FreeBSD Software Install Uninstall Tool - Pets and Packages Detailed!

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FNP: FAQ - Ports and Packages V 1.5

2004.08.20 Table of Contents

1. How do I only grab Tarball?

2, how to do just to unlock the steps of Tarball?

3, how to solve TARBALL and make up the official PATCH?

4, how to install a new port?

5, how to install a new PORT and put it up?

6, how to pack a port, and put all its dependence ports to Ports?

7, how to pack a PORT that has been installed?

8. How to clean up the temporary information generated during the Ports editing?

9. How to clean up the temporary information generated during the Ports editing, and its corresponding Tarball?

10. How to check the required dependencies / related kits before installing PORTS?

11. How to remove the installed ports?

12. How do I remove the Ports of the dependence?

13. How to reinstall the installed Ports?

14, how do I search for Ports in keywords?

15. How to upgrade the installed ports?

16. How do I query which suite is installed?

17. How do I check that there is a kit without this keyword?

18. Which suite is it belonging to a certain file?

19. What files have been installed in a suite?

20, how to install the old version of Ports?

21, how do I update Ports MK?

22. How do I solve Sed -i errors when installing Ports?

23, how do you list all the Ports that can be upgraded?

24. How do I know that PORTS SYSTEM is the compilation number provided by a ports?

25. How do I manually join the number of compilation ports?

26, how to specify the installation path of the PORTS?

27, install the error message for force_pkg_register to install Ports

28. Installing the error message of Shared Object NOT FOUND

29, how to install packages?

30, how to force installation packages?

31. How to query the depend between packages and other packages?

32. How to install Packages remote?

33. How do I update the index comparison table?

34, how to update index HTML?

35. How do I don't do CVSUP for some ports?

36. How do I use CVSUP Synchronization Ports Collectes?

37. Installing the error message of port is outdated in Ports

39. Install the error message of OpenSSL Vulnerabilities in Ports

40. How to simulate Linux on FreeBSD?

41, how to install Linux rpm on FreeBSD? 42. When installing Ports, the list option that should have occurred is invisible.

43. How do I check if there is an installation revivement Ports / packages? What is the difference between `make deinstall 'with` pkg_delete'?

44. Installing the error message of Local Modification Time Does NOT MATCAL Modification Time Does Not Match Remote

1. How do I only grab Tarball?

If you only want to grab Tarball, you only need Make Fetch.

If you want to grab a single port, if Editors / Joe is an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Fetch

The preset will download Joe's TARBALL to / usr / ports / distfiles / directory.

If you want to grab all other ports of this ports, all other ports of this ports.

Systuils / portupgrade is, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / SYSTUILS / PortUpgrade / make fetch-recursive

The preset will download this ports Tarball with all other ports Tarball to / usr / ports / distfiles / directory. If you want to grab all of all ports Tarball, then:


The TARBALL of all ports will be downloaded to the / usr / ports / distfiles / directory. If you want to catch all the ports of all the ports under all FTP, then:


The TARBALL of all ports under all FTP will be downloaded to the / usr / ports / distfiles / directory. 2, how to do just to unlock the steps of Tarball? This feature is sometimes used when you are used to yourself Patch / Fix the original code. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make EXTRACT

Tarball will be unnailed to / usr / ports / editors / joe / work / directory. 3, how to solve TARBALL and make up the official PATCH? This method is similar to 2, and it is different from the first Patch to provide the official Patch, and then the Patch's own correction. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Patch

Tarball is unlocked to the / usr / ports / editors / joe / work / directory, and the officially provided PATCH on patches. 4, how to install a new port? If this software is not installed on the system, you can choose to install a new port. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Install

This will install a new JOE software on the system. If you need to complete the temporary directory left by the edit period after the installation is complete, you can use the method of FAQ 8, such as:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / #make clean

If you want to clear all the temporary materials generated by all ports, you can: Code: CD / USR / PORTS / #Make Clean

5, how to install a new PORT and put it up? Package the installed software, there are many conveniences: Include in the cluster system, you can use it for other machines, or you can reuse this package to reuse this package. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / #make package

