JavaWebStudio 2005 development J2ME method

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

JavaWebStudio 2005 Development J2ME method details and forums can be logged in view or ask questions.

(You can now download JavaWebstudio 2005: JavaWebStudio 20052005 supports J2ME development, WTK2.2, provided 15 J2ME development Project template. The steps to develop mobile games through JavaWebStudio 2005 are as follows: (1) Start JavaWebStudio (2) Use J2ME Templates to establish a mobile game new project to create a new project through the "File" - "New Project" menu.

In the New Project dialog box, select the project type as "JME App Item", template name Select "Implementation Menu Template", and the project name is "JMEMenu". The generated new project directory structure is as follows: (3) The main entrance and implementation code of this project are included in the file, the content is as follows: package my; import javax.microedition.midlet. *; Import javax.microedition.lcdui. * ; public class FirstMIDlet extends MIDlet {private Display display; public FirstMIDlet () {display = Display.getDisplay (this);} public void startApp () {Form f = new Form ( "test"); Command c1 = new Command ( " BACK_1 ", Command.back, 2); Command C2 = New Command (" Back_2 ", Command.back, 1); Command C3 = New Command (" Back_3 ", Command.back, 3); F.Addcommand (C1) F.addcommand (c2); f.addcommand (c3); display.setCurrent (f);} public void pauseapp ()} public void design {}}} (4) Item Description file Myfirst.jad content As follows: MIDlet-name: Hellowo RLD MIDLET-VERSION: 1.0.0 MIDlet-vendor: Sun Microsystems, Inc. Midlet-Description: Sample Hello World Midlet MIDlet-Info-Url: MIDlet-Jar-URL: The JAR File URL MIDLET-JAR-SIZE: The Jar File Size MicroEDition-Profile: MIDP-1.0 Microedition-Configuration: CLDC-1.0 MIDlet-1: myfirstmidlt,, my.firstmidlet In myfirst.jad file, there is a special attention, That is, MIDLET-JAR-SIZE, which describes the size of the JAR package file generated by the project, which is to be changed after modifying the program. In JavaWebStudio, when compiled, Ant will call the SETJARSIZE.EXE file under the / javawebstudio / bin directory to extract the size of the project JAR file and automatically fill in this.

(5) In this project, the obfuscator uses the retroguard, and the class file is included in the retroguard.jar library. In addition, JavaWebStudio provides the source program of the Retroguard obfuscator, just in the / javawebstudio / bin / template / JME application project / directory called "Retroguard Template". (6) Compile, run compilation and running configurations in the build.xml file, compile time JavaWebStudio to compile and run through the Ant call build.xml file.

The build.xml file content is as follows: <

/ target> In addition, the property is loaded in the build.xml file. Profile, this file is used to set some common properties, the content is as follows: # This file is used to set some common attributes # item name Name = myfirst #jad with jar file name JAR = $ {Name} .jarJad = $ {name} .jad # source file The path src.dir = src # resource file RES.DIR = RES # Structural product placement location Build.dir = build # Place of placement of the post-compiled post-compiled file build.dir. Classes = $ {build.dir} / classes # Unlamished JAR file name build.dir.bin.jarunobfus = $ {build.dir.bin} / $ {name} -unobfus.jar # After confusing JAR file name Build.dir.bin.jarobfused = $ {build.dir.bin} / $ {name} -obfused.jar # confused after class placement directory build.dir.obfused = $ {build.dir} / obfused # After pre-audited The subsequent class file placement location build.dir.preverified =


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