Alter Table Old_table_name rename to new_table_name;

96. How do I get the return status value of the command?


97. How do I know the permissions owned by the user?

Select * from DBA_SYS_PRIVS;

98. What is the difference between Oracle9i downloaded from the Internet?

From the functional saying, Oracle has clearly defined; Oracle products downloaded from the website must not be used for commercial purposes, otherwise infringement.

99. How to determine that the database is running in archiving mode or running in non-invasive modes?

Go to DBASTUDIO, History -> Database ---> Archive View.

100. SQL> Startup Pfile and IFILE, SPFILED What is the difference?

Pfile is an Oracle traditional initialization parameter file, text format. Ifile is similar to include in C language, it is used to introduce another file into spfile. It is 9i new and is the default parameter file. After binary format startup, only PFile should

101. How to search for the first N record?

Select * from Employee WHERE ROWNUM

102. How do I know how much does the Oracle support on the machine?

SQL> CONN INTERNAL; SQL> Show parameter processs;

103. Can DB_BLOCK_SIZE can be modified?

Generally, it is not recommended.

104. How to count the total number of records of two tables?

SELECT (SELECT Count (ID) from AA) (SELECT Count (ID) from bb) Total from DUAL;

105. How do I use the SQL statement to find the nth value in a column?

Select * from (Select T. *, Dense_Rank () over (Order By Sal) where rank = n;

106. How do I add 2 years when giving an existing date? (

SELECT Add_MontHS (Sysdate, 24) from Dual;

107. What does it mean for use_ublk to negative?

IT IS "harmless".

108. What does Connect String mean?

It should be the content behind the service name in tnsnames.ora

109. How to expand the size of the Redo Log?

Create a temporary Redolog group, then switch the log, delete the previous log, and create a new log.

110. Is the TABLESPACE not greater than 4G?

no limit.

111. Return to the minimum integer value equal to N?

Select CEIL (n) from dual;

112. Returns the minimum integer value equal to N?

SELECT FLOOR (N) from Dual; 113. Returns the last day of the current month?


114. How do you have different user data imports?

IMP system / manager file = aa.dmp fromuser = user_old baser = user_new rows = y indexes = y;

115. How do I find the name of the primary key field of the database table?

SQL> Select * from user_constraints where constraint_type = 'p' and table_name = 'table_name';

116. What is the function of two result sets?


117. Function of two result sets? SQL> SELECT * from bsempms_old minus select * from bsempms_new;

118. How to configure sequence?

Create SEQUENCE SEQ_CUSTID CREATE SEQUENCE SEQ_CUSTID START 1 IncremeMT by 1; CREATE TABLE CUST {Cust_ID Smallint Not Null, ...} Insert Insert Into Table Cust Values ​​(seq_cust.nextval, ...)

Common way of writing of each part of the date

119>. Writing of the year of the time point: select to_char (sysdate, 'yyyy') from dual;

120>. Writing of the month of time point: select to_char (sysdate, 'mm') from dual;

121>. Write actions at the time of time: select to_char (sysdate, 'dd') from dual;

122>. Writing at the time of time: select to_char (sysdate, 'hh24') from dual;

123>. Writing method for time point: select to_char (sysdate, 'mi') from dual;

124>. Write the secondary second: select to_char (sysdate, 'ss') from dual;

125>. Date of taking the time point: SELECT TRUNC (SYSDATE) from DUAL

126>. Writing time of time point: select to_char (sysdate, 'hh24: mi: ss') from dual;

127>. Date, time form becomes a characteristic SELECT TO_CHAR (SYSDATE) from DUAL

128>. Convert the string into a date or time form: SELECT TO_DATE ('2003/08/01') from DUAL;

129>. Type of Weekly Writings for the parameters: select to_char (sysdate, 'd') from dual;

130>. Returns the first few days of the year: select to_char (sysdate, 'ddd') from dual; 131>. Returns the number of seconds between the time values ​​specified in midnight and parameters: select to_char (Sysdate, 'sssss') from dual;

132>. Returns the first few weeks of the first year: select to_char (sysdate, 'ww') from dual; virtual field 133. CURRVAL and NEXTVAL are created in the table Create Sequence Empseq ...; select Empseq.currval from Dual; Automatic Insert Sequence INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (Empseq.NextVal, 'Lewis', 'Clerk', 7902, Sysdate, 1200, NULL, 20);

134. Rownum sequentially sets the serial number Select * from EMP WHERE ROWNUM <10;

135. Return of Return Return SELECT ROWID, ENAME FROM EMP Where DEPTNO = 20;

136. Convert N-second to time second format? Set ServerOut on Declare N Number: = 1000000; RET VARCHAR2 (100); Begin Ret: = Trunc (N / 3600) || 'Hour' || To_Char (TO_DATE (MOD (N, 3600), 'Sssss'),' FMMI "points" ss "second"); dbms_output.put_line (re);

137. How do I query to do a big sorting process? Select B.Tablespace, B. Segfile #, B.SEGBLK #, B. Blocks, A.SID, A.SERIAL #, A.USERNAME, A. OSUSER, A.STATUS A. SESSION A, V $ Sort_USAGE B WHERE A.SADDR = B.SESSION_ADDR Order by B.Tablespace, B.SEGFILE #, B.SEGBLK #, B.BLOCKS;

138. How do I query the SQL statement of the relatively large sorted process? SELECT / * Ordered * / SQL_Text from V $ SQLText a where a.hash_value = (Select SQL_HASH_VALUE FROM V $ Session B Where B.SID = & SID AND B.SERIAL # = & SERIAL) ORDER by Piece ASC;

139. How do I find repeated records? Select * from table_name where rowid! = (Select max (rowid) from table_name.col1 = d.col1 and table_name.col2 = d.col2);

140. How to delete a repeated record? Delete from table_name where rowid! = (SELECT MAX "from table_name d where table_name.col1 = d.col1 and table_name.col2 = d.col2); 141. How to quickly compile all views? SQL> Spool View1.sql SQL> SELECT 'ALTER View' || TName || 'Compile;' from Tab; SQL> Spool Off and execute View1.sql. SQL> @ view1.sql;

142. ORA-01555 Snapshot TOO OLD solution Adds the value of MineXtents, increasing the size of the zone, set a high Optimal value.

143. The spatial space of the transaction requirements is not enough, and it is characterized by a table space (ORA-01560 error), the rollback segment extends to the value of the parameter maxExtents (ORA-01628) solution. Add a file to the split table space Or make the existing file be large; increase the value of MaxExtents.

144. How to encrypt the Oracle stored procedure? The following stored procedure content is placed in the aa.sql file Create or Replace Procedure Testcb (i in number) as begin dbms_output.put_line ('input parameter is' || to_CHAR (i));

SQL> Wrap IName = a.sql; PL / SQL Wrapper: Release - Production ON Tue Nov 27 22:26:48 2001 Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1993, 2000. All Rights Reserved. Processing aa.sql To aa.plb run aa.plb sql> @ aa.plb;

145. How to monitor the cases? Select Event, SUM (Decode (Wait_Time, 0, 0, 1)) "Prev", SUM (Decode (Wait_time, 0, 1, 0)) "Curr", count (*) "Tot" from v $ session_wait group by Event ORDER BY 4;

146. How to return the contention of the segment? Select Name, Waits, Gets, Waits / Gets "Ratio" from v $ ROLLSTAT C, V $ ROLLNAME D Where C.USN = D.USN

147. How to monitor the I / O ratio of table space? Select B.TablesPACE_NAME NAME, B.FILE_NAME "File", A.Phyrds Pyr, A.Phyblkrd PBR, A.PhyWRTS PYW, A.PHYBLKWRT PBW from V $ Filestat A, DBA_DATA_FILES B Where A.File # = B.File_ID ORDER By B.TablesPACE_NAME;

148. How to monitor the I / O ratio of the file system? Select Substr (C.FILE #, 1, 2) "#", Substr (C.Name, 1, 30) "Name", C.Status, C.BYTES, D. Phyrds, D.Phyword from V $ DataFile C , v $ filestat d where c.file # = D.File #; 149. How do I find all indexes under a user? select user_indexes.table_name, user_indexes.index_name, uniqueness, column_name from user_ind_columns, user_indexes where user_ind_columns.index_name = user_indexes.index_name and user_ind_columns.table_name = user_indexes.table_name order by user_indexes.table_type, user_indexes.table_name, user_indexes.index_name, column_position;

150. How to monitor SGA's hit rate? Select A.Value B.Value "Logical_Reads", C.Value "Phys_Reads", Round (100 * (A.Value B.Value) -c.value) / (A.Value B.Value) " Buffer Hit Ratio "from V $ sysstat a, v $ sysstat b, v $ sysstat c where a.statistic # = 38 and b.statistic # = 39 and c.statistic # = 40;

151. How to monitor the hit rate of the Dictionary buffer in SGA? Select Parameter, Gets, GetMisses, getMisses / (Gets GetMisses) * 100 "Miss Ratio", (1- (SUM (getMisses) / (SUM (Gets) SUM (GetMisses))) * 100 "Hit Ratio" from V $ rowcache where gets getmisses <> 0 group by parameter, gets, getMisses;