This will install a new JoE software on the system and package this software (package). Package presets in / usr / ports / editors / joe / directory, if you want to centrally manage, it is recommended to do the following steps:


The packaged packages will be stored under this directory and the system will automatically classify to facilitate management. If you need to complete the temporary directory left by the edit period after the installation is complete, you can use the method of the FAQ 8 to use, such as:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Package Clean

6, how to pack a port, and put all its dependence ports to Ports? Because FAQ 5 is only packaged in the final port, the middle-dependent ports did not pack it, this will have a frequent problem, that is, if you edit a port, you need to rely on other ports, then you must pack other ports. Otherwise, Packages will have the problem of Packages that rely on other ports. Take SYSUTILS / Portupgrade as an example:

Code: CD / USR / ports / sysutils / portupgrade / make depends_target = package package

This will package the Ports that depend on all Portupgrade, and they also include themselves. 7, how to pack a PORT that has been installed? If you have a soft installation, I have not packaged beforehand. If I want to pack it, then take Editors / Joe as an example.

Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_CREATE -B JOE- {version number}

The installed port is packed and placed in / var / db / pkg / directory. 8. How to clean up the temporary information generated during the Ports editing? When editing port, there will be a working directory (Work) required during editing, so you will clear this temporary directory after you have installed a system. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Clean

If you want to clear all Ports's temporary directory:


If you want to clear all the temporary directories under all FTP, then:


9. How to clean up the temporary information generated during the Ports editing, and its corresponding Tarball? In FAQ 8, just clear the work directory (Work) required during editing, and does not use Tarball deletion when you downloaded Ports (corresponding Tarball presets), If you want to delete Tarball, if editors / joe as an example, then: Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make DistClean

The Make DistClean step contains the function of make Clean, that is, in addition to deleting Tarball, will also include the work directory required during editing. If you want to clear all Ports's temporary directory, and Tarball, then:


If you want to clear all the temporary directories under all FTP, and Tarball, then:


10. How to check the required dependencies / related kits before installing PORTS? Before installing ports, you can query the required relying / related kits. Take Mail / P5-Mail-spamassassin as an example:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / MAIL / P5-Mail-spamassassin / make all-depende-list # Shows all related suite make pretty-print-build-depends-list # Shows the kit required during compilation Make Pretty-Print -run-depends-list # Shows the kit required when this suite is executed

11. How to remove the installed ports? Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Deinstall

Or use pkg_delete

Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_DELETE JOE- {Version}

Sometimes the dependence between the kits will not be removed directly. If you want to remove it, then:

Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_DELETE -F JOE- {Version}

But it is likely to cause other kits to perform problems. As for the differences in the two, please test the FAQ 43 12, how to remove the Ports of the dependence? Take SYSUTILS / Portupgrade as an example:

Code: CD / USR / ports / sysutils / portupgrade / make deinstall-depende

Before performing this step, be important to remove the suite that should be protected. It is recommended to test the method of FAQ 10 to check. Or use pkg_delete

Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_DELETE -R Portupgrade- {Version}

As for the difference in the two, please test FAQ 43

Code: 13. How to reinstall the installed Ports?

The premise of reinstall is that there is installed or now installed. Taking Editors / Joe as an example, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Deinstall Make Clean Make Install or Make Reinstall

14, how do I search for Ports in keywords? If you want to find ports related to keyword "ldap" from all Ports Collection,: Code: CD / USR / PORTS / MAKE Search Key = LDAP

If you look for Ports related to keyword "LDAP" as long as you look down from the FTP-related ports,:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / FTP / MAKE Search Key = LDAP

There is another usage, the method is just replacing the key to Name. If you already know the name of the Ports to search, or just want to find the keyword "LDAP" related to the name, then:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Make Search Name = LDAP

If you find the name of the keyword "LDAP" as long as the name of the keyword "LDAP" is found from the FTP-related ports:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / FTP / MAKE Search Name = LDAP

