xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

First, the installation instructions.

In order to facilitate installing I selected apache, php, mysql when installing redhat3.0, pay attention to the mysql-debvice package must be installed,

Second, install UCSPI-TCP-0.88

1. This is a problem with the version of the GLIBC of RedHat3.0, including RedHat 9.0, must have the following software and patches to compile





Put all QMAIL files in / SOFT / QMAIL directory

2. Install UCSPI-TCP-0.88

[root @ localhost qmail] # tar zxvf ucspi-tcp-0.88.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # CD UCSPI-TCP-0.88 [root @ localhost ucspi-tcp-0.88] # patch -p1 <../ucspi -TCP-0.88.a_record.patch [root @ localhost ucspi-tcp-0.88] # patch -p1 <../ucspi-tcp-0.88.rrno.pi-tcp-0.88.rrno.patch [root @ localhost ucspi-tcp-0.88] # patch -p1 < ../ucspi-tcp-0.88.nobase.patch [root @ localhost ucspi-tcp-0.88] # Make [root @ localhost ucspi-tcp-0.88] # Make setup check

Third, install qmail

1. The software and patches needed




http://www.shupp.org/patches/qmail-maildir .patch




2. Establish a directory

[root @ localhost qmail] # mkdir / var / qmail [root @ localhost qmail] # mkdir / var / qmail / alias

3. Construction group and user

[Root @ localhost qmail] # groupadd nofiles [root @ localhost qmail] # groupadd qmail [root @ localhost qmail] # useradd alias -g nofiles -d / var / qmail / alias -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # useradd qmails -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # UserAdd qmail -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # UserAdd qmailp -g nofiles -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # @ @ qmailq -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # @ UserAdd qmailr -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent [root @ localhost qmail] # UserAdd qmails -g qmail -d / var / qmail -s / nonexistent4. Patching and finishing QMAIL

[root @ localhost qmail] # tar zxvf qmail-1.03.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # tar zxvf qmail-smtpd-auth-0.31.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # CP qmail-smtpd-auth- 0.31 / base64. * Qmail-1.03 [root @ localhost qmail] # patch -d qmail-1.03

5. Add alias users

[root @ localhost qmail] # Touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-root [root @ localhost qmail] # Touch /var/qmail/alias/.qmail-postmaster [root @ localhost qmail] # Touch / var / qmail /ALIAS/.qmail-mailer-daemon6. If Postfix and Sendmail are present, they deactivate them.

[root @ localhost qmail] # /etc/rc.d/init.d/sendmail stop [root @ localhost qmail] # cp / var / qmail / bin / sendmail /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # r r -f / etc / alternatives / mta [root @ localhost qmail] # ln -s /usr/sbin/qmail.sendmail / etc / alternatives / mta [root @ localhost qmail] # RM-F / USR / lib / sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # rm -f / usr / sbin / sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / lib / sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail / usr / sbin / sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 777 / usr / sbin / sendmail

Fourth, install VPOPMAIL

Download vpopmail


2. Establish a directory

[root @ localhost qmail] # mkdir / home / vpopmail [root @ localhost qmail] # mkdir / home / vpopmail / etc

3. Add users and groups

[root @ localhost qmail] # groupadd vchkpw [root @ localhost qmail] # UserAdd -g vchkpw vpopmail

4. Add mysql's vpopmail user to operate the VPOPMAIL database

[root @ localhost qmail] # mysqladmin -u root password **** Set the mysql root password. [root @ localhost qmail] # mysql -u root -p mysql> create database vpopmail; mysql> grant all on vpopmail. * to vpopmail @ localhost iDentified by "password";

MySQL> flush privileges; // Reserved

5. Compilation and installation VPOPMAIL

[root @ localhost qmail] # tar zxvf vpopmail-5.2.1.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # cd vpopmail-5.2.1 [root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # vi vmysql.h ==== ======================= ============================= ====== # Define mysql_update_server "localhost"