152. How to monitor the hit rate of the CCD in SGA, should it be less than 1%? Select SUM (Pins) "Total Pins", SUM (Reloads) "Total Reloads", SUM (RELOADS) / SUM (PINS) * 100 Libcache from V $ librarycache

Select SUM (PINHITS-RELOADS) / SUM (PINS) "Hit Radio", SUM (RELOADS) / SUM (PINS) "Reload Percent" from v $ librarycache

153. How do I display the category and size of all database objects? select count (name) num_instances, type, sum (source_size) source_size, sum (parsed_size) parsed_size, sum (code_size) code_size, sum (error_size) error_size, sum (source_size) sum (parsed_size) sum (code_size) sum ( error_size) size_required from dba_object_size group by type order by 2;. 154 to monitor the redo log buffer hit ratio of the SGA, should be less than 1% SELECT name, gets, misses, immediate_gets, immediate_misses, Decode (gets, 0,0, misses / gets * 100) ratio1, Decode (immediate_gets immediate_misses, 0,0, immediate_misses / (immediate_gets immediate_misses) * 100) ratio2 FROM v $ latch WHERE name IN ( 'redo allocation', 'redo copy');

155. Monitor memory and hard disk sorting ratio, it is best to make it less than .10, add sort_area_size select name, value from v $ sortstat where name in ('sorts ",' sorts (disk));

156. How do I monitor the current database who is running what SQL statement? Select OSuser, Username, SQL_Text from V $ Session A, V $ SQLText B Where A.SQL_Address = B.Address Order by Address, Piece

157. How do I monitor the dictionary buffer? SELECT (SUM (Pins - Reloads)) / SUM (Pins "LIB Cache" from v $ librarycache; select (sum (gets - getmisses - usage - fixed) / sum (gets) "Row Cache" from v $ rowcache; Select SUM (Pins) "Executions", SUM (RELOADS) "Cache Misses While Executing" from V $ librarycache; the latter except for the former, this ratio is less than 1%, close to 0% is good.

Select Sum (Gets) "Dictionary Gets", SUM (GetMisses) "Dictionary Cache Get Misses" from v $ ROWCACHE

158. Monitor MTS SELECT Busy / (Busy IDLE) "Shared Servers Busy" from V $ Dispatcher; When the value is greater than 0.5, the parameters need to increase SELECT SUM (WAIT) / SUM (Totalq) "Dispatcher Waits" from v $ queue WHERE TYPE = 'dispatcher'; select count (*) from v $ dispatcher; select servers_highwater from v $ mts; servers_highwater is close to MTS_MAX_SERVERS, parameters need to increase 159. How do I know the current user ID number? SQL> show user; or sql > select user from dual;

160. How to view the debris level? SELECT segment_name table_name, count (*) Extents from dba_segments where owner not in ('sys', 'system') group by segment_name haVing count (*) = (select max (count (* )) From dba_segments group by segment_name);

162. How do we know the situation is stored in the table table space select segment_name, sum (bytes), count (*) ext_quan from dba_extents where tablespace_name = '& tablespace_name' and segment_type = 'TABLE' group by tablespace_name, segment_name?;

163. How do I know the storage situation in the table space? Select segment_name, count (*) from dba_extents where segment_type = 'index' and owner = '& oowner' group by segment_name;

164. How do I know how many users using CPU? 11 is CPU Used by this session

Select A.SID, SPID, STATUS, SUBSTR (A.Program, 1,40) PROG, A.TERMINAL, OSUSER, VALUE / 60/100 VALUE FROM VALUE / 60/100 VALUE FROM VALUE / 60/100 VALUE FROM V $ SESSION A, V $ Process B, V $ SESSSTAT C Where C .statistic # = 11 and c.SID = a.sid and a.paddr = b.addr Order by value desc;

165. How do I know the listener log file? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / network / log / listener.log

166. How to know the listener parameter file? Take 8i as an example $ Oracle_Home / Network / Admin / Listener.ora

167. How do I know TNS connection file? Take 8i $ Oracle_home / network / admin / tnsnames.ora

168. How do I know SQL * NET environment file? Take 8i as an example $ Oracle_Home / Network / Admin / SQLNET.ORA

169. How do I know the warning log file? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / admin / sid / bdump / sidalrt.log170. How to know the basic structure? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / standard.sql

171. How do I know the establishment of a data dictionary view? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / catalog.sql

172. How do I know the establishment of an audit data dictionary view? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / cataudit.sql

173. How do I know how to build a snapshot data dictionary view? Take 8i as an example $ oracle_home / rdbms / admin / catsnap.sql This is mainly to say the optimization method of SQL statement! Mainly based on Oracle9i. 174. / * All_rows * / Indicates the Optimization method based on overhead, and obtains the best throughput, minimizes resource consumption. For example: SELECT / * ALL _ROWS * / EMP_NO, EMP_NAM, DAT_IN from bsempms where EMP_NO = 'ccbzzp';

175. / * first_rows * / Indicates that the 对 语 selection is based on overhead optimization method, and obtain the best response time, minimize resource consumption. For example: SELECT / * first_ROWS * / EMP_NO, EMP_NAM, DAT_IN from bsempms where EMP_NO = 'CCBZZP';

176. / * choose * / Indicates that if there is a statistics of the access table in the data dictionary, the optimal throughput will be optimized, and the best throughput is achieved; indicating that if there is no access to the table in the data dictionary, it will be based on rules. Optimization method for overhead; for example: select / * choose * / EMP_NO, EMP_NAM, DAT_IN from bsempms where EMP_NO = 'CCBZP';

177. / * Rule * / Indicates the selection of the rules based on rules. For example: select / * rule * / EMP_NO, EMP_NAM, DAT_IN from bsempms where EMP_NO = 'ccbzzp';

178. / * Full (Table) * / Indicates the table to select a global scan method. For example: SELECT / * FULL (A) * / EMP_NO, EMP_NAM from bsempms a where EMP_NO = 'CCBZP';

179. / * RowId (Table) * / Tip Specifications indicate that the specified table is accessed according to ROWID. For example: SELECT / * ROWID (bsempms) * / * from bsempms where rowid> = 'Aaaaaaaaaaaaa' and EMP_NO = 'CCBZPP' ;

180. / * Cluster (Table) * / prompts clearly indicate the access method for selecting a cluster scan for the specified table, which is only valid for the cluster object. For example: select / * cluster * / bsempms.emp_no, dpt_no from bsempms, BSDPTMS WHERE DPT_NO = 'TEC304' and bsempms.dpt_no = bsdptms.dpt_no;

181. / * index (Table index_name) * / Indicates the scan method for the table selection index. For example: select / * index (bsempms sex_index) Use sex_index because there is feWMALE bsempms * / from bsempms where sex = 'm'; 182. / * index_asc (Table Index_Name) * / Indicates a scanning method for the table to select index ascending. For example: SELECT / * INDEX_ASC (bsempms pk_bsempms) * / from bsempms where dpt_no = 'ccbzz';

183. / * index_combine * / Select bitmap to the specified table, if the index_combine does not provide an index as a parameter, the Boolean combination method of the graph index will be selected. For example: SELECT / * INDEX_COMBINE (bsempms Sal_Bmi HiRedate_bmi ) * / * From bsempms where Sal <5000000 and hidate

184. / * index_join (Table index_name) * / prompts Clear command Optimizer Use the index as an access path. For example: select / * index_join (bsempms Sal_hmi Hiredate_BMI) * / Sal, Hiredate from Bsempms Where Sal <60000;

185. / * index_desc (Table Index_name) * / Indicates the table selection of the scanning method of index descending order. For example: SELECT / * INDEX_DESC (bsempms pk_bsempms) * / from bsempms where dpt_no = 'ccbzz';

186. / * index_ffs (Table INDEX_NAME) * / Performs a fast full index scan for the specified table, not a full meter scan. For example: SELECT / * INDEX_FFS (bsempms in_empnam) * / * from bsempms where dpt_no = ' TEC305 ';

187. / * add_equal table index_nam1, index_nam2, ... * / prompts to clearly perform the selection of the planning, the scanning of several single colony indexes. For example: SELECT / * INDEX_FFS (bsempms in_dptno, IN_EMPNO, IN_SEX) * / * From bsempms where EMP_NO = 'ccbzz' and dpt_no = 'TDC306';

188. / * USE_CONCAT * / Converts the OR condition behind the WHER in the query to Union All, a combination query. For example: SELECT / * USE_CONCAT * / * from bsempms where dpt_no = 'TDC506' and SEX = 'M' ;

189. / * no_expand * / For the inquiry statement behind WHERE or in-list, NO_EXPAND will prevent it from extension based on the optimizer. For example: SELECT / * NO_EXPAND * / * from bsempms where dpt_no = 'TDC506 'And sex =' m ';

190. / * NOWRITE * / Prohibition of the query override to the query block. 191. / * REWRITE * / can use the view as a parameter.