15. How to upgrade the installed ports? If you have already installed the kit, if you want to upgrade, you must first remove the old version of the port, remove the method of FAQ 11, FAQ 12 and FAQ 13; then install the port, please test FAQ 4 or FAQ 5. Take Editors / Joe as an example, and method in FAQ 11 and FAQ 4:

Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_DELETE JOE- {Version} CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / make INSTALL


Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make Clean Make Reinstall

16. How do I query which suite is installed? Query all kits installed in the system:


17. How do I check that there is a kit without this keyword? This method is similar to FAQ 16:


18. Which suite is it belonging to a certain file? If you want to query / usr / local / bin / joe belong to which suite, then:

Code: pkg_info -w / usr / local / bin / joe

If you have no information, you represent this file is built by FreeBSD. 19. What files have been installed in a suite? If you want to query the Joe installed in the current system contains which files contain,

Code: PKG_INFO -L / VAR / DB / PKG / JOE- {Version}

20, how to install the old version of Ports? Sometimes it will be as dependent, or there is a problem with the new version, and it will want to install the old version of the suite. The method here is to use the benefits of CVS to return to the older version of the day to install the old version of the kit. First, if we have to reply to a certain set, you need to query FreeBSD Ports CVS Repository. The most common is the Freshports website, FreeBSD Mailing FreeBSD CVS or FreeBSD Ports CVSWeb. After checking the days dependent on the suite version, modify the CVS TAG. General presets of Ports CVS Tag will be written in / usr / share / examples / cvsup / ports-support, if you want to return to 2002/10/05, then:

Code: # vi / usr / share / example / cvsup / ports-support *************************************************** ******** DEFAULT DATE = 2002. # Reduce DATE to the same day, as in general CVSUP, perform CVSUP (Make Update), at this time, the Ports Collections will return to the situation, Then the old version of the suite will also appear in Ports Collections, as long as the installation is installed. If you just want to return some of the ports, you must add additional information. If you only want to put the lang / perl5.8 back, you know that this is a lang, then:

Code: # vi / usr / share / example / cvsup / ports-support *************************************************** ******* # ports-all # Ports-LANG # in this line

Finally, execute CVSUP and install it. Currently, if you want to return a single Ports alone, it is more troublesome. 21, how do I update Ports MK? MK (/ usr / ports / mk /) is the setting of the test when compiling ports. Sometimes ports collection is too new, and the content of MK does not match, at this time, it should be updated when MK is updated.

Code: CD / USR / SRC / MAKE UPDATE CD / USR / SRC / Share / MK Make Install

22. How do I solve Sed -i errors when installing Ports? Because the SED of the BSD Style is the BSD itself, the SED itself is inconsistent with some of the SED executed between the PORTS compilation period, so it will cause some kind of language error. At this time, you will install Sed_inplace (TextProc / SED_INPLACE), then install the original Ports that cannot be installed:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / ??? / ??? / make -duse_reinplace install

23, how do you list all the Ports that can be upgraded? Ports Collection's update speed is very fast, and after each update of Ports Collections, there will be a new version than the currently installed suite now, you can order the system to organize and provide a list of upgraded kits:

Code: pkg_version -c

24. How do I know that PORTS SYSTEM is the compilation number provided by a ports? All the compiled parameters provided in all Ports Collections are detailed within the corresponding Makefile file, such as sysutils / portupgrade, is located under the / usr / ports / sysutils / portupgrade / makefile file. You can browse this profile to know the number of parameters that can be reached during the compilation period, such as providing NOPORTDOCS for Sysutils / Portupgrade, then:

Code: cd / usr / ports / sysutils / portupgrade / make -Dnoportdocs install # make noportdocs = yes install

Then, when installing this ports, the relevant parameters corresponding to NOPORTDOCS will be specified. Sometimes setting more humanized ports will provide a number of options to choose from before installation, but most of the ports do not provide, so you must go to search for compile-compilation, where I provide the way as follows: Code : CD / USR / Ports / Sysutils / Portupgrade / Grep Defined Makefile