#define mySQL_UPDATE_USER "vpopmail"

#define mySQL_UPDATE_PASSWD "****" (change to your password you set)

#define mysql_read_server "Localhost"

#define mySQL_Read_user "vpopmail"

#define mysql_read_passwd "****" (changed to your password you set)

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =========

6. Create TCP.SMTP

[root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # vi /Home/vpopMail/etc/tcp.smtp

==================== Tcp.smtp =========================== = ALLOW ,RELAYCLIENT = ""

: Allow

============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =========

[root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # cd / home / vpopmail / etc [root @ localhost etc] # tcprules tcp.smtp.cdb tcp.smtp.tmp

[root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # ./configure --prefix = / home / vpopmail --enable-mysql = y --Nable-incdir = / usr / include / mysql --enable-libdir = / usr / LIB / mysql --enable-default-domain = domain.com --enable-passwd = n --enable-defaultquota = 52428800s (10485760: 10MB, 20971520: 20MB, 52428800S: 50MB) --Nable-tcprules-prog = / USR / local / bin / tcprules --enable-tcpser-file = / home / vpopmail / etc / tcp.smtp --enable-vpopuser = vpopmail --Nable-vpopGroup = vchkpw --enable-ip-alias-domains = n [root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # make [root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # make install-strip

8. Create a virtual domain

[root @ localhost vpopmail-5.2.1] # CD / home / vpopmail / bin

[root @ localhost bin] / home / vpopmail / bin / vadddomain domain password [root @ localhost bin] / home / vpopmail / bin / vadduser username password (username is domain name, such as demo@demo.com) Delete Creation Domain The command is: ./ vdeldomain domain name


1. Modify the properties of vchkpw

[root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 4755 vchkpw [root @ localhost qmail] # chown root.root vchkpw

2. Download installation CMD5Checkpw



[Root @ localhost qmail] # tar zxvf cmd5checkpw-0.22.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # cd cmd5checkpw-0.22 [root @ localhost cmd5checkpw-0.22] # make [root @ localhost cmd5checkpw-0.22] # make install

6. Generate qmail's startup script

[root @ localhost qmail] # cp / var / qmail / boot / home / var / qmail / rc [root @ localhost qmail] # vi / var / qmail / rc // modified RC files to determine the delivery method: ================= rc ========================= #! / bin / sh

# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.

# Using dot-forward to support sendmail-style ~ / .forward files.

# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~ / mailbox by default.

Exec Env - path = "/ var / qmail / bin: $ PATH" qmail-start ./mails/ SPLogger Qmail &

================== r ============================

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi / var / qmail / smtp

=================== SMTP ==============================================================

#! / bin / sh

Qmailduid = qmails

Nofilesgid = NOFILES

/ usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r -l 0 -t 1 -v -p -x /home/vpopmail/tc/tcp.smtp.cdb -u $ qmailduid -g $ nofilesgid 0 SMTP / VAR / QMAIL / bin / qmail-smtpd domain.com / home / vpopmail / bin / vchkpw / bin / true / bin / cmd5checkpw / bin / true 2> & 1 | / var / qmail / bin / splogger smtpd 3 &

=================== SMTP ============================================================

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi / var / qmail / pop3 // Edit POP3 service startup script ====================== POP3 ===== ====================

#! / bin / sh

/ usr / local / bin / tcpserver -h -r 0 pop3 / var / qmail / bin / qmail-popup Domain.com / Home / VPOPMAIL / BIN / VCHKPW / VAR / QMAIL / BIN / QMAIL-POP3D MAILDIR &

======================= POP3 ==================================================================================================================================================

[root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 755 / var / qmail / rc [root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 755 / var / qmail / smtp [root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 755 / var / qmail / pop3

7. Run qmail and test

[root @ localhost qmail] # / var / qmail / rc [root @ localhost qmail] # / var / qmail / smtp [root @ localhost qmail] # / var / qmail / pop3 [root @ localhost qmail] # PS AUX | GREP "qmail"

Check if POP3 and SMTP work

# Telnet 110

# Telnet 25

Note that when you set a mail account in Outlook, you should add a domain name, such as llzq@domain.com. If Qmail has a problem, you can view the vpopmail database in MySQL, the MySQLD and Mailog logging under / var / log.