192. / * Merge (Table) * / Ability to merge the respective queries of the view. For example: select / * merge (v) * / a.emp_no, a.emp_nam, b.dpt_no from bsempms A (SELET DPT_NO, AVG (SAL) AS AVG_SAL FROM BSEMPMS B Group BY DPT_NO) V where a.dpt_no = v.dpt_no and a.sal> v.avg_sal;

193. / * no_merge (Table) * / For a combraciable view no longer merged. For example: SELECT / * NO_MERGE (V) * / a.emp_no, a.emp_nam, b.dpt_no from bsempms A (Selet DPT_NO , AVG (SAL) AS AVG_SAL from BSempms B Group By DPT_NO) V where a.dpt_no = v.dpt_no and a.sal> v.avg_sal; 194. / * Ordered * / Sequence in from FROM according to the table, Ordered Connect Oracle in this order. For example: select / * ordered * / a.col1, b.col2, c.col3 from table1 a, table2 b, table3 c where a.col1 = b.col1 and b.col1 = C.col1;

195. / * USE_NL (Table) * / Connect the specified table with the row of the nested connection, and use the specified table as the internal table. For example: select / * ordered use_nl (bsempms) * / bsdptms.dpt_no, Bsempms.emp_no, bsempms.emp_nam from bsempms, bsdptms where bsempms.dpt_no = bsdptms.dpt_no;

196. / * USE_MERGE (TABLE) * / Connect the specified table to other line silences by combining the sort connection. For example: SELECT / * USE_MERGE (BSEMPMS, BSDPTMS) * / * from bsempms, bsdptms where bsempms.dpt_no = BSDPTMS.DPT_NO;

197. / * USE_HASH (Table) * / Connect the specified table with other lines. For example: SELECT / * USE_HASH (BSEMPMS, BSDPTMS) * / * from bsempms, bsdptms where bsempms.dpt_no = BSDPTMS.DPT_NO;

198. / * DRIVING_SITE (TABLE) * / Force Different tables different from Oracle to perform query execution. For example: SELECT / * DRIVING_SITE (DEPT) * / * from bsempms, dept @ bsdptms where bsempms.dpt_no = dept .Dpt_no;

199. / * Leading (Table) * / The specified table is used as the first table in the connection. 200. / * Cache (Table) * / When full table scanning, the Cache prompts to place the retrieval block of the table. The most recent use end of the minimum list LRU in the buffer cache, for example, for example: select / * full (bsempms) cahe (bsempms) * / EMP_NAM from bsempms;

201. / * Nocache (Table) * / When a full mesh scan is performed, the Cache prompts to place the retrieval block of the table in the buffer cache, the most recent use of the least list of LRUs in the buffer cache, for example: SELECT / * FULL (BSEMPMS) Nocahe (bsempms) * / EMP_NAM from bsempms; 202. / * Append * / Directly inserted to the table, the speed can be improved. Insert / * append * / INTO TEST1 Select * from test4; 203. / * NoAppend * / By starting routine insertion by stopping parallel mode during the insertion statement survival.

INSERT / * NoAppend * / INTO TEST1 Select * from test4; Oracle internal function articles 204. How to get the first character of the string? ASCII (Char) SELECT ASCII ('Abcde') from Dual; Result: 65

205. How to get a value N specified characters? Chr (n) SELECT CHR (68) from dual; Result: D

206. How to connect two strings? Concat (Char1, char2) select concat ('abc', 'defgh') from dual; Result: 'Abcdefgh'

207. How to replace the values ​​in the column as a string? Decode (char, n1, char1, n2, char2 ...) Select Decode (day, 1, 'sun', 2, 'mon') from dual;

208. INITCAP (Char) The first character of the string char is uppercase, the rest is lowercase. SELECT INITCAP ('Abcde') from DUAL;

209. Length (char) takes a string char length. SELECT Length ('Abcde') from DUAL;

210. Lower (char) all turn all the string char to lowercase. SELECT LOWER ('Abcde') from Dual;

211. LPAD (CHAR1, N, CHAR2) Filled CHAR1 with a string char2, making it a length of N. SELECT LPAD ('Abcdefg', 10'123 ') from Dual; Result:' 123ABCDEFG '212. LTRIM (CHAR, SET) Move the character in the string set from the left side of the string char, until the first one is not a character in the set. SELECT ('cdefg', 'cd') from dual; Result: 'EFG'

213. NLS_INITCAP (CHAR) Take the first character of Charity Char, the rest of the character is lowercase. SELECT NLS_INITCAP ('Abcde') from DUAL

214. NLS_LOWER (Char) All characters included in the string Char. SELECT NLS_LOWER ('AAAA') from Dual;

215. NLS_UPPER (CHAR) All characters included in the string Char. SELECT NLS_UPPER ('AAAA') from Dual;

216. Replace (Char1, Char2, Char3) replaced the column of each column value of CHAR2 with a string CHAR3, which is placed in Char1. SELECT Replace (EMP_NO, '123', '456') from Dual; 217. RPAD (Char1, N, Char2) with string char2 Right Filter Char1 to make it a length of N. SELECT RPAD ('234', 8, '0') from DUAL;

218. RTRIM (Char, SET) Removes the character in the string set on the right side of the string, until the last one is not the character in the set. SELECT RTRIM ('Abcde', 'DE') from DUAL

219. Substr (CHAR, M, N) gets N characters starting from M. Dual-byte characters, a Chinese character, a character. SELECT SUBSTR ('Abcde', 2, 3) from Dual;

220. Substrb (CHAR, M, N) Gets N characters starting from M. Double-byte characters, one Chinese character. SELECT SUBSTRB ('Abcde', 2, 3) from Dual;

221. Translate (Char1, Char2, Char3) Replace the portion of Char2 in Char1 with Char3. Select Translate ('Abcdefgh', 'DE', 'Mn') from DUAL

222. Upper (char) All string char is all uppercase.

223. Add_months (d, n) increases N month to D date. SELECT Add_MontHS (Sysdate, 5) from Dual;

224. Last_day (d) Get the date of the last day of the month containing the D date. SELECT LAST_DAY (SYSDATE) from DUAL

225. Month_between (D1, D2) Get the number of months between two dates. SELECT MONTH_BETWEEN (D1, D2) from DUAL;

226. Next_day (d, char) gets the date of the first Sunday named by char than the date D night. SELECT NEXT_DAY (To_Date ('2003/09/20'), 'Satday') from DUAL;

227. Rount (d, fmt) Get the most intake date rounded by the specified mode FMT. SELECT ROUNT ('2003/09/20', MONTH) from DUAL

228. Sysdate gets the date and time of the current system. SELECT SYSDATE from DUAL

229. TO_CHAR (D, FMT) converts the date D to the FMT string. Select to_char (sysdate, 'yyyy / mm / dd') from DUAL;

230. TO_DATE (CHAR, FMT) Converts the string char in the FMT format. SELECT TO_DATE ('2003/09/20', 'YYYY / MM / DD') from DUAL

231. ABS (N) Gets the absolute value of N. SELECT ABS (-6) from Dual;

232. CEIL (n) Gets the most integer greater than or equal to N. SELECT CEIL (5.6) from Dual;

233. COS (N) Gets the cosine value of N. SELECT COS (1) from dual;

234. SIN (N) Gets the sine value of N. SELECT SIN (1) from dual; 235. Cosh (n) Gets the hype sincain value of N. SELECT COSH (1) from Dual;

236. EXP (n) Gets the N power of the E of N. SELECT Exp (1) from dual;

237. Floor (n) Gets minimum integer less than or equal to N. SELECT FLOOR (5.6) from Dual;

238. ln (n) Get N of Natural logs. SELECT LN (1) from Dual;

239. LOG (M, N) Gets the logarithm of the bottom N. SELECT log (2, 8) from DUAL;

240. MOD (m, n) Gets the remainder of M divided by N. SELECT MOD (100, 7) from DUAL;

241. Power (m, n) Gets the N power of M. SELECT POWER (4, 3) from DUAL;

242. Round (n, m) rounds N to M bits after the decimal point. SELECT (78.87653, 2) from dual;

243. Sign (n) When n <0, get -1; when n> 0, get 1; when n = 0, get 0; select Sign (99) from DUAL;

244. SINH (N) Gets the dual sine value of N. SELECT SINH (1) from Dual;

245. Sort (n) Gets the square root of N, N> = 0 Select Sort (9) from Dual;

246. Tan (n) Gets the nose value of N. SELECT TAN (0) from DUAL;

247. Tanh (n) Gets the hyperbolic nose value of N. SELECT TANH (0) from DUAL;

248. Trunc (n, m) Gets the value of N cut off in the M bit. SELECT TRUNC (7.7788, 2) from DUAL

249. count () calculates the number of records that meet the conditions. SELECT Count (*) from table1 where col1 = 'aaa';

250. max () for the specified sum: SELECT MAX (col1) from table1;

251. min () for the specified sum: SELECT MIN (COL1) from table1;

252. AVG () for the specified sum: SELECT AVG (COL1) from table1;

253. Sum () Calculate the sum. Select SUM (col1) from DUAL;

254. TO_NUMBER (CHAR) Convert characters to values. SELECT TO_NUMBER ('999') from Dual;

255. ChartorowID (Char) Converts the CHAR or VARCHAR2 value of the external syntax RowID to the internal binary syntax, the parameter char must be a string of 18 characters containing external syntax. Select Name from bsempms where rowid = Chartorowid ('AaaaafzaabaaAcp8aao '); Name: Leixue

256. Convert (CHAR, DEST_CHAR_SET, SOURCE_CHAR_SET) CONVERT converts characters from the string char to the character set of the Source_Char_set to the character set identified by the dest_char_set

