Webwork has released WebWork2.1.1, which is released quickly, and it is not explained that is being palemarking. The most important new feature in this release is to show, for example: integration with SiteMesh (SiteMesh's decorator can access the Action attributes through the WebWork tag library), etc. Please visit quite visit:
http://wiki.opensymphony.com//display/OOS/2004/08/27/webwork 2.1.1 released
Let's start our topic: In the latest webwork2.1.1, an interceptor has been added: execandwait
Example: // WaitAction.java
Package example.wait;
Import com.opensymphony.xwork.action;
Public class waiting imports action {
Public String Execute () throws exception {try {system.out.println ("----- start sleep!"); thread.sleep (2000 * 10); system.out.println ("----- End Sleep! ");} catch (interruptedException e) {E.PrintStackTrace ();
Return Success;
<% @ Taglib URI = "Webwork" prefix = "ww"%>
> Head> wait ..............Body> html>
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