Eight, install and run IGENUS

1. Download the latest installation package: IGENUS_2_20030516_Snap.tgz

[root @ localhost qmail] # TAR ZXVF IGENUS_2_20030516_SNAP.TGZ -C / VAR / WWW / HTML 2. Jian TEMP folder

[root @ localhost qmail] # CD / var / www / html / imeenus [root @ localhost iGenus] # mkdir Temp [root @ localhost igenus] # chmod -r 0755 temp [root @ localhost igenus] # chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw Temp

Setting permissions in httpd.conf does not allow access to the TEMP directory.

Deny from all

3. Modify httpd.conf

[root @ localhost iGenus] # vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confuser apache


change into:

User vpopmail


Add this to solve the default language problem of Apache:

AdddefaultCharset GB2312

[root @ localhost iGenus] # /etc/rc.d/init.d/httpd restart

4. Solve individual mailbox reject mail issues (such as Sina)

Modify mail signature information

[root @ localhost iGenus] # vi /var/www/html/igenus/config/config_inc.php

$ Cfg_basepath = "/ var / www / html / iGenus";

$ Cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost';

$ Cfg_mysql_user = 'vpopmail';

$ Cfg_mysql_pass = '******'; change to your password

$ Cfg_mysql_db = 'vpopmail';

$ Cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp";


"IGENUS IS A FREE Webmail Interface, No Fee, Free Download"


Http://www.igenus.org is http://domain.com

[root @ localhost igenus] vi / var / qmail / control / helohost

=============== =======================


=============== =======================

[root @ localhost iGenus] # chmod 755 / var / qmail / control / helohost If you use the mail server is postfix

Postconf -e "SMTP_HELO_NAME = My Mail Server Domain Name (A Record)"

If you use the mail server is sendmail, this is handled like this

vi /etc/sendmail.cf

CW My mail server domain (A record)

5. Repair the mailbox without retreat issue

[root @ localhost qmail] # rm -f / usr / sbin / sendmail [root @ localhost qmail] # ln -s / var / qmail / bin / sendmail

If you manage your mailbox with QMAILADMIN?

Enter the QMAILADMIN -> Main menu "Mail Account" -> Set No Default Catch All Accent is OK. At this time, the CATCHALL above the web page should be displayed as bounced.

6. Modify config_inc.php files

[root @ localhost qmail] # CD / var / www / html / imeenus / config [root @ localhost config] # vi config_inc.php =================================================================================================================================================================================== ==================

$ Cfg_basepath = "/ var / www / html / iGenus";

$ Cfg_mysql_host = 'localhost';

$ Cfg_mysql_user = 'vpopmail';

$ Cfg_mysql_pass = '****'; change here to your password

$ Cfg_mysql_db = 'vpopmail';

$ Cfg_temp = $ cfg_basepath. "/ Temp";


7. Reproduction MySQL Database Table

[Root @ localhost config] # mysql -u root -p mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> alter table vpopmail drop primary key; mysql> alter table vpopmail add column pw_id int (5) NOT NULL primary key auto_increment; mysql> create table address (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) unsigned not null default '0', name varchar (64) not null default ', email varchar (128) Not null default', UNIQUE KEY ID ( ID), Key PW_ID (PW_ID)) TYPE = MyISAM;

8. Add new domain names and new users with Vadddomain and Vadduser if needed

9.qmail limit the size of the attachment

Set the size of the attachment in the / var / qmail / control / data file, you can implement the limit on the QMAIL accessory size, which is not available, you can create it yourself.

