Recently I recently saw a colleague mentioned on a CVS report tool, I used it, I feel very convenient, the following introduction process: statcvs-xml is a use of CVS log files to generate HTML document format Report tool, so that the CVS administrator tracks the changes to the project document, the following describes the steps:
1. Download the JAR package of Statcvs-XML:
In, there is a introduction to Statcvs-XML, which can be downloaded from the website. The latest version package is statcvs-xml-0.9.4-full.jar, This is an example;
2. Support environment:
STATCVS-XML uses the support of JDK1.4 or later, but also needs the Client for CVS to generate CVS log files, you can choose to install CVSNT to support;
3. Generate a CVS log file:
Enter the workspace directory / module under the console, log in to the CVS server using the CVS command, command format:
Use the command to generate log files:
A cvs.log file will be generated in / perbank, and the CVS log information of the Module module is recorded; then you can copy STATCVS-XML-0.9.4-Full.jar to this directory, tapping the command:
Java-Jar Statcvs-XML-0.9.4-Full.jar -Output-Dir "D: / ModuleLog"
After the execution is complete, a large number of HTML format report files (including charts) will be generated in the directory D: / modulelog, and click Index.html to enter.
4. Use the FAR manufacturing report CHM:
The use of STATCVS-XML produces a large number of HTML documents, but it is not convenient when saving and queries, so you can use tool FAR to make the HTML report document into a CHM file; FAR is very simple, enter after installation : Authoring-> Help Express, specify "Folder to Compress to A Single .chm or .hxs Help File:" option in the dialog: D: / modulelog, specify the Title and Name of the generated CHM file;
The corresponding CHM file will be obtained under D: / ModuleLog after executing an instruction.