LINUX service settings (repost)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

If you choose "ftpd" when you install the Linux system, after you select the "ftpd", after installing the Linux system, it has been installed in the system in the system. We can use it to implement the function of the system FTP server. We only need to make some personalized settings based on our needs on this basis. In the vast majority of Linux release, Washingtonunanceity FTP is WashingtonUniversity FTP, which is a well-known FTP server software, generally referred to as WU-FTP. It is powerful and can operate well in many UNIX operating systems, such as IBM AIX, FreeBSD, HP-UX, Nextstep, Dynix, Sunos, Solaris, etc. So the FTP server on the Internet, which uses more than half of it. (1) WU-FTP configuration view, modify the /etc/inetd.conf file /etc/inetd.conf file is the configuration file of the Linux system's super server inetd. It is responsible for listening to multiple TCP / IP ports. When it receives the request, a corresponding server is derived according to the configuration file. By using super servers, other services can be derived only when they need it, thereby greatly saving system resources. WU-FTP is the use of super server inetd to listen to the request. When the super server inetd receives the client's FTP request, open an FTP service process according to the configuration file. So if we want to use the wu-ftp, we must confirm that there is such a sentence in the super server inetd in inetd.conf: ftp stream tcp noait root / usr / sbin / tcpd wu.ftpd so that the super server receives the FTP request At the time, I can derive a WU-FTP FTP service process. (2) The command option for Wu-ftpd is the service process of WU-FTP. It can be executed without parameters or with parameters. (3) Provide automatic compression, decompression, if you want the FTP server to automatically compress, decompress the function, you must first compress, unpack the command file such as Tar, Gzip, Gunzip, Compress, Uncompress, etc. Go to the / home / ftpd / bin directory. (4) Settings about / etc / ftpaccess This profile is the most important profile on the FTP server. It directly related to whether your FTP server can work properly, and there are many permissions. (5) Setting / etc / ftpuser, prohibiting some users from logging in Sometimes we need to ban some users from using FTP services. In fact, this setting is very simple, just write the user account to be prohibited into the file / etc / ftpuser. Due to the security considerations from the system, we generally do not want users to excessive permissions to enter the FTP server with the same user as the command name. (6) Set / etc / ftphosts, prohibit some logins from the specified machine If you need to reject login from some hosts, one method is to set the deny command in / etc / ftpaccess, another simple method That is to write the IP address or domain name of the host you want to disable in / etc / ftphosts. (7) Enables the new configuration to this, we have been able to configure the necessary modifications and adjustments to the FTP server according to their own needs. After letting us reconfigure, it must take effect. In general, the configuration of the / etc / ftpAccess is the next FTP service process after the settings. And others are restarted to the inetd process. (8) Use of other orders related to Wu-ftp. Connection statistics command ftpcount. We can use the ftpcount command very clearly to count the number of users currently connected to the FTP server, and listen to the upper limit.

(9) Online users View command ftpwho. We can use the ftpwho command to clearly list the details of the currently connected users. (10) FTP closes the file generation command ftpshut. We can use the ftpshut command to generate a shut. Shut.msg file set in / etc / ftpaccess for shutdown settings. The FTPSHUT command is formatted: ftpshut <-l min> <-d min> Time . 3, Web settings Apache is the currently most frequently used web server in the world. For Linux users, it is also the most easily used web server, and it is free. Apache's service has two ways, that is, however, by inetd or independently executive HTTPD. In general, we use independent execution methods. First you have to install Apache servers. The usual Linux release will contain Apache's RPM packages, you can install it with rpm -i. Then you have to test it correct. Just take an HTML file, named index.html, copy to / home / httpd / html directory, then execute httpd as root user, then use Browser to access your machine's IP address with Browser on another machine, if not, check your work Rain once. Apache's default page file is index.html, error output is / var / log / httpd / if there is an abnormal problem, check the ERROR_LOG file inside. Many times, you need to change the storage location of the web file, or introduce some CGI services for the web page. To do this, you must modify the /etc/httpd/conf/srm.conf file. First, you will find the following paragraph: DocumentRoot / Home / httpd / html This sentence description, the page files used by Apache are stored in / home / httpd / html, so if you want to change the WEB's storage path, you should modify it. Another corresponding paragraph is DirectoryIndex index.html index.shtml index.cgi it shows that if someone visits your machine, the homepage will be index.html or index. Shtml, index.cgi under the path defined above. If you The home page is another name and modify this sentence. Another common option is Scriptalias / CGI-BIN / / / / HOME / HTTPD / CGI-BIN / it defines when using the CGI program, the directory referenced by the page is / cgi-bin /, while the path actually stored is / home / httpd / cgi-bin /. Website root directory in the /etc/httpd/httpd.conf file defaults to / var / www / html. The first page is index.html, if the website host is ", the URL is, the server will find Index in the / home / httpd / html directory. The HTML file is the home page. If this file is not available, you will generate a list of files in the directory. 4, the main body of the DNS setting DNS server is the domain name server process Named, named to the DNS client to provide domain name resolution services, convert the domain name IP address .Named When you need to read several data files, you will first /tc/named.boot in Bind 4, so /etc/named.boot is the basic configuration file of NAMED. Under Bind 8, By default /etc/named.conf. Although started NAMED directly executing NAMED directly, we can use a control NAMED tool NDC.NDC can be used to start, abort, restart, refresh DNS data, output DNS data, etc. A variety of debugging functions.


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