SMTP mode is restricted by QMAIL DataBytes

Create DataBytes and set up the maximum amount of 4m

[root @ localhost qmail] # echo 4000000> / var / qmail / control / databelet

10. Limit the number of mailboxes in single field

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi /home/vpopmail/domains/domain.com/.qmailadmin-limits

===============. qmailadmin-limited ============================= MaxPopaccounts 200

Default_quota 52428800S

===============. qmailadmin-limited ============================================================================================================================================================

[Root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 700 /home/vpopmail/domains/domain.com/.qmailadmin-limits [root @ localhost qmail] # chwod vpopmail: vchkpw /home/vpopmail/domains/domain.com/.qmailadmin-limits

This limits the total number of mailboxes in 200, each mailbox is 50m.

11. Block Mail from qmail

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi / var / qmail / control / badmailfrom

This control file implements the rejection of the mail function, and each address is a line. Moreover, it can take effect without restarting qmail. E.g:

Peng@96633.net ----- Limit a specific user

@ sina.com ----- Limit the mail in the entire domain

12. Set the IGENUS definition to allow the size of the downloaded message to be downloaded

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi /etc/php.ini


Memory_limit = 16m




session.auto_start = 1

Register_globals = on

Session.bug_compat_42 = 1

Session.bug_compat_warn = 0

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/php.conf

SetOutputFilter PHP

SetInputFilter PHP

LimitRequestBody 4242880

Nine, edit QMail Self-started script

[root @ localhost qmail] # vi /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail

===================== qmail ======================

#! / bin / sh

# ChkConfig: 2545 90 90

# Description: qmail (include SMTP AND POP3) Auto Start / Stop Scripts.

. /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions

Case "$ 1" in


echo -n "start qmail:"

/ VAR / QMAIL / RC &

echo "."

echo -n "Start SMTP Service:"


echo "."

echo -n "start pop3 service:"


echo "."



echo "stop qmail:"

KillProc qmail-send

KillProc QMail-Clean

KillProc QMail-Rspawn

KillProc qmail-lspawn

KillProc SPLogger

KillProc TCPServer








[root @ localhost qmail] # chmod 755 /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail [root @ localhost qmail] # chkconfig --Add qmail

------------------------------- here is usually available ------------ -----------------

Ten, install autorespond

[root @ localhost qmail] # tar xzvf AutoSpond-2.0.2.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # CD AutoRespond-2.0.2 [root @ localhost autorespond-2.0.2] # vi makefile

Will INSTALL_DIR = modified to / var / qmail / bin

[root @ localhost autorespond-2.0.2] # make [root @ localhost autorespond-2.0.2] # make install [root @ localhost autorespond-2.0.2] # cp AutoRespond / usr / local / bin

Eleven, install qmailadmin-1.0.6.tar.gz

[root @ localhost qmail] # tar xzvf qmailadmin-1.0.6.tar.gz [root @ localhost qmail] # CD @ localhost qmailadmin-1.0.6] # ./configure --enable-cgibindir = / var / www / cgi-bin --enable-htmldir = / var / www / html --disable-ezmlmdir [root @ localhost qmailadmin-1.0.6] # make [root @ localhost qmailadmin-1.0.6] # Make INSTALL-STRIP

Once again

[root @ localhost qmail] # chmod -r 0755 / var / www / html / imeenus [root @ localhost qmail] # chmod -r 0755 / var / www / html / images [root @ localhost qmail] # chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw / var / www / html / iGenus [root @ localhost qmail] # chown -r vpopmail: vchkpw / var / www / html / images Hanhua qmailadmin

First delete the menu file installed by qmailadmin installation

[root @ localhost qmail] # rm -f / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en [root @ localhost qmail] # rm -f / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en-us to generate its own simplified Chinese menu file / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en [root @ localhost qmail] # vi / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en