SELECT Convert Convert ('grob ")' traffic 'from Pubs; Conversion: Gross257. Hextoraw (char) converts the hexadecimal char to a RAW value. Insert Into bsempms (Raw_Column) SELECT HEXTORAW ('7D') from test;

258. RawToHex (RAW) converts the RAW value into a CHAR value containing hexadecimal. Select RawTohex (Raw_Column) 'Conversion' from bsempms; Conversion: 7D

259. RowidTochar (Rowid) converts a ROWID value to a VARCHAR2 data type. Select Rowid from bsempms where rowidtochar (rowid) Like '% br1AAB%';

260. TO_MULTI_BYTE (CHAR) Converts the single byte in the char to the equivalent multi-byte character. SELECT TO_MULTI_BYTE ('asfdfd') from test;

261. TO_SINGLE_BYTE (Char) converts the multi-byte characters in char. SELECT TO_SINGLE_BYTE ('asfdfd') from test;

262. Translate Using (Text USING {char_cs | nchar_cs}) Convert text Text into a database character set and national character set according to the specified conversion. The text is to be converted. Using char_cs parameter conversion text is the database character set, output data The type is varchar2. Using nchar_cs parameter conversion text is the database character set, the output data type is nvarchar2. Create Table Test (CHAR_COL Char (20), nchar_col nchar (20)); Insert Into Test Values ​​('Hi, N'Bye') Select * from test; 263. Dump (expr, return_format, start_position, length) Returns a varchar2 value including the information of the data type code, byte length, and the like. The return result is the current database character set, the data type is specified below The encoding of internal data types is returned as a number: code data type 0 varchar2 1 Number 8 Long 12 Date 23 RAW 24 Long Raw 69 ROWID 96 CHAR 106 MSSLABEL parameter RETUEN_FORMAT specifies the number of returned values ​​in accordance with the base below. Return_Format Result 8 8 System 10 10 Enter 16 16 Enter 17 single character indicates that if the parameter return_format is not specified, press the decimal representation to return. If the parameter start_position and longth are specified, the byte starting from start_position will be returned, Is returning an integer representation. SELECT DUMP ('ABC', 1016) from test; select dump (ename, 8, 3, 2) 'Example' from EMP W Here name = 'ccbzz'; 264. Empty_b | clob () Returns an empty LOB locator, used in initializing the LOB variable, or uses in INSERT and UPDATE declaration to initialize the LOB column or set it empty. Insert Into Table1 VALUES (EMPTY_BLOB ()); Update Table1 Set Clob_col = EMPTY_BLOB ();

265. BFileName ('Directory', 'FileName') Returns a BFile locator, the associated binary LOB physical file on the server's file system. Directory Directory refers to the alias of the actual search path on the server's file system. FILENAME Refers to the file name of the server's file system. Insert Into file_tab value (BFilename ('LOB_DIR', 'Image1.gif'); 266. Greatest (expr, expr, ...) Greatest returns the maximum value of the parameter. SELECT GREATEST ('Harry', 'Harriot', 'Harold') 'Sample' from Table1;

267. Least (expr, expr, ...) Least returns the minimum value of the parameters. SELECT Least ('Harry', 'Harriot', 'Harold') 'Sample' from Table1; 268. NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN (Bytecnt, CSID) Returns one width NCHAR column SELECT NLS_CHARSET_DECL_LEN (200, NLS_CHARSET_ID ( 'JA16EEFDFDF')) FROM TABLE1;. 269 NLS_CHARSET_ID (TEXT) returns the corresponding NLS character set name number NLS character set ID SELECT NLS_CHARSET_D ( 'JADFDFFDF') FROM TABLE1.;

270. NLS_CHARSET_NAME (N) Returns the NLS character set name corresponding to the ID number N. SELECT NLS_CHARSET_NAME (2) from table1;

271. NVL (Expr1, Expr2) If EXPR1 is NULL, return EXPR2, otherwise return EXPR1. SELECT NAME, NVL (To_Char (COMM), 'Not Application' from table1;

272. UID Returns an integer that identifies the current database user. SELECT UID from table1;

273. USER Returns the name of the current Oracle user with a varchar2 data type. SELECT USER, UID from table1;

274. Userenv (option) Returns the current session information. Option = 'isdba' If the current is the DBA role, TRUE, otherwise false 'returns the character set of the database. Option =' sessionID 'is the current session ID . Option = 'entryid' Returns the auditable session identifier. Option = 'language' returns the ISO newspaper of the session language name. Option = 'instance' returns the current instance. SELECT Userenv ('Language') from Dual;

275. VSIZE (EXPR) Returns the number of bytes represented by Expr. SELECT NAME, VSIZE (NAME) from table1;

276. Deref (e) Returns the object reference of the parameter E. SELECT Deref (C2) from table1;

277. REFTOHEX (R) converts the parameter R to 16-based. SELECT REFTOHEX (C2) from table1;

278. Make_ref (Table, Key, Key ...) Creates a reference to a row in a given view object by treating a given key as a primary key. Create Type T1 As Object (A Number, B Number); Create Table TB1 (C1 Number, C2 Number, Primary Key (C1, C2)); Create View V1 of T1 with Object OID (A, B) AS SELECT * from TB1; SELECT MAKE_REF (V1, 1, 3) from Pubs;

279. stddev (DistINCT | All X) stddev gives a quotation of a set of row values. Select stddev (Salary) AS Example from Employee

280. Variance (DistINCT | All X) Variance Returns the variance of all VALUE in a row. Select variance (Salary) AS Example from Employee; 9i Management V $ view. 281. V $ Access

Displays objects in the currently locked database and is accessing their sessions.


Establish a mapping from the instance name to the instance number to all instances that appear in the currently installed database.


All active session resource allocation methods.

284. V $ AQ

The queue of the queue in the current database.

285. V $ Archive

The information you need to make the log file required.

286. V $ archive_dest

All files for all archive logs of the current instance, and their current values, patterns, and status.

287. V $ archive_processes

Provide information for different ARCH process status for an example.

288. V $ archive_log

Control the archive log information in the file.

289. V $ BACKUP

The backup status of all online data files.

290. V $ backup_async_io

Display the information of the backup set from the control file.

291. V $ backup_corruption

Displays information about corruption from the control file backup.

292. V $ backup_datafile

Displays the backup data files and backup control files from the control file.

293. V $ backup_device

Display information about supporting the backup device.

294. V $ backup_piece

Display the information of the backup block from the control file.

295. V $ backup_redolog

Display information about the backup set archive log from the control file.

296. V $ backup_set

Display the information of the backup set from the control file.

297. V $ backup_sync_io

Display the information of the backup set from the control file.


Describe the background process.

299. V $ BH

It is a real-time application cluster view of 9i. The number of status and probing is given to each buffer in the system's global zone.

300. V $ BSP

Displays statistics on the background process of the block server background in the cache.

301. V $ buffer_pool

Displays information about the instance buffer pool.

302. V $ buffer_pool_statistics

Displays information about the instance buffer pool.

303. V $ cache

Contains head information of each block in the SGA of the current instance.

304. V $ cache_lock

Contains head information of each block in the SGA of the current instance. And V $ cache is very similar,

Except for the special envoy the platform lock manager identifier.

305. V $ Cache_TRANSFER

In addition to only those blocks that are probed at least once, and the V $ cache function is the same.

306. V $ CIRCUIT

Contains information about the virtual circuit, is the user through the scheduler and server to all connections.

307. V $ Class_Ping

Displays the number of probed blocks in each block class.

308. V $ CompaTibility

Display the feature used by the database instance, prevent the database from going back to the early versions.

309. V $ compatseg

Displays the permanent feature used by the database instance, prevent the database from going back to the early versions.

310. V $ context

List the setting properties of the current dialog.

311. V $ ControlFile

List the name of the control file.

312. V $ controlfile_record_section

Displays information about the control file recording section.


Display information of corruption in the control file.


Displays statistics on the background process of the block server background in the cache.

315. V $ database

Contains information about the database in the control file.

316. V $ DataFile

Contains information about database files in the control file.

317. V $ datafile_copy

Contains information about the copy of the database file file in the control file.

318. V $ dataFile_Header

Display data file information of the header of the data file. 319. V $ db_cache_advice

Estimate the amount of physical read according to the size of the cache.

320. V $ db_Object_cache

Caches the database object in the library cache.

321. V $ db_pipes

Displays the currently depicted pipes in the instance.

322. V $ dbfile

List all data files that make up the database.

323. V $ dblink

Query all database connections that sessions open.

324. V $ deleted_Object

The archive log is deleted in the display control file.

325. V $ dispatcher

Provide information about the schedule process.

326. V $ dispatcher_rate

Provide high quality providing rate statistics for the scheduling process.

327. V $ dlm_all_locks

List the information of all current locks.

328. V $ dlm_convert_local

The time consumed by the local lock conversion operation.

329. V $ dlm_convert_remote

The time consumed by the remote lock conversion operation.

330. V $ dlm_latch

It is Outdated, see V $ Latch

331. V $ DLM_LOCKS

These are locking messages that are blocked or block other objects known to the lock manager.

332. V $ dlm_misc

Display a variety of DLM statistics.