So almost you can know all the compileable numbers provided, although there will be some unsatisfactory information, this is not a way to be a good test. 25. How do I manually join the number of compilation ports? In FAQ 24, it is the premise provided by Ports Collections, sometimes not all the numbers supported by all the software will be stored in Ports Collections, so sometimes it is necessary to manually join the compilation. As in ftp / pure-ftpd, if you don't want to include inetd's support, it is not included in Ports Collections, so you must manually add this compile number, as follows:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / FTP / PURE-FTPD / MAKE Configure_args = "- without-inetd" Install

26, how to specify the installation path of the PORTS? Preset Ports Collecions has scheduled installed paths (/ usr / local /), if you do not want to install the suite, you can manually specify the installation path. Take Editors / Joe as an example:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make prefix = / usr install

Then Joe will correspond to the / usr directory instead of the preset / usr / local directory.

27, installing the error message problem of forward_pkg_register: When you have already installed a piece of software before you have installed the same software again, it is likely to have the following error messages. Meaning You can release the installation through Make deinstall and then install it again through Make Reinstall. If you determine * Overlay * This installation can be achieved through the setting force_pkg_register variable. ===> An OLDER VERSION OF PORTS Data Clip Position Is Already Installed (Software Version ) you may wish to `` make deinstall '' and install this port again by `` make reinstall '' to upgrade it properly. If you really wish to overwrite the old port of PORTS folder location without deleting it first, set the variable "Force_pkg_register" in Your Environment or the "make install" Command line. Handle: As long as you add force_pkg_register = "yes", you can force the installation. Also: / usr / ports / data clip order / # make Install forward_pkg_register = "yes" 28, install ports appear Shared Object not found "" or ( Not Found Problem: Recent FreeBSD version, When you install some software, there will be similar failed pictures and tell you that lack of or this card. Shared object "" not found as shown below: Recently Version When installing certain program problems, lack of functions. Problem analysis: It is first thought if the corresponds to the Linux program share the library. FreeBSD is first looking in the / compat / linux folder before reading the related functions; then if you can't find it, you will try to search / lib data clip. Take the letter as an example, you will look for / compat / Linux / lib /; second is /lib/ Simple solution: shared object "" not found is the same as functions, will also install some software will appear Error screen. Problem analysis: Version is installed / usr / port / debxt / usr after it. Theoretically, the current version of the current version is why is Libintl.So.5 to read the old libintl. SO.4 version. When you install Gmake, Gmake will connect to the version of at the time that Gmake is installed, which is Version 4. It is When you update the related ports (United Weight / getText) will replace unless you can get the previous system to keep the old otherwise installation failure situation. Unfortunately ... there are many programs need GetText Function. You can use CD / USR / ports /; make search key = "getText"

| more inquiry why do you want to add more because I am afraid that you see a dizzy ... QQ problem resolution: To solve this problem you can re-establish all Ports related to getText. # portupgrade -fr gettext re-established or re-established Install all programs related to getText, if you forget, see Update PortUpgrade software update or simply use to steal steps * Current version * LINK past ..qq (version 6 .. push) then It can be installed smoothly. 29. How to install packages? Currently FreeBSD packages are packaged by .tgz. If you want to install a packages, you can use pkg_add, such as a JOE TGZ: Code: PKG_ADD Joe- {Version} .tgz

30, how to force installation packages? Since some packages will have relationships with other Packages, you must install those packages to install. If you need to force Packages, you may not need to install those dependency packages, but to note that the results of the forced installation may result in abnormal execution or operation. Forced installation of the Packages as follows, such as forcing a JoE TGZ:

Code: PKG_ADD -F Joe- {Version} .tgz

31. How to query the depend between packages and other packages? Since some packages will have relationships with other Packages, you must install those packages to install. Query the dependence between Packages and other packages, such as the search with Portupgrade, other packages:

Code: pkg_info -r portupgrade- {version} .tgz

32. How to install Packages remote? There are two ways to set the way, such as: setenv packageroot # Setupageroot is Station Another way to set packagesite, the benefit is If the Packages warehousing of the station is not in line with the official setting or you want to specify a path yourself. Take i386 CURRENT PAKCAGES as an example: setENV packages one way to choose one All, the next steps are the same. When you need to install Packages, if you have portupgrade, then:

Code: pkg_add -r portupgrade

The system will automatically capture all Packages associated with Portupgrade with 33. How do I update the index comparison table? 4.x's index is located in /usr/ports/index, 5.x located in / usr / ports / index-5. Index is a comparison table for all information such as Ports, if it has not been updated for a long time, it will cause the Ports to fail. The official has regular update index. If you want to update it yourself, then:


34, how to update index HTML? FreeBSD provides a web page to view the Ports Collection, you can use Lynx, W3M, Links, or other bridges that browse. Making all ports collection is as follows: Code: CD / USR / PORTS / MAKE Readmes

If you only need to do information under the current directory, or a single update information, such as / usr / ports / ftp /, then:


Then only update the information of the / usr / ports / ftp / this directory, and it will not be more moving with its directory. After the success is successful, the archive of Readme.html will be generated in the corresponding directory. 35. How do I don't do CVSUP for some ports? If some categories under Ports are completely used, you can do not update when CVSUP is made to save online bandwidth and time.

Code: # vi / usr / sup / refuse ************************************************** ** Ports / French Ports / German Ports / Hebrew Ports / Hungarian Ports / Japanese

So, the files in the above directory will not be updated. If you want some single ports, you don't do sync, for example, if you want to keep the old version, you don't do synchronization, or the new version has a problem.

Code: # vi / usr / sup / refuse ************************************************** ** ports / lang / perl5.8

Then Ports / Lang / Perl5.8 this ports will not make CVSUP synchronization. These setting methods support the universal character.

Code: # vi / usr / sup / refuse ************************************************** ** Ports / Lang / Perl * Ports / PO *

36. How do I use CVSUP Synchronization Ports Collectes? Please try to use CVSUP to update your Source Tree and Ports Tree. 37. When installing port is outdated, a port is outdated, for example, when installing IMAP-UW, the following appears: Your Installation of the cclient port is outdated. Please delete it before contineting. It is a CClient that has been installed because of the corresponding CClient software. It's too old, it is recommended to upgrade this software to install the IMAP-UW. So just upgrade the CClient first, you can install it.

Code: # cd / usr / ports / mail / cclient / # make reinstall or # make deinstall && make install # cd / usr / ports / mail / iMap-UW / # make install

38. When installing ports, OpenSSL VulneRabilities When you install some suits, if there is a variation from OpenSSL, and if the OpenSSL version of the system is used, it will appear as follows: dependency warning: used OpenSSL Version Contains KNown Vulnerabilities please update or define each with_openssl_base or with_openssl_port General Suggestive Solutions There are two. The first type: upgrade system (requires Upgrade of OpenSSL in the system), then install the suite first, you can query the version of OpenSSL used in the system: Code: OpenSSL Version -v

Upgrade system can be used to test the FNP: Upgrade Core System or FNP: Upgrade Major System. After upgrading the system, make an OpenSSL version confirmation. Then install the kit, this message will not appear. Second: Make the kit according to OpenSSL in Ports Tree, install the new version of the new version of OpenSSL, then depending on this new version of OpenSSL, instead of the OpenSSL built by the system itself. As long as the kit is installed, the number of 叁 叁_openssl_port will be installed, and the OpenSSL in the ports Tree will be installed, and the kit will also depend here. Methods as below:

Code: make -dwith_openssl_port install

It is not recommended here to use the number of WITH_OPENSSL_BASE, as this indicates that the installation kit is the OpenSSL that may have vulnerabilities in the original system, which will lead to security issues. 39. How to simulate Linux on FreeBSD? The latest and most complete information on the official Handbook. Simply, FreeBSD core must support, and you must install Linux Runtime Libraries, and do some settings. If you want to perform Linux Elf Binaries, you can query whether FreeBSD has supported Linux ELF.


See if there is a word like Linux, if not, please look back if you haven't done it. Then check whether the execution file is Linux Elf Binaries.