000 GB2312

001 main menu

002 mail account

003 Add Mail Robot:

004 Mail robot's name:

005 Send copy to the email address:

006 Title:

007 Add forward account:

008 Forward to the email address:

009 Local Mail User Name:

010 The format of the email address to be forwarded is: user@domain.com.

Local mail users' formats are: Popaccount


If you forward local users: sales to email address:


Then all messages sent to Sales users will be forwarded to

Joe@domain.com This email address

011 Add List Moderator

012 Add Moderator to Mailing List

013 email address:

014 Add new user to mail category

015 Creating a new mailing list

016 mailing list

017 Mail list owner's email address:

018 Archived

019 Not Archived

020 Block Archive. Only Moderators are allowed to access the archive.

021 Archive Access is Open to anyone or subscribers Only, Depending on The Guard Setting.

022 No Digest. Do not set up the digest list.

023 prefix. Set up the list so what The outgoing Subject Will Be Prefixed with the list name.

024 NO prefix.

025 Guard Archive. Archive Access Requests from Unrecognized Senders Will Be Rejected.

026 DO NOT Guard Archive. Archive Access Request from any Senders Will Be Serviced.

027 Subscriptions DO NOT Require Confirmation.

028 Subscription Requires Confirmation by Reply to a Message Sent to The Subscription Address.

029 Indexed for WWW archive access.

030 The List is created WITHOUT WWW archive index031 unsubscribe does Not Require Confirmation.

032 UNSUBSCRIBE Requires Confirmation by a reply to a message Sent to the subscription address.

033 List Subscribers. Remote Administrators Can Request a Subscriber List, And Search The Subscriber Log.

034 The Subscriber List Cannot Be Obtained.

Message model.

036 Message Posting is not modelated.


.................... ..

039 Respond to Adminstrative Requests and Allow Archive RetrieVal.

040 Allow ONLY Digest Creation, Remote Adminstration, And Archive Retrieval by Remote Administrators, (if The List is configured with this option).

041 Allow Remote Administrators to Edit Files in Text Directory

042 Text File Editing Is Not ALOWED

043 Request Address IS Serviced

044 Do Not Process Messages Sent to The Request Address

045 Enables Remote Administration

046 No Remote Administration.

Subscription moderation.

048 Subscriptions Are Not Moderated.

049 Trailer

050 no trailer

051 User Posts ONLY


053 Allow database support

054 host name

055 port

056 username

057 password

058 database

059 table

060 Add

061 mail account

062 Catchall:

063 explanation

064 revision


065 delete

account number

066 Catchall

account number

067 Creating a new mail account

068 account alias

069 alias

070 mail account

071 modification

072 delete

073 Creating a new alias

074 Forward Accounts

075 forwarding

076 Creating a new forwarding

077 mail robot

078 mail robot

079 new mail robot

080 Mail list

081 list

082 Overhabby. QMail-default error

083 Add


084 delete


085 list


086 Add


087 delete


088 list


089 New Mail List 090 Create a Mail Account

091 Password (AGAIN):

092 real name

093 list name

094 submit user

095 Submit new users to the following mailing list

096 Delete an alias

097 confirmation deletion

098 Delete Mail Robot

099 Database Settings

100 Delete Forward

101 Delete mailing list

102 Delete User

103 forwarding mail

104 Yes, forward it to:

105 Modify Mail Robot

106 name

107 explanation

108 Creating a new email address

109 Modify User

110 new password

111 Modify User

112 administrator account

113 domain name

114 login

115 Redirects for User

116 CURRENT Redirects

117 Add / Replace Redirect Email

118 Delete Rediect

119 Add success

120 unable to add

121 alias

122 forwarding

123 Show Redirect

124 shortcut link

125 Creating a new mail account

126 Creating a new alias

127 Creating a new forwarding

128 Creating a new mail robot

129 Creating a new mailing list

130 Catchall: Bounced

131 No users can browse, please return to the previous page

132 default

133 index:

134 Set No Default Catch All Account

135 Previous

136 refresh

137 next page

138 TYPE IN Password

The password of 139 mail users is successful.

