Read Blog-Eclipse RSS Reader while programming

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

The Eclipse RSS Reader uses the interface as follows

What is RSS

RSS is the first letter of English Rich Site Summary or Really Simple Syndication, is a data exchange specification for sharing news headers and other web content.

How to work RSS

You usually need to download and install an RSS news reader, then subscribe to the content of the news column you are interested in the aggregated news directory list. After subscription, you will get the latest content of the subscribed news channel in time.

RSS News Reader Features

a. There is no advertisement or picture to affect the reading of the title or article.

b. RSS reader automatically updates the content of your customized web site, maintaining the timeliness of the news.

c. Users can join multiple custom RSS feeds from multiple sources to collect news into a single data stream.

Use RSS Reader in Eclipse

There Are Three Ways to Install this Version of The Eclipse RSS Reader:

Download and execute the appropriate installer This is the recommended installation method for new users eclipse 2.1.x users should download install-com.pnehrer.rss_1.3.0.jar;.. WSAD users should download install-com.pnehrer.rss.wsad_1. 3.0.jar. To Run The Installer, Type Java -jar . In Windows, You Can Just Execute The Jar File.

Use your Update Manager to install the appropriate eclipse feature. This method is recommended for users who want to update a previous version of the eclipse RSS Reader. The update site URL is Once connected, Choose the appropriate feature for installation or update.

Download the appropriate feature archive and unzip it into your eclipse directory eclipse 2.1.x users should download;. WSAD uses should download com.pnehrer.rss.wsad_1.3.0.bin. Source Archives for the Two Features Are Also Available ( and, respective). in Addition, Developers Who Want To Extend The Eclipse Rss Reader May Download, Which Contains Developer Documentation and Source Code.


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