The most classic order line of the network

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  71

The most classic order of the network - the killing technique of network security workers 1. The most basic, most commonly used, PING -T, parameter-T is waiting for users to interrupt test 2. View DNS, IP , MAC, etc. A.WIN98: Winipcfg B.Win2000 or more: IPConfig / All C.NSLOOKUP: See DNS C: /> NSLOOKUP DEFAULT Server: address: The DNS is changed to 41.2> server: address: Non-Authoritative Answer: Name: address: 3. Network letter make Net send computers Name / IP * (broadcast) transfer content, pay attention to the network segment NET STOP Messenger to stop the letter, you can also start the messenger service in the panel - service Modification Net Start Messenger 4. Detect the other party's computer name, the group, the domain, and the current Username (pursuit of working principle) ping -a ip -t, only NetBIOS name NBTSTAT -A Compare all port netstat -s -e comparison of your computer now Detailed display of your network information, including TCP, UDP, ICMP, and IP statistics, etc. 6. Probe ARP Bind (Dynamic and Static) list, display all connected to my computer, display the other party IP and MAC address ARP -A 7 . Bundle IP and MAC address in the proxy server, solve the IP of the LAN! : ARP -S 00 -50-FF-6C-08-75 Remove the iP and MAC address of the NIC: ARP -D NIC IP 8. Hide your computer NET Config Server / Hidden in the network neighbor: YES NET Config Server / Hidden: NO is open 9. Several net command A. Display the current Workgroup Server List Net View, when you use this command without an option, it displays the current domain or network computer. List. For example: view shared resources on this IP, you can c: /> net view at 192.168.10 shared resource resource resource resource shared name Type Types -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- The website service Disk command successfully completed.

B. View user account list NET User C. View network link NET USE, for example: Net Use z: / maps this IP's MOVIE shared directory to a local Z disk D. Record link NET session, for example : C: /> Net session computer username customer type Open free time --------------------------------- ------------------------------------------- / rome windows 2000 2195 0 00:03:12 / Rome Windows 2000 2195 0 00:00:39 Command successfully. 10. Routing Tracking Command A.Tracert B.Pathping In addition to displaying routing, 325S analysis is provided,% 11% of the lost package is calculated. A few commands on sharing security A. View you Machine sharing resource NET Share B. Manually delete sharing (can be compiled with a BAT file, start running, put the sharing!) NET Share C $ / d Net Share D $ / D NET Share IPC $ / D NET Share Admin Admin $ / D pay attention to a space after it. C. Add a share: C: / Net Share mymovie = E: / Downloads / Movie / Users: 1 MyMovie shared success. At the same time, the number of limited link users is 1 person. 12. Set static IP A. Set static ip cmd netsh netsh> int interface> ip interface ip> set add "Local Link" Static IP Address Mask Gateway B. View IP Settings Interface IP> Show Address ARP Display and Modification The item in the Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. One or more tables are included in the ARP cache that stores the IP address and its resolved Ethernet or token ring physical address. Each Ethernet or token ring network adapter installed on a computer has its own separate table. If you use without parameters, the ARP command will display the help information. Syntax ARP [-A [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr]] [-g [inetaddr]] [-d inetaddr]] [-d inetaddr]] [-s inetaddr etheraddr [iFaceddr]] parameter -a [inetaddr] [ -N ifceaddr] Displays the current ARP cache table for all interfaces. To display the ARP cache item for the specified IP address, use the ARP -A with the inetaddr parameter, which is the INetAddr represents the specified IP address. To display the ARP cache table for the specified interface, use the -n ifceaddr parameter, which the IFACEADDR represents the IP address assigned to the specified interface. -N parameter is case sensitive. -G [inetaddr] [-n ifceaddr] is the same as -A. -D inetaddr [ifceaddr] deletes the specified IP address item, which is the INetAddr represents the IP address. For a specified interface, you want to delete an item in the table, use the ifAceAddr parameter, where the IFACEADDR represents the IP address assigned to the interface. To delete all items, use an asterisk (*) wildcard instead of inetaddr.

-s inetaddr etheraddr [ifceaddr] Add IP address inetaddr to the static item of the physical address EtherAddr to the ARP cache. To add a static ARP cache item to the specified interface, use the ifAceAddr parameter, where the IFACEAddr represents the IP address assigned to the interface. /? Display help at the command prompt. Note The IP address of Inetdr and IFACEADDR is represented by a decimal number of decisions with a dot. The physical address EtherAddr consists of six bytes, which are represented by hexadecimal notes and is separated by a linker (for example, 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C). The items added by the -s parameter belong to a static item, which will not timeout in the ARP cache. These items will be deleted if the TCP / IP protocol is terminated. To create a permanent static ARP cache item, use the appropriate ARP command in the batch file and run the batch file when starting through the Plan Task Program. This command is only available when an internet protocol (TCP / IP) protocol is installed as components of the network adapter property in the network connection. Example To display the ARP cache table of all interfaces, type: ARP -A for interfaces for the assigned IP address of, to display its ARP cache table, type: arp -a -n to add IP Address Analysis into a static ARP cache item for physical address 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C, typing: arp -s 00-AA-00-4F-2A-9C AT plan at the specified time And the date run commands and programs on your computer. The AT command can only be used when the "Plan" service is running. If you use it without a parameter, the AT lists the scheduled commands. Syntax AT [/ computername] [{[id] [/ delete] / delete [/ yes]}] at [[/ computername] hours: minutes [/ interactive] [{/ every: Date [, ...] / next : Date [, ...]}] Command] Parameters / Computername Specifies the remote computer. If this parameter is omitted, the AT schemes the commands and programs on the local computer. The ID specifies the identification code assigned to the scheduled command. / Delete cancels the scheduled command. If the ID is omitted, all scheduled commands in the computer will be canceled. / YES Removes all inquiry from the system to "Yes" when deleting the programmed event. Hours: minutes Specifies the time of the command run. This time was used in a 24-hour hour (ie from 00:00 [midnight] to 23:59): minutes format. / Interactive allows Command to interact with the user's desktop for users who log in when running Command. / Every: Run the command command every week or monthly designated date (for example, every Thursday, or the third day of the month). Date Specifies the date of running the command. You can specify a week or day (ie, type M, T, W, TH, F, S, SU) or a certain day or day in a month (ie, type numbers between 1 and 31) . Separate multiple date items with commas. If DATE is omitted, AT uses the current day of the month. / Next: Run Command when the next specified date (for example, next Thursday) comes.


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