140 Password modification failed.

141 Successfully used to delete.

142 has no certification

143 directory permissions error

144 file permission error

145 Invalid User Internal Error

146 Cannot Do Redirect

147 redirect now

148 invalid email address

149 Cannot Delete Last Entry

150 file error


152 forwarded add success

153 username does not exist

154 alias added success

155 Invalid Action

156 to achieve the maximum number of alias

157 to achieve the maximum number of forwarding

158 Number of Maximum Mail Machines

159 Invalid Dotqmail Type: adddotqmail ()

160 alias is invalid

161 DID NOT ALIAS. POP Account Must Be An EXISTING POP Account.

162 mail username invalid

163 local username invalid

164 INVALID ALIAS TYPE: AddDotQmailnow ()

165 Adding Mail User's Alias ​​failed

166 Adding Mail Users

167 Delete the user's alias / forward error.

168 Add user alias / forwarding success.

169 Error Deleting Redirect / Forward for Pop Account

170 Redirect / Forward for Pop Account Deleted SuccessFully


172 Only One Person CAN Log in As System Postmaster At One Time. Someone else Has Logged in. Please Only Have ONE Login At A Time.

173 Login Expiration, please log in again

174 invalid email robot name

175 username already exists

176 please Fill in mail robot name


178 Please enter the title

179 please type in something to send

180 mail robots added successfully

181 Unable to delete email robots

182 mail robot delete success 183 mail robot revised success

184 Number of maximum mail lists

185 Unable to delete the number of email lists

186 mailing list delete success

187 mailing list Add success

188 Invalid mail list name

189 mail list in the list of mail addresses

190 End of List

191 Mail list in the list of MODERATOR users

192 Return to the main menu

193 Add to the main menu

194 Email Address Added As a Moderator To Mailing List

195 Remove the subscriber from the mailing list

196 Removing Moderator from the list

197 Removed As a Moderator for Mailing List

198 login invalid

199 Maximum number of mail users

200 Password does not match, please re-enter

201 memory consumption

202 WHERE The Parameters Are:

203 Remove from the mailing list

204 Go User

205 prohibiting forward / holiday (VACATION)

206 Set Remote Catch All Acount

207 Set Remote Catchall

208 Remote Catchall Address:

209 allows forwarding

210 allows for saving copy and forwarding

211 Forward mail to:

212 Allow Holidays (VACAction)

213 Vacation Title:

214 Vacation Information:

215 must provide forwarding addresses

216 must provide title

217 refresh the main menu

218 exiting


220 Moderator


221 Subscribe list

222 submit


223 users do not exist

224 (click to modify)

225 Modify Mail List

226 mailing list modification success

227 diagnosis

228 Total:

229 is not limited

230 Subscribe Total Number:

231 No list is available for display

232 No alias and forwarding available for display

233 No mail robots are available for display

Generate your own simplified Chinese menu file / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en-us

Cp / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en / usr / local / share / qmailadmin / html / en-us

Generate admin table

Mysql> Use vpopmail;

Mysql> Create Table `Admin` (

`ID` Tinyint (3) unsigned not null auto_increment,

`Domain` VARCHAR (128) Not null default ',

`Quota` Smallint (5) Unsigned Not Null Default '0',

`Total` Smallint (5) unsigned not null default '0',

`Createtime` TimeStamp (14) Not null,

`login` charr (1) Not null default '',

`Cur_total` Smallint (5) Not null default '0',

`cur_quota` smallint (5) Not null default '0',

Primary key (`ID`),

UNIQUE Key `Domain` (` Domain`)

) Type = myisam pack_keys = 1 auto_increment = 1;

Twelve, establish a QMAIL firewall for ADSL. Echo 1> / Proc / Sys / Net / IPv4 / IP_FORWARD