333. V $ DLM_RESS

Displays information about all resources known to the current lock manager.

334. V $ enabledprive

Display the granted privilege.

335. V $ enqueue_lock

Displays all locks owned by the queuing object.

336. V $ Event_Name

Contains information waiting for the event.

337. V $ execution

Displays information in parallel execution.

338. V $ false_ping

It is possible to get a buffer that the exploration failed.

339. V $ fast_start_servers

Perform information of all the subordinate operations recovered in parallel operations.

340. V $ fast_start_transactions

Transaction progress information in recovery.

341. V $ file_cache_transfer

Displays the number of blocks detected in each data file.

342. V $ file_ping

Display the number of blocks that each data file is proud.

343. V $ filestat

Contains files about read / write statistics.

344. V $ fixed_table

Display all dynamic performance tables and views and export tables in the database.

345. V $ fixed_view_definition

Displays the definition of all fixed views.


You can find a lock that protects more cache.


These are locking messages that are blocked or block other objects known to the lock manager.


The time consumed by the local lock conversion operation.


The time consumed by the remote lock conversion operation.


Displays all the locks you know by the current lock administrator.

351. V $ GES_LATCH

See also v $ latch


Displays information about all resources known to the current lock manager.


Display a variety of DLM statistics.

354. V $ global_blocked_locks

Display global block lock.

355. V $ global_transaction

Displays information about currently activated global transactions.

356. V $ HS_AGENT

Identify the collection of HS agents currently running on a given host.


The Oracle server opens the HS session set.

358. V $ indexed_fixed_column

Displays the column in the dynamic performance table of the index (X $ table).


Displays the status of the current instance.


Used to monitor the limit mechanism to perform the user to specify the number of times the recovery.

361. V $ latch

The statistic is collected for non-parental simple locks.

362. V $ latch_children

About the statistics of the subcontractic lock.

363. V $ latch_misses attempts to get a simple lock failure.

364. V $ latch_parent

Contains a statistic about the simple lock of the double pro.

365. V $ latchholder

The current simple lock holder's information.

366. V $ latchname

Contains information about the unlocking unlocking name of the simple lock in V $ latch.

367. V $ librarycache

Statistics on cache performance and activity.

368. V $ license

Information for license restrictions.

369. V $ loadCSTAT

Contains SQL * Loader statistics compiled during a direct load execution process.

370. V $ LOCK

The currently held by Oracle.


Displays the DLM lock operation activity of the current instance.


Each PCM lock that is cached is an entry in V $ LOCK_ELEMENTS.

373. V $ locked_Object

List all locks obtained by each transaction.

374. V $ loc_with_collisions

You can query the lock of the multi-buffer.

375. V $ log

Control the information of the log file in the file.

376. V $ log_history

Control the historical information of the log file in the file.

377. V $ logfile

The information that contains redo log files.

378. V $ loghist

Control the log history information of the log file in the file.

379. V $ logmnr_contents

Log History.

380. V $ logmnr_dictionary

Log History.

381. V $ logmnr_logs

Log information.

382. V $ logmnr_parameters

Log information.

383. V $ MTS

Contains information of the server that adjusts multi-threaded servers.

384. V $ mystat

The statistic of the current session.


Current NLS parameter information.


List all the valid values ​​for all NLS parameters.

387. V $ Object_Dependency

Can determine which object is determined by the package, process or cursor currently loaded in the shared pool.

388. V $ Object_USAGE

To monitor the use of the index.

389. V $ Obsolete_Parameter

List the old parameters.


Display offline information of the data file in the control file.


List the cursors of each session currently open and parsed.

392. V $ Option

List the status of Oracle service installation.

393. V $ parallel_degree_limit_mth

Show all effective ways to limit resource allocation.

394. V $ Parameter

List the information about initialization parameters.

395. V $ Parameter2

List the parameters and parameter values ​​that currently affect the session.

396. V $ pgastat

List Oracle Memory Use Statistics.

397. V $ ping

Like V $ Cache.


List the statistics for parallel query sessions.

399. V $ PQ_SLAVE

An instance of each active parallel execution server statistic.


List the statistics of the system of parallel queries. 401. V $ PQ_TQSTAT

Contains a statistic on parallel implementation operations. Help measuring unbalanced issues in a query.

402. V $ processs

Contains information about the current activity process.

403. V $ proxy_archivedlog

Contains description information for archive log backup files, which have a new feature called Proxy copy.

404. V $ proxy_datafile

Contains a description of data files and control file backups, these backup files have a new feature called Proxy copy.


A user who is granted SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges is listed.


Contains information about sessions that are running in parallel.


Information containing sessions being run in parallel. 408. V $ PX_Session

Contains information about sessions that are running in parallel.


Contains information about sessions that are running in parallel.

410. V $ queue

Contains information about multi-threaded message queues.

411. V $ queueing_mth

Display all available query resource allocation methods.

412. V $ Recover_File

Display file status required to recover media recovery.

413. V $ Recovery_File_Status

Contains a line of information for each data file for each recovery command.

414. V $ Recovery_log

List the information that requires an archive log that needs to be recovered. This information comes from V $ log_history

415. V $ Recovery_Process

Can be used to track database recovery operations so they will not be terminated.

It is also used to estimate the time required to complete this operation in the process.

416. V $ Recovery_Status

Contains the statistic of the current recovery process.

417. V $ reqdist

List the statistics of histograms of the MTS scheduler request number.

418. V $ reserved_words

Give a list of keywords used by the PL / SQL compiler.

419. V $ resource

Contains resource name and address information.

420. V $ resource_limit

Display information for global resource usage of system resources.


List all online returns.


Contains the statistics of the rollback segment.


Display the statistics of the active data dictionary.


Displays information about all dual-pro objects in the data dictionary.


Displays information about the dependent object in the data dictionary.


Displays the data associated with the current active resource consumer user group.


Displays all the allocation methods of all available resources for the resource consumer user group.

428. V $ RSRC_PLAN

Displays the name of all current active resource scenarios.


Display all available CPU resource allocation methods for the resource scheme.

430. V $ sess_io

List I / O statistics for each user session.

431. V $ session

List the session information of each session.

432. V $ session_connect_info

Displays information about the network connection of the current session.

433. V $ session_cursor_cache

Displays information about cursor usage of the current session.

434. V $ session_event

List the information that sessions waiting for an event.

435. V $ session_longops

Display a state of a long run operation.

436. V $ session_Object_cache

Displays the statistics of the object cache of the current user-talk on the local server.

437. V $ session_wait

List the resources or events of the active activities.

438. V $ sessstat

List the user session statistics.

439. V $ SGA

The presidential measurement of the system's global zone is included.

440. V $ SGASTAT

Contains details of the system's global zone.

441. V $ shared_pool_reserved

List the statistics that can help you regulate the pool and space in the shared pool.

442. V $ Shared_Server

Contains information about the shared server process.

443. V $ shared_server_monitor

Contains information about debugging the shared server process.

444. V $ sort_segment

Contains information of each sort segment in a given instance.

445. V $ spparameter

List the contents of the spfile.

446. V $ SQL

List the statistics of the SQL shared area.


If the data is available in the server, it will give each different connection variables in each cacker that queries this view.

Displays the actual connection data sent by the client.


For each of the different connection variables in each cacker owned by the session of this view, the connection metadata provided by the client is displayed. 449. V $ SQL_CURSOR

Display the debug information of each cursor associated with the session of this view.

450. V $ SQL_PLAN

Contains execution plan information that is loaded into the library cache.


A specific sub-game has no interpretation of the sharing of a subquery existing.


Information about the cursor of the shared memory snapshot.


Identify the redirected SQL statement.


Displays workspace information used by SQL cursors.


Contains the 昫 昫 information of the workspace that is currently allocated by the system.

456. V $ SQLAREA

Share SQL statistics.

457. V $ SQLText

The SQL statement text containing the SGA belongs to the shared SQL cursor.


You can't use space instead of the new row system, and the V $ SQLText functionality is the same.


Display the decoding statistical name of the statistic in the V $ SESSSTAT and V $ SYSTAT table.


Displays information about the dependent cache currently loaded in the library cache.

461. V $ sysstat

List system statistics.

462. V $ system_cursor_cache

System range information.


Contains all information waiting for an event.


Contains system parameter information.


The currently affected parameters and parameters of the Oracle instance.


Control information of tablespace in the file.


Displays the number of checked blocks in each data file.


Shows the status information of each unit of all temporary tablespaces.


The status of the temporary spatial cache used by a given instance is displayed.

470. V $ TEMP_PING

Displays the number of blocks of each data file search.


Display the aggregation information of each file in each temporary table space, involving how many spaces in each space in each space, how much

By space.


Show information about temporary files.


Show temporary LOB.


Contains statistics for file read / write.

475. V $ thread

Contains thread information in the control file.

476. V $ TIMER

List the passage time at 1% seconds.


List the legal time zone name.

478. V $ Transaction

List the active transactions in your system.

479. V $ transaction_enqueue

Show the lock owned by the transaction status object.

480. V $ TY_SIZE

List the size of different database components to estimate the size of the data block.

481. V $ undostat

Display a historical statistics to display how the system works.

482. V $ VERSION

List the version number of the core library component in the Oracle server.


