Back up the mysql database with phpmyadmin

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

Back up the mysql database with phpmyadmin

[PHPMYADMIN installation and basic use & SQL basic conceptual concept]

Let me say: This is explained in phpmyadmin2. is nothing more ... URL here After entering .. There will be this picture OK to see it !! The circle can be downloaded .... Of course, give him the latest version !! Which file is it going to? (Often someone asking) ..... Conclusion ... As long as you can decompress your server or then decompress after server ... You can download your server after downloading, just send your server ... Just remember to change some of the set values ​​in Open Look at some of the following places. CFG ['PMAABSOLUTEURI'] = ''; fill the set value in your PHPMYADMIN putting the server directory such as $ cfg ['pmaabsoluteuri'] = ''; find this A few rows of $ cfg ['servers'] [$ I] [' Host '] =' localhost '; // mysql hostname $ cfg [' Servers'] [$ I] ['Port'] = '; // mysql Port - Leave Blank for Default Port $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Socket '] ='; // Path To The Socket - Leave Blank for Default Socket $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Connect_Type'] = 'TCP'; // How to Connect To MySQL Server ('TCP' Or 'Socket') $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' ControlUser '] ='; // mysql Control User Settings // (THIS USER MUST HAVE READ-ONLY $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] [' ControlPass'] = '; // access to the "mysql / user" // and "mysql / db "T Aables $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Auth_Type '] =' http '; // Authentication Method (config, http or cookie based)? $ cfg [' servers'] [$ I] ['USER '] =' '; // mysql user $ cfg [' Servers '] [$ I] [' password '] ='; // mysql password (only need needed // with 'config' auth_type) only this Four lines $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] [' Host '] =' LocalHost '; // This is the host set for your mysql $ cfg [' Servers'] [$ I] [Auth_Type '] = '';

// This is the way to set the phpMyadmin management mysql. Config does not need to be logged in ... it should be no one like this ... unless it is in your own machine, there is no open HTTP header login method ... Cookie cookie Login Method ... Illustration $ CFG ['Servers'] [$ I] ['user'] = ''; // This is the account $ cfg ['Servers'] [$ I] ['Password'] = '; // This is the setting management MySQL password is good ... This is a .... Other non-essentials do not need to be set .... Only in this paper installation PHPMYADMIN is the main other you can try it yourself .... Just remind ... If you try ... Don't forget to back up the backup first ... .. then introduce several primary features for managing MySQL with phpMyadmin ... and then say ... 2.3.0 management interface has been following the 2.2.x version of the previous 2.2.x .... If you think you feel I don't want to ask if I say it. Don't ask .... First look at your version .... If you need .... Replace it into a 2.3.0 version 1. Open new database 2. Give a database of a group of management account passwords 3. Open a new Table 4. Note on the field ... 5. Add information 6. Call one or more tables (.sql) 7. Existing data backup into text file (.sql) 8. Add Table 9 with text file (.sql) to restore data 10. Copy and rename Table 11. Clear or delete Table information Probably These are more common ... The following introduces them below: [1. New Database] Generally I enter PHPMYADMIN is usually in this picture (Figure 4) ... if not ... Press the "home" main catalog "If you return to this screen to fill in the database name (for example, called my_test) in the" Building New Database "dialog box (for example, called my_test), you can see if it is established. "Figure 5" Figure Five [2. Give a database of a group of management account passwords] usually give a separate account password for each database (when your database is available), we can certainly Give each database different accounts and passwords ... not use the highest administrator management authority to manage this action is simple ... Press "SQL" link .... Press after "Figure 6 "Figure 6 In the text box, built the Grant All On the Database Name . * to account @localhost identified by 'password'; where localhost represents the host ... so it can also be the Grant All ON database name. * TO account @ identified by 'password'; after filling The execution can be map 7 [3. Open a new Table & 4. Note on the field ...] Press the "Structure" in the next knot will return to the "Figure 5" screen name: the information to be created Table name ... such as my_tb1 field: The number of fields to be created is filled out, press the execution ... It is "Figure 8"