/ sbin / iptables -f input

/ sbin / iptables -f forward

### Enable Client to Vist the Web-Server On Internet

/ sbin / iptables -a output -o ppp0 -p TCP - Sport 1024: 65535 -d Any / 0 - Dport 80 -J Accept

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p tcp! --Syn -s any / 0 --sport 80 --dport 1024: 65535 -j accept

### set ip-masquerade

/ sbin / iptables -t nat -a postrouting -o ppp0 -j masquerade

### i ip packets limited

/ sbin / iptables -a forward -f -m limited --LIMIT 10 / S --Limit-Burst 10 -j Accept

/ sbin / iptables -a forward -p ICMP -M LIMIT --LIMIT 1 / S --LIMIT-BURST 3 -J ACCEPT

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p ICMP -J DROP

### Enable Some Internet-Service On Intranet for the Clients on Internet

/ sbin / iptables -a input -p tcp --dport 80 -j accept

### Open Some port for ftp-users to use passive mode

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p tcp --dport 25 -j acid

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -p tcp --dport 110 -j acceptpt

### disable any port you don't want to be visited

/ sbin / iptables -ainput -m state --state established, Related -j Accept

/ sbin / iptables -a input -i ppp0 -j drop

Thirteen, supplementary description

If you are installed in accordance with the above steps, you also need to modify some PHP pages to suit your app,

You can use VI to open the modification. I am not listed here.

Test email:


Manage Email:


============================================================================================================================================================================================================= =========================

Establish software for antivirus systems for qmail servers: maildrop- perl-time-hires-1.38-3.i386.rpm clamav-0.65.tar.gz qmail-scanner-1.20.tgz Install Maildrop: TAR ZXVF MAILDROP- CD MAILDROP- ./configure make make install-strip make install-man installation perl-time-hires-1.38-3.i386.rpm rpm -ivh perl-time- Hires-1.38-3.i386.rpm Installing CLAMAV-0.65.Tar.gz GroupAdd Clamav Useradd -g ClamAV -S / BIN / FALSE CLAMAV TAR ZXVF CLAMAV-0.65.TAR.GZ CD CLAMAV-0.65 ./configure make check make install Update the Virus Library Run Freshclam Add Freshclam to crontab Timed Update Virgin Library, VI /us R / OCAL/EtC/clamav.conf comment EXAMPLE Executes Clamscan Execute CLAMD and executes the CLAMDSCAN Install QMail-Scanner-1.20.tgz GroupAdd Qscand UseRadd -g qscand - S / BIN / FALSE QScand TAR ZXVF QMAIL-Scanner-1.20.tgz CD qmail-scanner-1.20 ./configure --qmail-queue-binary / var / qmail / bin / qmail-queue --admin postmaster --domain Nero. 3322.org - Notify Sender, Admin --Local-Domains Nero.3322.org --lang en_GB --debug Yes --unzip Yes --scanners Clamscan --Install Need to install Perl-db_file-xxxRPM during compilation , It can be found in the disc.