List all security policies associated with the cursors currently in the library cache.

484. V $ WaitStat

List the block competitive statistics .9i management data dictionary DBA view.

485. DBA_2PC_Neighbors

Contains connection information of the introduction or flowing of the pending transaction.


Displays a description of all tables in the database.

487. DBA_Application_Roles

All validation policies with functions defined.


Display user-defined statistics.


List the audit tracking generated by Audit Not Exists and Audit EXISTS. 490. DBA_AUDIT_OBJECT

Audit tracking record of all objects in the system.


List all audit tracking information about Connect and Disconnect.


List the audit tracking information about Grant, Revoke, Audit, NoAudit, ALTER System statement.


List all audit trace entries.


List all sessions that are waiting for a session holding lock, but not they are waiting for a lock.


Describe all materialized views in the database.


List all databases, views, synonyms, and sequences.


List the mapping of the table to the aggregation column.

498. DBA_Cluster_hash_expressions

List all aggregated hash Hash functions.

499. DBA_ClUsters

Contains a description of all aggregations in the database.


Note from the columns of all tables and views.


List all privileges granted in the database.


Displays all named collection types in the database.


Includes information of the accessible column in the constraint definition.


All forms constraints are defined.


All context namespace information.


Database file information.


All database links in the database.


All DDL locks held by the database.

509. DBA_Dependencies

List the dependence between objects.


The relationship between the columns between dimensions and functions dependent.


Represents connections between two dimensions.


Represents a column of a dimension.


Represents a dimension.


Representative object.


Provide information on all objects of the database.


List all DML locks in the database, and the request for a DML lock.


List the current error of all stored objects in the database.


Contains information for exporting files.


List the objects exported in an incremental manner.


Contains the version number of the final export session.


List the information of all segments in the database.


Describe all the external tables in the database.


List the idle partitions in all tablespaces.


Contains statistics on the merged space in the table space.


It is synonymous with DBA_TAB_HISTOGRAMS.


A description of the columns included in all tables and aggregates.


Contains an expression of a function type index in all tables and aggregates.


For each index partition, describe the partition information of the partition level, the storage parameters of the partition, and various partition statistics determined by Analyze.


For each index partition that the current user has, describes partition information, partition storage parameters, and various points determined by Analyze.

Area statistics.

530. Description of all indexes in the DBA_Indexes database.

531. dba_indextype_comments

All user-defined index types in the database.


List all the operators supported by the index type.


All index types.

534. DBA_Internal_Triggers

All internal triggers in the database.


All jobs in the database.


All currently running jobs in the database.


Describe all connection conditions in the database.


List all locks and Pins on the KGL object.


List all the libraries in the database.


The JOB that can be accessed in the table.


Displays partition-level properties in the LOB data subordinate partition.


Contains LOBs in all tables.


Contains a row of information that is held or simple locked, and a line of information of each unrequited request.


List the locks or simple locks held in the database, and each unrequited request information.


Describe information on all columns in the database specified in the log group.


Description of the method parameters of the type of the database.


Description of all types of method results in the database.


Group functions that appear in the SELECT list that aggregates the SELECT list.


Representatives potentially support query rewriting.


List all the columns recorded in the materialized view log.


Describe the refresh time of all materialized views in the database.


Describe all materialized views in the database.


Description of the nested table in all tables.


List the audit options for all users of the user.

555. DBA_Object_size

List the size indicated by various objects bytes.

556. DBA_Object_Tables

Displays a description of all object tables in the database.


List all objects in the database.

558. DBA_OPAncillary

List the additional information of the operating connection.


List the parameter information of the operation of the connection.

560. dba_orphan_key_table

Reports the key values ​​in the index of the base table.


List the prompt that makes up a summary.

562. DBA_outlines

List the information about the summary.


Column statistics and histogram information of all partition tables.


All histogram data of all histograms on all table partitions.


Object-level partition information for all partition indexes.


Partition key column of all partition objects.


Describe the table-level information of the partition LOB.


List the object-level partition information of all partition tables.


Describe some deleted tables.


Provide information about the unfinished transaction.


List all security policies in the database.

572. DBA_PRIV_AUDIT_OPTS passes the current system privileges through the system and the user audit.


All functions and processes and their related properties.


Display all startup files and restrictions.


Displays information about all proxy connections in the system.


Describe all the tables where there is a source.


Describe the current propagation information.


Describe the names and types of the queues in all queues established in the database.


Describe the operational characteristics of each queue in the database.


List all subgroups in any refresh group.


List all refresh groups.


List all objects in the refresh group.


The REF column and the REF attribute in the object type column of all tables in the database.


List the materialized view of all restructuring in this location.


All registered material views in the database.


List all snapshot registration groups in the site.


Retrieve the information of the remote snapshot of the local table.


Any damage found by the DBA_REPAIR.CHECK_OBJECT process.


List the recoverable statements executed in the system.


List all refresh groups.


List the roles granted to the user role.


All roles exist in the database.


Contains a description of the rollback segment.


List all authorized resource administrators, users, and roles.


All resource consumer groups in the database.


List all users and roles that have been granted to the resource administrator system privilege.


An indication of all resource plans existing in the database.


All resource plans existing in the database.


Allocated to all database segments.


Description of all sequences in the database.


List all the filters recorded on the snapshot log.


All snapshot logs in the database.


List the number of snapshots.


All snapshots in the database.

605. DBA_Source

Source of all storage objects in the database.

606. dba_source_tables

Allow the issuer to view all existing source tables.


All properties for the SQLJ object in the database.


All types of methods in the database.


All of the databases on SQLJ object type information.


Describe the current system audit options through the system and by the user audit.

611. DBA_Stored_Settings

List the permanent parameter setting information of the storage PL / SQL unit with privilege.


List the column statistics and histogram information of the form partition.


List the actual data of the straight figure in the form partition.


Allow the issuer to view the columns of all the issued issues they are ready.


Allow the issuer to view all the issues they are ready.


Allow the issuer to view all scheduled.


All synonyms in the database.


System privileges granted to users and roles.


The column statistics and histogram information included in the DBA_TAB_COLUMNS view.


All tables, views and aggregated descriptions of information.


Note from all columns and tables in the database.


The histograms of all listings are listed.


Displays the modified table after all the last statistics in the database.


The partition of the table describes its partition-level partition information, partition storage parameters, and various partition statistics determined by Analyze.


List system privileges granted to the user's role.


The sub-partition of the table describes its partition-level partition information, partition storage parameters, and various partition statistics determined by Analyze.


Description of all relational tables in the database.


Description of all table spaces.


Database temporary file information.


All messaging information in the database is delivered.


Usage of all triggers columns.


All triggers in the database.


All users' tablespace limit.


The properties of the database type.


Describe all types of methods in the database.


All abstract data types in the database.


Submission time of each range of the withdrawal table space.


Description of all unused columns.


For a description of the columns that can be updated by the database administrator in a connection view.


Database All user information.


Current user information.


The text of the user can access the text.


The text of all views in the database.

644. DBA_Waiters

List all sessions that are waiting for a lock, and lists the sessions that are prevented from getting the lock. 9i Data Dictionary User view.

645. User_all_tables

A description of the table available to the user.

646. User_arguments

List the parameters in the object you can access by the user.


User-defined statistics of the current user owned by the user.

648. User_audit_object

About the statement audit tracking record.

649. User_audit_Session

About all audit trail records for users or disconnects.

650. User_audit_statement

List the audit tracking entries for the Grant, Revoke, Audit, NoAudit, ALTER SYSTEM statements issued by the user.

651. User_audit_trail

Audit trace entry related to the user.

652. User_base_table_mviews

The current user owns all the materialized view of the usual view log.

653. User_catalog

The user has a table, view, synonym, and sequence. 654. User_clu_columns

The list of user tables is listed to the mapping of the aggregation columns.

655. User_cluster_hash_expressions

All aggregates and hash functions for users can access.

656. User_Clusters

Description of the aggregation owned by the user.

657. User_col_comments

List the comments on the column of the user table or view.


List the authorization on the column, the user is owner, grantient, or being granted.

659. User_col_privs_made

List all the licenses on the columns of the user's objects.

660. User_col_privs_recd

List the authorization on the column, the user is awarded.

661. User_coll_types

The user's naming collection type.

662. User_cons_columns

The column information in the user's constraint definition.

663. User_Constraints

Constraint definitions on the user table.

664. User_db_links

Database chain information.

665. User_Dependencies

The dependency between the objects of the individual.

666. User_dim_attributes

The relationship between the current user mode is level and functional dependencies.

667. User_dim_child_of

The current user has a hierarchical relationship of 1 to N-dimensional water.

668. User_dim_hierarchies

The hierarchy of the current user has a dimension.

669. User_dim_join_Key

The current connection between the user has a dimension.

670. User_dim_level_key

The current user has a grade of a grade.


A Ni Column with current users has.

672. User_dimensions

Current user mode under the object.

673. User_ERRORS

Current error on all users of all storage objects.

674. User_extents

The range of segments belonging to the user object.

675. User_External_Tables

All external objects of the current user have.

676. User_free_space

The user can access the idle range in the table space.

678. User_histograms

This view is synonymous with user_histograph.

679. User_ind_columns

User index and columns on the table.