Figure 8 Please pay attention to a few items ... Other non-necessary do not have to set it upless (huh, my own habit is this !!) of course is the name of the column .... Types a total of 25 Species .... This will be introduced here ... only in a few commonly used fields ... or you can press the file to connect to the official website to see a sufficient !! INT General Digital field Char typical strings ... Up to 255 word VARCHAR general strings ... Up to 255 characters CHAR and varchar are almost .... Usually ... if you are not sure ... You can set VARCHAR Otherwise, set the char execution. (Theoretically) TEXT long strings can save up to 2 16th part of 1 word element BLOB long string can be stored to 2 1 font will talk about Text and blob on the number .... Differences are ... If you use blob to query ... is a case of casers .... TEXT does not have another .. .Blob can be called correct storage two metadata .... For example, the picture is ... In fact, I have used it myself ... But ... If you need to store pictures into the database .... still use BLOB to be more useless !! Date date field allowable range 1000-01-01 ~ 9999-01-01 Preset format YYYY-MM-DD DATETIME Date plus time field allowance range 1000 -01-01 00: 00: 00 ~ 9999-01-01 23:59:59 Preset format is YYYY-MM-DD HH: II: SS is actually not mentioned, it is not used. Of course ... Still useful, when you are .... So ... if you have time ... still I suggest you find information .... Everyone must have a homework .... Otherwise, all ... I am also tired .... There is a part I have almost have been used .... I am still not looking for information .... Length / Collection * is the length of the setting field (introduced here .... Only CHAR and VARCHAR needs to be set) Properties Binary typically store digital data and general information (including 2-bit data .... If the reproduction is not specified ... will be preset to this) Unsigned in numerical data. There is no positive and negative representation .... that is, numerical information can only be> = 0 unsigned zerofill in numerical data ... automatic complement of the smart number ... Basic introduction to this .... The rest, if necessary, if you need to explain, you will fill in the column name and each item, such as "Figure Nine" Figure Nice: The ID field is here for the automatic delivery number .... So ... must set additional auto_increment to the primary key and assume that the Address field must be used after search .... So you can specify it as The full text search is good .... Press the storage to complete 啰 .... Just as "Figure 10" Figure 10 [5. Add information] Add ... Top 10 Add .... Of course .... Fill in the information ... Figure 11 .. Press the execution ... The information is added to add a good graph 11 [6. Make one or more tables into text file (.sql ) && 7. Back up the existing data into a text file (.SQL)] Select the MY_TB1 in the menu, then press the output of the output as shown in Figure 12, first seeing "only structure" "structure and information" "only information" three Options ... Ok .... From just until now .... Everyone should know what this is going to do. Only the structure is that the structure of TABLE is backup. The structure is to back up TABLE and the data structure. That is to back up the structure of the data. MS Excel's CSV format this project is that each column of the SQL file that is backed up is separated by symbol separation. You can choose the following four items .... I'm very clear. The output is the format of the XML is to output into XML .... like this 1 Wang Dadou 2002-09-02

No. 100, Linger Road, Tennan County, Pig Town, No. 100 06-1234567 Structure in the structure is automatically added to the future recovery, first removing the same name Table instructions Please use the quotation to use the quotation to use the quotation of the data table and the quarter to separate instructions to back up the data to complete SQL syntax backup such as INSERT INTO MY_TB1 (ID, Name, Birthday, Address, Tel) VALUES (1, 'Wang Dadou', '2002-09-02', 'Tainan County Rennde Township Pig Tower No. 100', '06 -1234567 '); backup line in the new model, start backup line by the row Will automatically calculate the data in the data sheet You can set your backup pen to start back from the first few rows from the beginning .... Only select "Structure and Information" items. ... Press to perform ... After pressing the "Figure 13" screen ... Turn the text file COPY to complete ... You can also download it in the output setting item .. Save tick ... You can automatically download storage Figure 13 [8. Add Table && 9 with text file (.sql ). Use text file (.sql) restore data] This is of course the 6th..7 project Backup restore action 啰连 Select SQL to empty the original text box This is the SQL file Create Table my_tb1 next to 6..7 (ID INT (11) Not null auto_increment, name varchar (12) not null default ', Birthday date not null default '0000-00-00', address varchar (100) Not null default ', tel varchar (20) Not null default', primary key (id), FullText Key Address (address) TYPE = Myisam; # # List the data of the following database: `my_tb1` # INSERT INTO MY_TB1 VALUES (1, 'Wang Dadet', '2002-09-02', 'No. 100, Rende Township, Tainan County, '06 -1234567 '); To restore TABLE ... Simply a first half of CREA TE TABLE MY_TB1 (ID INT (11) Not Null Auto_Increment, Name Varchar (12) Not Null Default ', Birthday Date Not Null Default' 0000-00-00 ', Address Varchar (100) Not Null Default', Tel Varchar (20) NOT NULL Default ', primary key (id), fulltext key address (address) type = myisam; restore data .... then Copy Second half 啰 INSERT INTO MY_TB1 VALUES (1,' Wang Dadet ', '2002-09-02', 'Tainan County Rende Township Pig Tower No. 100', '06 -1234567 '); Table and information can also be used once, you can use browsing files ... Direct archives are restored [10. Mobile, copy and rename Table] Press the "Management" item in the link option .... Turn here "Figure 14"


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