Unit test guide
Zhang Hua (www.51testing.com consultant, CSAI) (2004-6-2)
First, unit test environment configuration test
1. Whether the network connection is normal
2. Whether the network traffic burden is too heavy
3. Software test platform is optional
4. If (3), whether it is software testing in different software test platforms
5. Is the version of the selected software test platform (including the service pack) correct
6. Is the parameter setting of the selected software test platform correct
7. Whether other programs running on the selected software test platform affect test results
8. Is the resolution and color settings of the picture correct?
9. Requirements and support for hardware test platforms
Second, the code test
A static test
1. Whether the code in the same program is written in the same style
2. Whether the code layout is reasonable, beautiful
3. Did the function of the program, whether the subroutine block is obvious
4. Notes if it is in line with a custom format
5. Note: Do not reflect the functionality of the code correctly
6. Variable definition is correct (length, type, storage type)
7. Subprints (functions and methods) accepted by the parameter, size, order and call module
8. Whether the return value type of the function is correct
9. Whether the unin-initialized variable is referenced in the program
10. Whether the subscript of arrays and strings is an integer
11. Whether the subscript of arrays and strings is within the range (not "crossing")
12. Introduce the retrieval and other operations, will there be "missing one such situation"
13. Variables are used in places where constants should be used (example: array range check)
14. Whether to give different types of values for variables
15. In the case of the assignment, whether the value meets the data type conversion rules
16. Variables are naming
17. Whether there is a declaration, but never quoted or only a variable
18. Whether all variables in a particular module are explicitly declared
19. If it is not (18), it is understood that the variable has a higher level of sharing.
20. Whether to assign memory for the referenced pointer
21. The data structure is clearly defined in the function and subroutine.
22. Whether the variables of different data types are used in the calculation
23. Whether the different data types are used in the calculation, but different variables
24. Whether the value of the assigned destination is less than the value of assignment expressions
25. Numerical calculations will overflow (up)
26. Numerical calculations will overflow (down)
27. Whether the divisor may be zero
28. Some calculations will lose computing accuracy
29. Whether the value of variable exceeds meaningful value
30. Whether the order of calculating value is easily confusing
31. Is it correct?
32. Is there a comparison of scores and floating point numbers?
33. If (32), the accuracy problem will affect the comparison
34. Whether each logical expression has been correctly expressed
35. Whether the number of operands of logical expressions are logical values
36. Does the End correspond to a statement in the pro.
37. Can proceeds, modules, subroutines, and loops can be terminated
38. Whether there is a loop that never performs
39. Whether there is a case where multiple cycles is one or less cycle
40. Whether the loop variable is incorrectly modified within the cycle
41. Multi-branch selection, whether the index variable exceeds the possible branch
42. If (41), can this situation be properly processed
43. The global variable definition and usage is consistent in each module
44. Whether to modify the parameters used as input
45. Whether the constant is transmitted as a formal parameter
B dynamic test
1. Test whether data has certain representative
2. Test whether the data contains the various equivalences used in the test (boundary conditions, sub-boundary conditions, blank, invalid)
3. Whether you may get test data from your customers?
4. In the case of non-(3), the test data used is actually significant (customer service) 5. Each set of test data has been implemented
6. Whether the test results of each set of test data are consistent with the expected results
7. Whether the properties of the file are correct
8. Open the file statement correct
9. Input / output statement is consistent with the format manual
10. Buffer size matches if the recording length matches
11. Have files have been opened before using the file
12. Whether the file end condition exists
13. When generating an input / output error, the system is detected and processed.
14. Whether there is a text writing error and a syntax error in the output information
15. Do not accept digital input
16. (15) In the case of whether the number is displayed in a custom format
17. Do not refuse strings and "illegal" numbers
18. Can a pull-down selection?
19. Can the combo box be able to pull a plurality of options
20. For additional data combo box, the data can be added correctly and select the data.
21. Can the list box can choose
22. Do you have multi-data item selection?
23. Date input box accepts the correct date input
24. Date input box Rejects the error date input
25. Date input box Date after the date is entered, display the date according to the established date format
26. Whether there is a single selection group and only one radio button is available
27. If there is no box button in the radio group, this situation is allowed to exist
28. Select Multiple checkboxes (including all optional) in the box group (including all optional)
29. If there is no check box in the check box group, this situation is allowed to exist
30. Text boxes and certain controls refuse to input and select whether the display area is grayed or processed according to the established protocol
31. Whether the data format (size, alignment, color, background) in the text box meets the specifications
32. If the password input box is displayed in a mask
33. Is the control exists default input value, if there is, whether the default value is displayed and submitted
34. After the button, the Cancel is pressed, whether the data in the control is cleared, or processed according to the established protocol
35. The button such as Submit is pressed, and the data is submitted or processed according to the established norm.
36. Is an abnormal information statement correct?
37. Whether the software handles errors in an expected manner
38. Whether there is a corresponding error handling in the case where the file or periphery does not exist
39. Whether the software strictly follows the read and write format of peripherals
40. Is the format of the resulting file and data table correct?
41. Is the result of the resulting file and data sheet correct?
42. Whether the printed report meets the established format
43. Whether the expression of the error log is correct
44. Whether the format of the error log is correct
C GUI test
1. Can the form be based on the relevant input or menu command properly
2. Whether the form can change the size, move, and scroll
3. Does the form of the form can use the mouse, function keys, direction arrows and keyboard operations
4. Whether the form can be regenerated when the form is covered and reused
5. Is the form related function to operate?
6. Whether to display the related drop-down menu, toolbar, scroll bar, dialog, buttons, icons, and other controls, can both correctly display and call
7. When you display a multi-form, whether the form name can be correctly represented.
8. Can the active form be highlighted
9. Can all forms updated in real time when multiple users online?
10. Whether the mouse does not have a pre-expected result when clicking
11. Form sound and prompts if it meets established programming rules
12. Can the form be closed?
13. Whether the setting value of the size of the form control, the direction, color, background, etc. is consistent with the program design specification
14. Whether the form control layout is reasonable, beautiful
15. Whether the Tab order of the form control from left to right, from top to bottom
16. Does the form focus fall in a established control according to the programming specification
17. Is the form of form (full, half, format, spelling) correct
18. Whether the mouse can be identified by the form (such as the function of the function when the funnel shape is not accepted)