If it is Linux Elf Binaries, it can be performed normally. If the result is not Linux Elf Binaries, but it is determined that Linux Elf Binaries is changed, just change the ELF format. BRANDELF -T Linux Execution-binary-filename then checks if it has been fixed to the correct format. 40. How do I install Linux rpm on FreeBSD? Please make sure you have successfully simulated Linux on FreeBSD, please test FAQ 39. The way to install RPM is as follows:

Code: rpm --ignoreos --Root / compat / linux - dbpath / var / lib / rpm / -uvh xxx.rpm

41. When installing Ports, the list option that should have occurred is not seen. This is because the system record has installed the list options selected at the time of Ports, so sometimes it is a problem, or once again installed, There will be no listing can be selected. How to make the list option reappear? Code: Make Clean Make Showconfig # Displays the settings of the settings make rmconfig # Clear the settings of the setting make Config

The preset of the Options presets of the previous settings will be recorded in / var / db / ports / {ports_name} / options. To see the list options for Python before:


42. How do I check if there is a stupid ports / packages? Over time, software installed with different times will be released by different versions, and the version number of different software is different, so it will often cause excessive versions of the same software to install too much. Here I must declare that although the suite name is the same, it may not be possible to be compatible, so some software must rely on the old version, and some software must rely on the relatively new version, if there is such a situation, then The existence of two versions is normal. Otherwise, we recommend removing the old version of the suite, change all the points to this suite to the new version. That is to say, remove the old version of the suite, and then change the original part of the old version, change to the new version of the suite. Note that I emphasized that the new legacy suite is compatible. Because this practice is a bit dangerous, this does not provide practices, please use a more water-based suite management tool, such as portupgrade. Check if there is a rewarded Ports / packages as follows:

Code: PKG_INFO | SORT | SED -E 'S / - [0-9]. * $ /' | UNIQ-C | Grep -V '^ [[: Space:]] * 1'

If there is a line of display "3 libtool", it means that there is currently three different versions of the libtool kit installed. You can check if these three versions can be compatible:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Make Search Name = Libtool

If there are three ports to represent these three different versions of libtool, they are not compatible with each other, they must retain the three, otherwise it may have problems. Assume that as follows:

Code: / usr / ports / wevel / libtool13 / usr / ports / wevel / limited14 / usr / ports / wevel / libtool15

Conversely, if there is only one ports to represent this different version of the kit, it means that the three versions of the current system installation are compatible, as long as the original compatible with all the other two versions are modified, and point to want to retain That version, then remove other two. If the system is found to have three different version of GetText:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Make Search Name = GetText

Then the results of the exam are as follows:

Code: / usr / ports / wevel / gettext

All other suits of all the applications are changed to the new version of GetText, and then remove the new version of GetText. 43, what is the difference between `make deinstall 'with` pkg_delete'? Simply put, `make deinstall 'removed the port and does not take care of its dependent PORTS. `pkg_delete 'before removing the port, it will take its dependent PORT, and` pkg_delete' has support Wild Card, if you want to remove all P started Ports, then: Code: CD / VAR / DB / PKG / PKG_DELETE P *

[color = red] To note, if you use `make deinstall ', it is best to determine the version installed in the system, which is in line with the version shown in the Ports Collection, otherwise it may have a non-intended error; and` pkg_delete 'Is because of the version installed in the system directly, so there is no such problem. Therefore, in other words, when the version installed in the system complies with the version in Ports Collections, you can use `make deinstall 'or` pkg_delete', otherwise it is best to use `pkg_delete '. Information related to `Make deinstall ': FAQ 11, FAQ 12 and FAQ 13. Information related to `PKG_DELETE ': FAQ 11, FAQ 12 and FAQ 15. 44. Installing the Ports to appear Local Modification Time Does Not Match Remote's error message usually indicates that you have downloaded this file in the corresponding directory of / usr / ports / distfiles, but it is not Download with PORT Collectes. The usual solution is to remove this file in the corresponding directory of / usr / ports / distfiles, and re-capture. For example, the following error message appears when installing JOE: Fetch: Joe2.8.tar.z: local modification time does NOT MATCH Remote removes joe2.8.tar.z in / usr / ports / distfiles:

Code: CD / USR / PORTS / Editors / Joe / Make DistClean

Finally, reinstall it.


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