Software Quality Assurance 1. Capability Maturity Model Ability Maturity Model
2. PSP (Personal Software Process) individual software process
3. TSP (Team Software Process) group software process
4. CMU / SEI USA Carnegie Mellon University Software Engineering Research Institute
FTP connection mode
Port mode: Active mode PASV mode: Passive mode, passive mode. Cuteftp Pro connects to the server in a PASV mode
(Data Encryption Standard)
The entrance parameters of the DES algorithm of the encryption algorithm are three: key, data, mode. Where KEY is 8 bytes a total of 64 bits, which is the working key of the DES algorithm; DATA is also 8 bytes of 64 bits, is the data to be encrypted or decrypted; Mode is desperate, there are two types: Encryption or decryption. Only 56-bit references in the 64-bit key in the DES algorithm: (Computer Assisted Instruction) Computer Aided Teaching CAD Computer-Aided Design) Computer Aided Design CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing Computer Aided Manufacturing Case ---- Computer-Clided Software Engineering Computer Auxiliary Software Engineering Reference: Reference: http: // www / 20020417 / ca260827.htm