Debian 2.6.9 kernel copy

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

Debian 2.6.9 kernel copy

The core of the 2.6 is a headache. Decons in the DEBian have some differences from other release versions. After a long research, it will be done 2.6 kernel. Now I have a sharing, missed, and I will give it to you. I am also a famous rookie, so I need to sum up! First, first, after installing Debian's basic system, you need to download some must-have files and packages, refer to: .. ..; threadid = 81321 II. You can now download a 2.6 core, I am Linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 upon, and also downloaded 2.6.10 patch: patch-2.6 .10-rc1.bz2 (recommended with BZ2 pack, because the file is small, huh) to extract the kernel to / usr / src, execute tar -xjvf linux-2.6.9.tar.bz2 -c / usr / src patch : Copy PATCH-2.6.10-RC1.bz2 to /usr/src/linux-2.6.9 directory: BZCAT PATCH-2.6.10-RC1.BZ2 | Patch -p1 -E (first edited - E You can use -P0 if you put the patch in the same-level directory of the kernel, it is worth noting that it is worth noting that it is required to have some software package requirements, please check the kernel folder Linux- 2.6.9 / Documentation / Changes file, this file proposes some software version requirements when compiling 2.6 kernels, should first need to view your own software version before you compile, you need to explain that is in the listed software Modules-init-Tools is more important, it requires a version 0.9.10, don't think that you are 2 o'clock, it is much higher than it, in fact they are different. But in Debian's compilation is not 0.9.10 version . Need to download and compile, compile MODUTILS and MODULE-INIT-Tools packages can be directly to the following address download: Install MODUTILS and Module-Init-Tools package: DPKG -I MODUTILS_2.4.26-1_I386.DEBDPKG -I Module-init-Tools_3.0-pre2-1_i386.deb II. Preparation work, can be compiled /usr/src/linux-2.6. 9make MROPROPER (Clear the compiled code, If the first editor can also skip this step) 2. Make Xconfig (or make menuconfig) This step will be the most upset, the most difficult to get it, which to encrypt the kernel, which of which is a headache. This step is described later. 3. Make (compiled kernel, equivalent to Make Bzimage, Make Make "Make modules_install in 2.4 (install the compiled module, under /lib/modules/2.6.9 directory) Make Install ( Ionic to / boot installation, this step will put the initrd.img-2.6.9 file CP to / boot>, but in Debian, you need to manually do this) mkinitrd -o /boot/initrd.img- 2.6.9 2.6.9 (2.6.9 here is the version number of your compiled kernel) 4. Modify GRUB or LILO I use GRUB, so I am adding to /boot/grub/Menu.lst file: Title Debian GNU / Linux, kernel 2.6.9root (HD0, 7) kernel /Vmlinuz-2.6.9 root =

/ dev / hda9 Roinitrd /initrd.img-2.6.9savedefaultBoot can change the original CP a little change. IV. Go back and talk about Make XConfig faces so many dazzling options, want to create the smallest for your own system 2.6 kernel, not easy, well we can use its default configuration, then modify it. Method is to use make defconfig before Make XConfig, this command can generate .config files and use the default configuration option. At this time Make Xconfig At this time, we don't know how to choose it, you can choose it, and choose some of the stuff you need! You can refer to the following link: ..a106705_p1.html (hereinafter referred to Saidi) The first Code Maturity Level Options option is as follows [*] Prompt for development and / or incomplete code / drivers By default, it is selected. This will display the code and driver that is still developed or not completed in the setting interface. You should choose it, because there are many devices may need to select this option to configure, in fact it is safe. [*] Select Only Drivers Expected To Compile Cleanly Select this option. You will not see some driver options for existence problems, which is also selected by default. If you have a device that doesn't find a driver option, you can remove this, you can find the relevant driver, but it may be BUG. The options of the second Ieral setup are as follows [*] Support for Paging of Anonymous Memory allows your kernel to support virtual memory, which is selected by default. [*] System V IPC provides communication mechanisms for the process, which will enable exchange information between the processes in the system and the ability to maintain synchronization. Some procedures can only be running in the case of choosing Y, so you must choose here. [*] POSIX message Queues [] BSD Process Accounting This Select Y will make the kernel to create an account as the user layer (the process is notified by a special system call), and the kernel will associate the process when the program exits Information is recorded in an account file, mainly including information, creator, memory, and other information. If you need Y, Y it :) [*] Sysctl Support This will provide an interface to change some core parameters and variables that can be dynamically, without restarting the system. Opening this option will increase the volume of at least 8kb. If your kernel uses only the production installation and recovery system system, you can not choose to reduce the use of memory. [*] Auditing support [*] enable system-call auditing support [*] Support for hot-pluggable devices, if you use hot-swap equipment such as USB, PC card, please select) [] Kernel .config support This will compile the kernel's configuration information to the related documentation, you can use some tools to extract it to re-build the kernel, generally do not use it. [] Configure Standard Kernel Features (for small systems) Third Loadable Module Support This option is as follows: [*] Enable loadable module support This option allows your kernel support module, after compiling, can be in the system kernel Dynamically joined the kernel during runtime, thereby adding some characteristics for the kernel or supporting some of the hardware. Generally, some unusless drives or properties can be compiled into a module to reduce the volume of the kernel. You can use the ModProbe command to load it to the kernel during runtime (it can be removed when you don't need it).

