C # Data Access Class

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  68

public class operateDB {private static string conStr; public static OleDbConnection cnn; OleDbDataAdapter da; OleDbCommandBuilder cb; OleDbCommand cmd; // Constructors #region initialize public operateDB () {// // TODO: Add constructor logic here // CNN = New OLEDBCONNECTION (); DA = New OLEDBDataAdapter (); // Do not have to update to the database without the OLEDBCOMMAND object, you must have a row of CB = New OLEDBCommandBuilder (DA);

CMD = New OLEDBCommand ();


/ / Connecting string #Region Get & setConnectionString


/// Get connection string /// public string myconstr {get {return constr;} set {constr = value;}}

#ndregion get & setConnectionString

/ / Get the name of the table #Region AcquiRetableNames


/// Get the table name of the database /// /// public datatable tablescollection () {dataable tbl = new data (); try {cnn .Connectionstring = constr; cnn.open ();

TBL = cnn.getoledbschematable (OLEDBSChemaGuid.tables, new object [] {null, null, null, "table"});} catch (exception ce) {console.writeline ("Generate error: / n {0}", CE . Loading);} finally {cnn.close ();} Return TBL;

#ndregion acquiretablenames // Plip data #Region FillTable


/// Plug DataTable query //// /// data table (must enter the name existing in the database, can also be a view) /// SQL statement /// record number public int select (datatable tblname, string sqlstr) {INT i = 0;

// try // {// tblname.clear (); da.dispose (); if (cnn.connectionstring == ") cnn.connectionstring = constr; if (cnn.state! = ConnectionState.Open) cnn.open (); // OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand ( "select * from" tblName.TableName "where" sqlStr, cnn); cmd.Connection = cnn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * " TBLNAME.TABLENAME " where " sqlstr; da.selectcommand = cmd; i = da.fill (tblname); // ///} // Catch (Exception CE) // {// console.writeline "Generate error: / n {0}", ce.Message); //} // finally // {//this.da.dispose (); cnn.close (); //} return i;} #ENDREGION FillTable // Insert #Region INSERT (Use CommandBuilder) ///

/// Insert Record (with OLEDBCommandbuilder /// /// Data table /// The number of rows affects the number of rows that affect the field /// public int INSERT (DataTable TBLNAME, DATAROW NEWROW) {CNN .Open (); INT i = 0; // // Try // {// How to determine if oledbdataadapter is already Dispose

// If you do not generate new OLEDBDataAdapter, OLEDBCommandBuilda, OLEDBCommand, // and use the original global DA, CB, CMD, you can only update a table OLEDBDataAdapter Dain = new oledbdataadapter (); OLEDBCommandbuilder Cbin = New OleDbCommandBuilder (daIn); OleDbCommand cmdIn = new OleDbCommand ( "select * from" tblName.TableName, cnn); daIn.SelectCommand = cmdIn; // foreach (DataTable dt in da.TableMappings) // {// if (dt. Tablename! = Tblname.tablename) // dt.clear (); //} TBLNAME.ROWS.ADD (new); i = dain.Update (tblname); ///} // catch (Exception CE) // {// console.writeline ("Generated error: / n {0}", ce.Message); //} // finally // {// cnn.close (); //} // cnn.close () Return I;} #ENDREGION INSERT (Use commandbuilder)

// Insert #REGION INSERT (Use Insidetraction, DataTable [])

Public String Insert (DataTable [] TBLS, DATAROW [] newrows) {int [] Num = new int [tbls.length]; int sum = 0; BOOL JUDGE = FALSE; String Str = "

IF (tbls.length == newrows.Length) {cnn.open (); OLEDBTRANSACTION TRAN = CNN.BEGINTRANSACTION ();

For (int i = 0; i

Da.insertCommand.Transaction = Tran; try {num [i] = da.UPDate (TBLS [i]); SUM = NUM ​​[I];} catCH {SUM = -1;}

IF (NUM [i] == 0) Judge = true;

IF (judge) {TRAN. ROLLBACK (); str = "Update Failed"; SUM = 0;} else {TRAN.COMMIT (); Str = "Update Success";}} cnn.close ();

Return Str ", Impact" Sum.ToString () "Sum Record";} #endregion insert (Use InsIDetraction, DataTable []) // Insert Record #Region Insert (Use outsidetractions) ///

// / Plip DataTable /// Table /// SQL statement / // Transaction object /// Row number public int select (DataTable TBLNAME, STRING SQLSTR, OLEDBTRANSACTION TRS) {INT i = 0;

// try // {// tblname.clear (); da.dispose (); if (cnn.connectionstring == ") cnn.connectionstring = constr; if (cnn.state! = ConnectionState.Open) cnn.open (); // OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand ( "select * from" tblName.TableName "where" sqlStr, cnn); cmd.Connection = cnn; cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text; cmd.CommandText = "select * " TBLNAME.TABLENAME " Where " sqlstr; da.selectcommand = cmd;

Cmd.Transaction = TRS; I = da.fill (TBLNAME); Return i;}


/// Insert record (with oledbdataadapter.Update method and oledbtransaction) /// /// Data table /// New line /// Transaction object /// public int insert (DataTable TBLName, DataRow Newrow, Oledbtransaction TRS ) {

Da.insertCommand = INSERTCMD (TBLNAME, "NOO"); int Num = 0;


Da.insertCommand.Transaction = TRS; Num = da.Update (TBLNAME);} catch {

} Return num;

#ndregion insert (use outsidetraction)