Chown Qscand: Qscand / Var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl chmod 4755 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-scanner-queue.pl then log in with a normal user, execute / var / qmail / bin / qmail -scanner-queue.pl -z If there is no CAN't do setuid, congratulations, if there is a connection to the installation file directory, there is a Contrib directory, make make install additional steps: chown qscand: qscand / var / qmail / bin / Qmail-Scanner-Queue Chmod 4755 / VAR / QUEUE CHMOD 4755 / VAR / QUEUE CHMOD 0755 /VAR/QMAIL/BIN/Qmail-scanner-queue.pl then log in with a normal user, execute / var / qmail / bin / Qmail-Scanner-Queue -z / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue -g modified environment variables 1. Join QMAILQUEUE = / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue.pl if your QMAIL startup script Added steps with qmailqueue = / var / qmail / bin / qmail-scanner-queue export qmailqueue 2. Modify qmail-scanner-queue.pl in MY $ CLAMSCAN_OPTIONS = "- R - Disable-Summary --MAX -recursion = 10 --Max-space = 1000000 "; MY $ CLAMSCAN_OPTIONS =" - R --MBOX --DISABLE-SUMMARY --MAX-Recursion = 10 --Max-Space = 1000000 "; Relonged QMAIL Test Here Test program / Software/qmail-scanner-1.20/contrib/test_installation.sh main exhaust monitor / Var/spool/Qmailscan/quarantine.log /var/spool/qmailscan/qmail-queueue.log / var / l OG / CLAMD.LOG / VAR / log / mailog Add new features to QMail VPopmail IGENUS Mail Server 1. Register new users and retrieve passwords to establish database mysql -u root -p mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table password (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_name varchar (32) Not null default ', pw_domain varchar ( 64) Not null default '', problem varchar (32) Not null default ', Answer varchar (32) Not null default', primary key (id)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1;

Install the package password.rar where there are five files Signup.php, Submit.php is the registered getPassword.php, getPassword2.php, getPassword3.php is used to find the password. About the default domain name. Self-modification Your own default domain. If IGENUS is installed to / var / www / html / iGenus, extract these five files into the / var / www / html directory, then add the corresponding link in the INDEX.PHP file of the home page. Yes. 2. Automatic forwarding to send mail to your own mailbox to other mailbox mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table forward (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) Not null default '0', email varchar (64 NOT NULL DEFAULT ', SUCCESS INT (1) Not Null Default' 0 ', Save Int (1) Not Null Default' 0 ', Primary Key (ID)) TYPE = Myisam Pack_Keys = 1; 3. Profile mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> CREATE TABLE personal (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) NOT NULL default '0', truename varchar (10) NOT NULL default '', fax varchar (20 NOT NULL Default ', Telephone Varchar (15) Not Null Default', SEX INT (1) Not Null Default '0', Year Int (4) Not Null Default ', Month Int (2) Not Null Default' ', day int (2) not null default', education varchar (4) Not null default ', Marital Int (1) Not null default', Occupation Varchar (15) Not null default ', CompanyName Varchar (30 ) Not null default ', province varchar (6) Not null default' ', Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 4. Only domain administrators can send all user notices for this domain, and all users in this domain can only view the notification mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> create table board (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, Num Int 5) Not null default '0', Title Varchar (50) Not null default ', Content Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Host Varchar (50) Not Null Default ', Allhost Int (1) Not Null Default '0'

, Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 5. Favorites Mysql> Use vpopmail; mysql> create table stow (id int (11) unsigned not null auto_increment, pw_id int (5) Not null default '0', Name Varchar (64) Not null default ', http varchar (128 NOT NULL Default ', Memo Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; 6. Contacts mysql> use vpopmail; mysql> CREATE TABLE card (id int (11) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, pw_id int (5) NOT NULL default '0', addrname varchar (10) NOT NULL default '', companyname varchar (30 NOT NULL DEFAULT ', Address Varchar (255) Not Null Default' ', Job Varchar (255) Not Null Default', Telephone Varchar (20) Not Null Default ', Mobile Varchar (15) Not Null Default' , Email Varchar (50) Not null default ', bearing varchar (4) Not null default', Note Varchar (255) Not null default '', Primary Key (ID)) type = myisam pack_keys = 1; Linux ADSL QDNS 1, installation dial-up package For future firewall applications I have installed two network cards to make sure it works Normal: # i10fig eth0 Eth0 Pick-up network # ifconfig eth1 Eth1 connected ADSL Delete Default Gate: in File / etc / sysconfig / network Delete the gateway = this line, then execute: # Service Network Restart Install the PPPD package. If there is file / usr / sbin / pppd, the PPPD has been installed; if not installed, you can find this package on the RedHatlinux installation CD.


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