[*] Module unloading This option allows you to uninstall the module that is no longer used. If you don't choose, you will not be able to uninstall any module (some modules can not be uninstalled, regardless of whether this option is selected). Don't choose this option, you will make your kernel size minus a little, the default is not selected, the suggestion is still selected. [] Module Version Support (Experimental) This option will allow you to compile the module compiled in other versions of the kernel, but Not reliable, so we don't choose it [*] Automatic kernel module loading. If our kernel uses some of the drivers or features of the module in some tasks, we must first use the modprobe command to load. It, the kernel can only be used. However, if you have selected this option, it is a great feature that you can load the desired module when you need this option. (PC-compatible) This is a relatively new feature, the main purpose is to make Linux to support a variety of PC standards, and the PC we use is the so-called IBM compatible structure (PC / AT). This option allows you to choose some other architectures. We generally choose PC-Compatible. Processor Family (Pentium-4 / Celeron (P4-Based) / Xeon) Don't say, what CPU is you choose :) [] Generic x86 support This option provides the greatest compatibility of the X86 series CPU, used to support Some very few CPUs of the X86 system may reduce some system performance. So if your CPU can find this in the list, don't choose this. [] HPET TIMER Support This is also a new feature, HPET is the new INTEL set up to replace the traditional 8254 (PIT) interrupt timer with the RTC timer, full name called high-precision event timer. If you have a newer machine, you will choose it, it is a safe option, even if your hardware doesn't support HPET, it will not cause problems because it automatically uses 8254. [] Symmetric Multi-Processing Support If you choose a multiprocessor system, if you use a single CPU system like me or put it out. (Maximum Number Of CPUS (2-255) This is used to allow Linux to support a few CPUs, based on your needs. [*] Preemptible kernel This is a new feature, almost all articles of 2.6 will mention it, this It is a priority kernel. That is to say by some priority priorities, you can perform with some low priority programs, even if these programs are executed under the core state (this is actually not a real first-style core). Thereby reducing the kernel lava, increasing the response of the system. Of course, the kernel in some special points is unacceptable, such as the scheduling program in the kernel itself is not being preemptive, this feature can improve the desktop system, real-time system performance So, still select it. [] Local apic support on uniprocessors [*] Machine Check Exception If your system has some problems such as CPU overheating, the kernel will print information on the screen to remind you. This feature is hardware support. . You can view / proc / cpuinfo to see if there is a MCE logo. If you don't very very unfortunate, you will have a problem after you choose it, you can start when you start when you start adding the NOMCE parameter to close it.

