Configure VC6 compile drivers

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  54

The previous write driver is all compiled with the build tool, which is not bored. I accidentally saw a piece of article today, telling how to configure the engineering attribute of VC, so that you can compile it. Think about it is natural, Build is just an outsourcing, eventually calling compilation and link commands. Just these commands must be carefully studied. Now, since someone wrote, I don't try it. Toss for 1 hour. It is finally able to compile it successfully, it is a template, it is possible to change the source file later, and the VISSIST write code is still very comfortable, hahahaha laughs. 2K DDK is in D: / NTDDK, because some options I have given the full path directly, and some other options are random, such as program versions, you can make yourself. There may be no mistakes that have been discovered, but the easiest driver that has been able to compile is a major progress. Set up a project to add a source file and header file.

Then modify Option, complete Project Options as follows: Checked: C / C : / NOLOGO / GZ / MLD / W3 / WX / GX / Z7 / OD / GY / I "D: / NTDDK / INC / DDK" / i "D : / NTDDK / INC "/ I" D: / NTDDK / INC / DDK / WDM "/ D" RDRDBG "/ D" SRVDBG "/ D fpo = 0 / d Win32 = 100 / d" std_call "/ d condition_handling = 1 / D nt_up = 1 / d nt_inst = 0 / d _nt1x_ = 100 / d WinNT = 1 / d _win32_winnt = 0x0400 / d Win32_LEAN_AND_MEAN = 1 / D DEVL = 1 / d _dll = 1 / d _x86_ = 1 / d $ (CPU ) = 1 / d NTVERSION = 'WDM' / D Winver = 0x500 / D NTDEBUG = NTSD / D DBG = 1 / D "Win32_Lean_and_mean" / FACS / FA "Checked /" / FO "Checked /" / FD "Checked /" / Fd / qifdiv / qif / qi0f / c link: wdm.lib ntoskrnl.lib kernel32.lib msvcrt.lib / NOLOGO / BASE: "0x10000" /Version:4.29 / stack: 0x40000, 0x1000 / Entry: "DriveRerent" / Incremental : no /pdb:"checked/drivertmp.pdb "/map:"checked/" / debug / debugtype: Both / Machine: ix86 / nodefaultlib /out:"checked/drivertmp.sys "/ pdbtype: sept / libpath : "D: / NTDDK / LIBCHK / I386" / LibPath: "D: / NTDDK / LIB / WIN_ME" / Driver / Ignore: 4001, 4037, 4039, 4065, 4070, 4078, 4087, 4089, 4096, 4210 / MERGE : _Page = Page /Merge:_text =.tex T / section: init / fullbuild / release / force: Multiple / Opt: Ref / Opt: ICF / ALIGN: 0X20 / OSVERSION: 5.00 / SUBSYSTEM: NATIVE


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