680. User_ind_expressions

The current user has an expression based on a function based on a function.

681. User_ind_subpartitions

The current user owns the properties of each bypass partition, partition level partition information, storage parameters of the sub-partition, and various points determined by Analyze

District statistics.

682. User_indexes

An instructions for the current user owns the index.

683. User_indextype_comments

All comments for the user-defined index type owned by the user.

684. User_indextype_operators

All operations of the current user have index types.

685. User_indextypes

All index types owned by the current user.

686. User_internal_triggers

The internal trigger on all tables owned by the user.

687. User_JOBS

All homework owned by users.

688. user_join_ind_columns

All connection conditions in the current user have in the database.


List all the users owned by the user.

690. User_lob_partitions

The partition level attribute in the current user has the LOB data subordinate partition.

691. User_lobs

Displays the LOB contained in the user table.

692. User_log_group_columns

The current user owns the column specified in the log.

693. User_log_groups

The log group defined by all tables owned by the current user in the database.

694. User_method_params

Method parameters of the user type owned by the user.

695. User_mview_aggregates

The current user has a packet function that appears in the Select list of the instantiation view. 696. User_mview_analysis

All materialized views currently have all materialized views to potentially support the query rewrite and have additional information available for application analysis.

697. User_mview_detail_relevants

Represents the naming detail relationship.

698. User_mview_join

Describe the connection between the two columns in the WHERE clause of an instantiated view.

699. User_mview_keys

The materialization view is based on the column or expression in the SELECT list based on the current user mode.

700. User_mview_refresh_times

Refresh time of all materialized views owned by the current user in the database.

701. User_mviews

All materialized views currently owned in the database.

702. user_nested_tables

Nested tables in the table owned by the user.

703. User_obj_audit_opts

The user has the audit options for tables and views.

704. User_Object_size

The size of the PL / SQL object owned by the user.

705. User_Object_Tables

The object table owned by the user.

706. User_Object

The object owned by the user.


The auxiliary information of the current user has the operation.

708. User_oparguments

Current user's argument information.

709. User_opbindings

The binding of the current user has the operation.

710. User_operator_comments

All comments for the user-defined operations owned by the user.


All operations of the current user have.

712. User_outline_hints

The current user has a hint setting for a profile.


All of the current users have all the profits.

714. User_Part_col_statistics

Column statistics and histogram data of the table partition owned by the user.

715. User_Part_Histograms

The current user can access the topographic map data.

716. User_Part_Key_Columns

The partition key column of the current user owned partition object.

717. User_Part_indexes

The current user has all partition all of the object level partition information.

718. User_Part_lobs

Table-level information of the current user owned partition large objects.

719. User_Part_Tables

Object level partition information of the current user owned partition table.

720. user_partial_drop_tabs

There are some tables that delete the table operation in the current user mode.

721. user_password_limits

Password parameter file allocated to the user.

722. User_Policies

The current security policy of all objects owned by the user.

723. User_Procedures

All functions and faults of the current user have and their related properties.

724. User_Proxies

Current users are allowed to connect information.

725. User_published_columns

Describe all existed source columns with privileges.

726. User_queue_schedules

Information about the queue schedule.

727. User_queue_tables

Only the queues in the queue created in the user mode are described.

728. User_Queues

All refreshes groups in each queue in user mode.

729. User_refresh

All the refreshes groups owned by the current user.

730. User_refresh_children

List all objects in the refresh group.


The REF column and REF attribute in the object type column of the user table.

732. User_registered_mviews

All registered material views of the current user have.

733. User_registered_snapshots

The current user has all registered snapshots.

734. User_Resource_limits

The resource limit of current users.

735. User_resumable lists the recoverable statements that the current user performs.


List the role granted to the user.

737. User_rsrc_consumer_group_privs

List all the resource consumption groups granted to the user.

738. User_RSRC_Manager_system_privs

A user who lists all system privileges granted to the DBMS_RESOURCE_MANAGER package.

739. User_SEGMENTS

List the storage allocation information of the database segment belonging to the user object.

740. User_Sequences

Description of the user sequence.

741. User_snapshot_logs

All snapshot logs owned by the user.

742. User_Snapshot_refresh_times

The number of snapshot refreshes.

743. User_Snapshots

Users can view snapshots.

744. User_Source

A text source that belongs to all storage objects of the user.

745. User_sorce_tables

Allows you to see all existing source tables with predetermined privileges.

746. User_sqlj_type_attrs

The current user has all the properties of the SQLJ object.

747. User_sqlj_type_methods

The type method of the current user has.

748. User_sqlj_types

The current user has information about SQLJ object type information.

749. User_Stored_Settings

The current user has the permanent parameter setting of the stored PL / SQL unit.

750. User_subpart_col_statistics

A column statistics and column graph information showing the sub-partition of the subband object of the current user.

751. User_subpart_histograms

Displays the actual histogram data of the histogram of the histogram of the current user owned.

752. User_Subpart_Key_Columns

A column statistics and column graph information showing the sub-partition of the subband object of the current user.

753. User_subscribed_columns

Allow the issuer to view all the columns of all predetermined issues.

754. User_subscribed_tables

Allow the issuer to view all scheduled tables for all scheduled issues.

755. User_subscriptions

Allow the issuer to view all scheduled.

756. User_sysnonyms

The private synonym of the current user has.

757. User_sys_privs

Grant the user's system privilege.

758. User_Tab_col_statistics

A column statistics and histogram information in the user_tab_columns view.

759. User_Tab_Columns

Information for user tables or views or columns on aggregates.

760. User_Tab_Comments

The user has a comment on the table or view.

761. User_Tab_histograms

The histogram on the column of the user table.

762. User_Tab_Modifications

The table has been modified after all the last statistics have.

763. User_Tab_Partitions

The name, storage attribute of each table partition, stored at its list, and partition name.


Privileges on the object.

765. User_tab_privs_made

The user has all the privileges on the object.

766. User_Tab_Privs_Recd

Contains privileges on the object, the user is awarded.

767. User_Tab_subpartitions

The name of each sub-partition, store properties, table and partition name.


Description of the relationship table owned by the user.


Alternative table space description.


The transformation information of a particular user has.

771. User_trigger_cols

Usage in the user trigger.

772. User_Triggers

Description of the user trigger.

773. User_Types

The type of user in the table.

774. The properties of the user_type_attrs user's type.

775. User_ts_quotas

The user's table space limit.


The user's method type.

777. User_unused_col_tabs

Contains all the tables that are not used.

778. User_updatable_columns

A description of the column that the user can modify in the connection view.

779. User_Users

Current user information.

780. User_ustats

User definition statistics owned by the user.


All arrays owned by users.

782. User_Views

The user has a view of the view .9i management data dictionary ALL view.


All tables that users can access.


All parameters of the user can access objects.

785. All_Associations

User-defined statistics.


All materialized view information for users can access.

787. All_catalog

Users can access all tables, synonyms, territory and sequences.

788. All_cluster_hash_expressions

Users can access the aggregated Hash function.

789. All_clusters

All of the gathering of users can access.

790. All_col_comments

Users can access annotations on tables or views.

791. All_col_privs

List the authorization, user or public is awarded by the list.

792. all_col_privs_made

List the authorization on the column, the user is the owner or authorized.

793. All_col_privs_recd

List the authorization, user or public is an authorized person.

794. all_coll_types

Users can access the named collection type.

795. all_cons_columns

Contains information that can be used in the constraint definition.

796. All_Constraints

List the constraint definitions on the ready table.

797. All_Context

Display the up and down information of the activity.

798. all_db_links

User can access data chain.

799. all_def_audit_opts

The default object audit options included in the object establishment are included.

800. All_Dependencies

The dependency between the user can access objects.

801. All_dim_hierarchies

Show the level of dimension.

802. All_dim_join_Key

Describe the connection between the two dimensions.

803. All_dim_level_key

Describe the column of the dimension.

804. All_dim_levels

Describe the dimension level.

805. All_dimensions

Information containing dimensional objects.

806. All_directories

All directory descriptions for users can access.

807. All_ERRORS

The user can access the current error on all objects.

808. all_external_tables

Users can access external tables.

809. All_histograms

Is equal to all_tab_histograms alias.

810. all_ind_columns

User can access index columns.

811. all_ind_expressions

Users can access the function index expression on the table.

812. All_ind_Partitions

To the index partition, describe partition information of the partition level.

813. All_ind_subpartitons

Describe the partition information of the sub-partition level for the index sub-partition.

814. All_indexes

The index description of the user can access.

815. All_indextype_commnets

Users can access user-defined index types.

816. All_indextype_operators

Displays all operators supported by the index type.

817. All_indextypes

Displays all index types.

818. all_internal_triggers

The internal trigger that the user can access.

819. All_JOBS

All jobs in the database. 820. All_join_ind_columns

Describe the connection critical connection to the bit mapping connection index.

821. All_libraries

Users can access all libraries.

822. All_lob_Partitions

The user can access the table contains LOB.

823. All_lob_subpartitions

Display the partition level of the LOB data sub-partition.

824. All_lobs

The user can access the table contains LOB.

825. All_log_group_columns

Users can access columns defined in the log group.

826. All_log_groups

The log group definition on the table can be accessed.

827. All_method_Params

Method parameters of the user accessible type.