[] Check for Non-Fatal Errors ON AMD Athlon / DURON / INTEL PENTIUM 4 Open this option will check the problem that may exist on your machine. If there is a non-fatal error that will automatically fix and record, this can help you The reason for the problem of detecting the program is a good option, of course it can only be used on the CPU in AMD Athlon / DURON / Intel Pentium 4. If you are just using one of them, you will choose. <> Toshiba Laptop Support This option is for Toshiba notebooks, which can be used to access TOSHIBA system management model, that is, you can set BIOS directly. But pay attention to it only in Toshiba's own BIOS. If you have a Toshiba notebook, but it's a BIOS is phoenix, then this option is still the Liangshan Miller ---- Useless :) <> Dell Laptop Support This is basically the same as the above option, you can do it :) < > / dev / cpu / microcode - Intel IA32 CPU Microcode Support This option will allow you to update the microcode of the Intel IA32 series processor, of course, you must also choose DEVFS to use it in the file system option. If you translate it as a module you still need to add this line alias char-major-10-184 Microcode Core itself does not have a microcode binary, you can get new information to this URL. / dev / cpu / * / msr - model-specific register support This option desktop user is generally used, it is mainly used in Intel's embedded CPU, The role of this register is also different from different CPU types, which can generally be used to change some of the use of some CPU original physical structures, but different CPU uses are also very different. <> / dev / cpu / * / cpuid - CPU Information Support This will create a range of device files in the / DEV / CPU to allow the process to access the specified CPU. Never choose. High Memory Support (OFF) If you have a large capacity memory (more than 4G) you want to select it so that the kernel can use this part of the memory. Even if this is a life, this part is always OFF, if you have you. [] Math Emulation If there is no mathematical coprocessor on your CPU, open this option to make the kernel to simulate one to enhance floating point computing power, but slow can. If you are not using an antique CPU (486SX before) This item will never need. [*] MTRR (Memory Type Range Register) Support in the processor of the Intel P6 (PPRO, PII, and updated) There is a memory type range register for controlling the memory range accessed by the processor. Open it typically enhance the display performance of the graphics, so we must say Y :) [] boot from efi support (Experimental) [] Use register arguments (experimental) <> BIOS Enhanced Disk Drive Calls Dermine Boot Disk (Experimental This will open the enhanced disk device service in the BIOS in real mode to determine which disk starts. This is usually safe, but most BIOS providers do not implement this feature.

Fifth Power Management Options (ACPI, APM) (Advanced Power Management) [*] Power Management Support If you want your Linux to support advanced power management (that is, usually we said soft off, system sleep, etc.) Need to choose it . [] Power Management Debug Support [*] Software Suspend (Experimental) Select this option You can hang your computer (a bit like XP in XP), open this feature, you can use SWSUSP or ShutDown -z to hang Your computer. This system makes your current work (that is, the content in current memory) into your swap partition, use startup parameters when you start start up "Resume = / dev / your swap partition ", The kernel will restore the last work kernel from the mirror icon file, which can greatly improve the start speed of the system. When you don't want to restore the last job, pass the parameters "NoResume" to the kernel. However, your exchange partition will not be used after the system is started, you can use the mkswap command to reformat your swap partition. This feature does not require support for advanced power management. Very good function, I have been useful, everyone will try it :) [] Suspend-to-disk support This option is basically the same as the above features, but more flexible, you can specify a dedicated one by the subsections below. Exchange partitions to save memory mirror icons. () Default Resume Partition combines with the options above to specify partitions that save the mirror. ACPI (Advanced Configuration and Power Interface) Support ---> From here to the configuration interface of ACPI power management, pay attention to the ACPI and APM cannot be used at the same time. If you configure these at the same time, then if you find one when the system is started The ACPI device that works will be closed. ACPI will be loaded: [*] ACPI Support This option should not be said, if you want your system to use ACPI to manage your power, you should choose it, Want to work, you have to install the ACPID daemon in the system. [*] Sleep State (Experimental) Select this option to make your system hang the function, that is, you can temporarily interrupt your work, let your system with a state of low power energy (Sleep State) The system status you at this time will be saved on memory or disk (depending on the depth of the hang), when you need it to return to the normal working status. However, due to the difference between the various systems, this function is not perfect. Only few devices can support this feature perfect, so it is not recommended to use it. <> Ac adapter This is used to support the AC adapter in the mobile system to indicate that the current system is using AC power, which does not require this option for the desktop. <> Battery This option is used to provide the battery status information in the mobile system via / proc / ACPI / Battery. With the same above options, there is no effect on the desktop. <*> Button This option is used to register an event based on the power button, such as Power, Sleep, etc. When you press the button, the event will happen, a daemon will read / proc / ACPI / Event, and execute the user in these events The action defined, for example, let the system shut down. <*> FAN This option provides control support for the system fan, can control the system fan through the program of the user layer (such as opening, closing, reading the current fan's running status, etc., but only a very small number of hardware supports it) .


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