// Constructed inserted Command #Region InsertCommand ///

/// Construct InsertCommand /// /// Data table /// identity column name /// private static OleDbCommand insertCmd (DataTable dtl, string identityCol) {OleDbCommand inCmd = new OleDbCommand (); inCmd.Connection = cnn;

String SQLSTR = ""; string strongue = "";

SQLSTR = "INSERT" DTL.TABLENAME.TOSTRING () "("; strval = ") VALUES ("; for (int i = 0; i


Incmd.commandtext = SQLSTR; RETURN INCMD;


#ndregion insertcommand

// Modify #Region Update ///

/// Modify Record /// /// Data table /// SQL statement //// The number of rows affects public int update (DataTable TBLNAME, STRING STRUP) {cnn.close (); Return i;} #ENDREGION UPDATE / / Delete # Region del (Use commandbuilder) /// /// Delete record /// /// Data table /// SQL statement //// The number of rows affects public int delete (DataTable TBLNAME, STRING STRDEL) // StrDel is the delete condition {int ROWS = 0;

// Automatic update to the OLEDBDataAdapter.Update method must exist in WHERE or unique value // try // {// cnn.open (); rows = tblname.rows.count; for (int i = 0; i

/ (Note, as in front of Da.Update, the following AcceptChanges method is used, because the record is deleted - updated to the database failed //TBLNAME.ACCEPTCHANGES (); da.Update (tblname); ////} // catch (Exception CE) // {// Console.writeLine ("Generated Error: / N {0}", CE.MESSAGE); //} // Finally // {CNN.Close (); //} /// // Directly update // try // {// string str = "delete from" tblname.tablename "where" strDel; // cnn.open (); // oledbcommand cmdd = new OLEDBCOMMAND (STR, CNN) ); // cmdd.commandtype = commandType.text; // rows = cmdd.executenonQuery (); //} // // {// CONSOLE.WRITELINE ("Generation error: / n { 0} ", ce.Message); //} // finally // {// cnn.close (); //} Return Rows;} #endregion del (Use commandbuilder) // Construct Deleted Command #Region Delcommand Create OledbDataAdapter.deleteCommand)

Public int delete (DataTable TBLNAME) {int ROWS = 0; da.deleteCommand = DELCMD (TBLNAME); for (int i = 0; i

Rows = da.Update (TBLNAME);

Return rows;

Private static oledbcommand delcmd (DATATABLE DTL) {oledbcommand delcmd = new oledbcommand (); Delcmd.connection = CNN;

String SQLSTR = ""; sqlstr = "delete from" DTL.TABLENAME.TOSTRING () "where"; for (int i = 0; i

INT J = Delcmd.Parameters.count; Bool B = dtl.columns [i] .allowdbnull; if (b) {oledbparameter mypara1 = new oledbParameter (); mypara1.parametername = "OR2_" DTL.COLUMNS [i] .tostring (); myPara1.OleDbType = GetOleDbType (dtl.Columns [i] .DataType.ToString ()); myPara1.Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; myPara1.SourceColumn = dtl.Columns [i] .ToString (); myPara1.SourceVersion = DataRowVersion.original; delcmd.parameters.add (mypara1); j = delcmd.parameters.count;}} SQLSTR = SQLSTR.SUBSTRING (0, SQLSTR.LENGTH-3);

Delcmd.commandtext = SQLSTR;

Return Delcmd;


#ndregion delcommand (Create Oledbdataadapter.deleteCommand)

#Region amendDatabase public void addColumn (data) / / modify the structure of the table, update to the database {cnn.open (); // oleDbcommand cmds = new OLEDBCOMMAND ("SELECT *" TBLNAME.TABLENAME, CNN) ; // da.SelectCommand = cmdS; // OleDbCommandBuilder cb = new OleDbCommandBuilder (da); // DataColumn colItem = new DataColumn (strUp, Type.GetType ( "System.String")); // // tblName.Columns. Add (// Why is the above method not, can you use the SQL statement directly? Da.update (TBLNAME);} #ENDREGION AmendDatabase

// Call the stored procedure #REGON EXECPROC (Return DataTable) ///

/// Execute Store /// /// Stored Procedure Name / // Parameter value /// Parameter name /// Parameter type /// public DataTable ExecProc (string procName, string [] ParaValue, string [] ParaName, string [] ParaType) {OleDbCommand cmdp = new OleDbCommand (); cmdp.Connection = cnn; cmdp .Commandtype = commandType.StoredProcedure; cmdp.commandtext = procname; for (int i = 0; i

PARANAME [I] = "@" para] [// Parameter name //pt.parametername =paraname []; pt.sourceColumn = paraName [i];

Pt.oledbType = getoledbtype (Paratype [i]);

Pt.Value = Paravalue [i];

CMDP.Parameters.Add (Pt);

DataTable DTL = New DataTable (); cnn.open (); da.selectcommand = cmdp; da.fill (dtl); cnn.close (); return dtl;}


/// Set the dbtype of the OLEDBPARAMETER object (type the string to the corresponding OLEDBTYPE type) /// /// String of incoming parameters < / param> /// private static oledbtype getoledbtype (string type) {// try // {// Return (OLEDBTYPE) ENUM.PARS (Typeof (OLEDBTYPE), TYPE, TRUE); // } // CATCH / / {// Return OLEDBTYPE.VARCHAR; //} Switch (Type) {CASE "DATE": return oledbtype.dbdate; break; case "num": return oledbtype.integer; break; default: return OLEDBTYPE .Varchar;} #ndregion execproc (Return DataTable)}


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