Main technical indicators of Shuguang 4000A System
System peak 10.2TFLOPS calculation Node 512 4-way node machine CPUAMD Opteron 850, 2.4GHz, a total of 2128 CPU system memory total capacity 4256GB disk total capacity 95TB, including 75TB SAN Storage architecture Cluster, MyRinet 2000 compiler GNU GCC / G77 3.3, Java 1.2, TC / TK, Perl5.0 Mathematics Library NAG, Scalapack Parallel Environment BCL4, DPVM / DMPI, SCOKETKVKIA, JIAJIA / OPENMP, SOCKET-KVIA Unit File System Dawn File System DCFS-2, NFS DAWNING Cluster File System DCFS-2, NFS
Business software applied on Twilight 4000A
Description Title mounting platform FLUENTSW64P, Dawning4000A general purpose computational fluid dynamics analysis software LS-DYNASW64P, Dawning4000A transient response dynamics analysis software PAM-CRASHSW64P, Dawning4000A transient response dynamics analysis software ANSYS, MultiphysicsSW64P, Dawning4000A multi-physics coupling analysis software MSC, Marcsw64p, Dawning4000A Nonlinear finite element analysis software Fekosw64p, Dawning4000A high-frequency electromagnetic field analysis software Gambitunix & nt workstation, DAWNING4000AFLUENT Supporting Software OracleDawning4000A Database Software