828. All_Method_Results

The method of user accessibility type.


The group function appearing in the SELECT list of the materialization view of the total class.

830. All_mview_analysis

Description Possible to support the query override and have an ingredient view that can be used for additional information that can be used for application analysis, but does not include remote and non-static.


Describe the naming detail relationship of the materialized view from the list of the property, or indirectly by the FROM list.

832. All_mview_joins

Describe the two columns between the physicalized view WHERE clause.


Describe the naming detail relationship of the materialized view from the list of the property, or indirectly by the FROM list.


The user can access the refresh time of the materialized view.

835. All_mviews

All materialized views for users can access.

836. all_nested_tables

The nested table in the table can be accessed.

837. All_Object_Tables

The description of the user accessible object table.

838. All_opancillary

Display the auxiliary information of the operator.


Displays the change of the operation bundle.

840. All_opbindings

The display operator is bundled.


All comments for user accessible user-defined operations.

842. All_operators

User can access operator.

843. All_outline_HINTS

A prompt for user accessible profiles.

844. All_outlines

All of users can access.

845. all_part_col_statistics

The user can access column statistics and histogram information of the table partition.

846. All_part_histograms

The cylindrical data of the user can access the table partition.

847. All_part_indexes

Object-level partition information of all partition index currently accessible.

848. all_part_key_columns

The partition key value of the current user accessible partition object.

849. All_Part_lobs

Table-level information of the current user accessible partition LOB.

850. all_part_tables

Object-level partition information for the current user accessible partition table.

851. all_partial_drop_tabs

The current user can access the table with a local delete table.

852. All_Policies

All strategies on all tables and views of the current user can access.

853. All_Procedures

List all functions and procedures and related properties.

854. All_published_columns

Describe the source list columns that the user has privilege.

855. all_queue_tables

All queues of the current user accessible queue table.

856. All_Queues

Shows the queue information that the user has a team or out of the privilege.

857. All_Refresh

All refresh groups currently accessible can be accessed.

858. All_refresh_Children

List all objects in the refresh group.

859. All_refresh_dependencies

Displays the dependent detail or container table name of all summary or snapshots in the current mode.

860. All_refs

The current user can access the REF column and the REF attribute in the object type column.

861. All_registered_mviews

All materialized views of current users can access.

862. All_registered_snapshots

List all registered snapshots.

863. All_Sequences

All sequences of current users can access.

864. All_Snapshot_logs

The current user accessible materialized view log.

865. all_snapshot_refresh_times

Snapshot refresh number.

866. All_Source

The text source of all storage objects that currently accessible.

867. all_source_tables

Allow the issuer to view all existing source tables.

868. all_sqlj_type_attrs

The current user can access all properties about the SQLJ object.


Type method of current user accessible.

870. all_sqlj_types

The current user can access about SQLJ object type information.

871. All_Stored_Settings

The current user has its permanent parameter setting for the storage PL / SQL unit that performs privileges.

872. All_subpart_col_statistics

The column statistics and column information containing user_tab_columns.

873. All_subpart_histograms

Displays the actual histogram information of the histogram of the histogram of the sheet partition.

874. All_Subpart_Key_Columns

The sub-zone key value of the table using the composite range / hash method partition is displayed.

875. All_subscribed_columns

Allow the issuer to view the columns of all the issued issues they are ready.

876. all_subscribed_tables

Allow the issuer to view all the issues they are ready.

877. All_subscriptions

Allow the issuer to view all of them all.

878. All_sumdelia

User accessible direct path loading entries.

879. All_Synonyms

All synonyms for users can access.

880. all_tab_col_statistics

A column statistics and column information containing all_tab_columns.

881. All_tab_columns

Users can access all tables, views, and columns of the aggregation.

882. All_Tab_Comments

Users can access the comments in the tables and views of the view.

883. All_tab_histograms

Users can access column information in the tables and views of the view.

884. All_tab_modifications

The user can access the last statistically modified table.

885. All_Tab_Privs

List the authorizations on the object, the user or public user is awarded.


List the authorization of the user's license and user objects.

887. All_Tab_Privs_Recd

List the authorizations on the object, users and public are granted.

888. All_tab_subpartitions

The user can access the name, storage attribute, the table and partition name it belongs.


Description of the user accessible relational table.

890. All_Triggers

The trigger owned by the user.

891. All_trigger_cols

The columns and usages of the triggers owned by the user.

892. All_Type_attrs

The properties of the user accessible type.


The method of user accessibility type.

894. All_Types

User can access type.

895. All_unused_col_tabs

Contains all tables that are not used.

896. All_updatable_columns

A description of all columns that can be modified in the Mo Connection view.


Information for all users in the database.

898. All_USTATS

User-user-defined statistics can be accessed.

899. All_Varrays

Users can access all arrays.

900. All_views

The text of the user accessible view. Oracle9i's data dictionary .901. CHAINED_ROWS

The output of the Analyze command with the list chained rows clause.

902. chainge_sources

Allow the issuer to view existing changes resources.

903. Change_Sets

Allow the issuer to view an existing change setting.

904. Change_Tables

Allow the issuer to view an existing change table.

905. Code_PIECES

Oracle Access This view is used to create a view about the size of the object.

906. Code_Size

Oracle Access This view is used to create a view about the size of the object.

907. COLS

User_tab_columns synonym.

908. Column_Privileges

List the authorization status on the column.

909. Database_Properties

List the name of the currently default temporary table space.

910. DBMS_Alert_info

Describe the registered warning.


Describe the lock assigned by the user.

912. DePtree

There are UTLDTree.sql creation, enclose the object dependent tree.

913. dict_columns

A description of the data dictionary table and view column.

914. Dictionary

A description of the data dictionary table and view column.

915. Error_Size

Oracle Access This view is used to create a view about the size of the object.


A violation of the full constraint.

917. File_locks

Real-time application cluster view, display the PCM lock image of the specified data file in GC_FILES_TO_LOCKS.

918. File_Ping

Real-time application cluster view, display the number of blocks connected to each data file.

919. Global_name

The global name of the current database.


Contains all compatibility information related to non-Oracle (FDS) data storage.

921. HS_All_DD

Contains data dictionary information about non-Oracle (FDS) data stored.


Contains an initialization parameter information about non-Oracle (FDS) data storage.


Contains basic performance information about non-Oracle (FDS) data storage.


Show information about the basic data dictionary.


Contains class specified performance information belonging to non-Oracle (FDS) data store.


Contains information about non-Oracle (FDS) classes specifying initialization parameters.


The information containing privileges on objects granted to the user.


The information containing all distributed external objects that Oracle servers can access.


Contains information about legitimate non-Oracle (FDS) classes.


Contains information about legitimate non-Oracle (FDS) instances.


Contains the performance information specified by the instance.


Displays information about translation of non-Oracle (FDS) instance specific data dictionary.


Displays information about the initialization parameters specified by the non-Oracle (FDS) instance.

934. Ideptree

List the dependent tree.


Information containing the analysis index ... Validate structure command.


The information containing the Analyze Index ... Validate structure command.


List the permanent NLS parameter information in the database.


List the permanent NLS parameter information in the instance.


List the permanent NLS parameter information in the session.

940. Parsed_piecesoracle Access This view is used to create a view about an object size.

941. parse_size

Oracle Access This view is used to create a view about the size of the object.

942. Plan_Table

Is the result table of the EXPLAN PLAN statement.

943. Pluggable_set_check

Contains an insertable setting check.

944. Product_component_version

Contains version and status information that make up the product.

945. Proxy_Users

Describe those users who can assume other user identities.

946. Pstubtbl

Contains information on the root generated by the PSTUB program so that Oracle Form3.0 customers can call the stored procedures in the Oracle database.

947. Public_Deptendency

List the dependence of the object.

948. PubucSyn

Contains information on the common synonym.

949. Queue_Privileges

Show those privilege awarded high-level query objects to the session.

950. Resource_Cost

List the overhead of each resource.

951. Resource_map

A description of the resource.

952. Role_Role_Privs

Contains role information to grant other roles.

953. role_sys_privs

The information that includes system privileges granted to the role.

954. role_tab_privs

Contains information about granting characters.

955. Session_Context

List the properties and value settings of the current session.

956. Session_privs

List the privileges available to users.

957. session_roles

List the roles currently enabled by the user.

958. Source_size

Oracle Access This view is used to create a view about the size of the object.


Contains information about the audit option type code.

960. syscatalog

This view is used to remain compatible with Oracle5 versions, and it is recommended not to use.

961. Sysfiles

This view is used to remain compatible with Oracle5 versions, and it is recommended not to use.

962. Syssegobj

This view is used to remain compatible with Oracle5 versions, and it is recommended not to use.


Information containing system privilege code.


Map the object ID to the object type and segment data block address.


Contains information about accessing privilege code.

966. Table_Privileges

Contains privilege information on the object.

967. TabQuotas

This view is used to remain compatible with Oracle5 versions, and it is recommended not to use.

968. Trusted_Servers

The display server is trust or does not trust.


Provide possible prohibiting table spaces to restore continued dependent or constraints.

970. TS_PITR_Objects_to_be_dropped

All objects that are lost as the result of time-to-date recovery as a table space.


Protect the pluggable check information.


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