About Visual InterDev 6.0 debugging ASP engineering personal approach.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

About Visual InterDev 6.0 debugging ASP engineering personal approach.


Miao Tao

Operating environment: WinXP SP2, Visual Studio 6.0 SP6

Reference: Microsoft MSDN

After installing or upgrading to Windows XP, Visual InterDev 6.0 Active Server Page (ASP) will not function properly and you may experience one of the following questions: • When you automatically add debugger (click the Run button), The following error message is displayed:

UNABLE TO SET Server INTO CORRECT Debugging State Automatically.you May Not Be Aable To Continue Launch The Debugger? - or -

• The following error message may be displayed when the debugger is manually:

Cannot attach to machineine.

At this time, you may generate a DEVENV.EXE application error, which will cause Visual InterDev to stop responding.

the reason

The cause of this problem is that the DCOM Authentication Level "Authentication Level" setting in the Computer Debug Manager and Directory Class Issu component is set to the Default "default". Typically, these two components need to use the DCOM Authentication Level "Authentication Level" setting for the default as a Connect "Connection"; but in Windows XP, they are not set to Connect "Connection" by default, which causes Visual InterDev 6.0 debugging Stop execution.


This process includes 4 basic tasks:

1. Install the debug assembly on the site server.

2. Add the necessary users in the "Admin" group of the site server.

3. Configure the DCOM permissions on the site server. (This is very important)

4. Establish Visual InterDev 6.0 project used to debug.

First, install or confirm that the following components are running: • Microsoft Personal Web Server 4.0 or Internet Information Server 4.0, or higher.

• ASP.DLL 4.02.0662, or higher. If there is a 4.02.0662 version, its file size must be 330,448 bytes. You can update Asp.dll by applying Windows NT Service Pack 4 or higher.

Before applying the service pack, you may need to deactivate the web service so asp.dll get updated. Please click on the command prompt to deactivate the Web service:

Net Stop Iisadmin / Y

• Microsoft FrontPage Server Extensions


.1706 or higher.

• Microsoft Visual InterDev Server Components. If you are not listed in the Add / Delete Program Tool of Control Panel, you can install setup.exe in the VID_ss directory by running Visual Studio CD-ROM 2 (or separate Visual InterDev version) This component. (As long as Visual Interdev)

• Remote Machine Debugger (Remote Machine Debugger) Components (Recommended).

If you are not listed in the Add / Remove Program Tool of Control Panel, you can install this by running setup.exe in the scrpt_sss directory by running Visual Studio CD-ROM 2 (or separate Visual InterDev version CD-ROM 1). Component. • Visual Studio Service Pack 3 or higher (if you run Windows 2000). (I use Visual Studio SP6 WinXP)

Note: The site server must be a Windows NT 4.0 Workstation / Server or Windows 2000 Professional / Server / Advanced Server computer.

Second, add the necessary users in the "Local Administrator" group of the site server.

In order to properly use debugging, you must be a member of the local "Administrator" group on site servers that will be debugged.

To add users to the Windows 2000 Administrator group:

1. Select the program from the Start menu and select Administrative Tools.

2. From the Administrative Tools menu, select Computer Management.

3. Expand local users and groups under system tools.

4. Select Group Folders.

5. Double-click the Administrators group in the right pane.

6. Adding a user who is debugging.

Third, configure DCOM permissions on the site server. (This is very important)

Change the DCOM Authentication Level "Authentication Level" setting of the Machine Debug Manager "Computer Debug Manager" and Catalog Class "Directory" to CONNECT "Connections":

1. In the Control Panel, click Switch to Classic View.

2. In the Administration Tool, double-click the component service.

3. Double-click Console root node, component service, computer, my computer and DCOM configuration.

4. Right-click the directory class and click Properties.

5. Under the General Properties of this DCOM application in the General tab, click Connections in the Authentication Level Box.

6. Select Use Custom Start Permission options and click Edit.

7. Add users who allow debugging to this list to give them to allow the power to be started, or simply put "administrators"

8. Click OK to save your changes and close the dialog.

9. Repeat step 3 to 5 for "Computer Debug Manager".

Restart your computer after making changes.

4. Establish Visual InterDev 6.0 project used to debug.

Set up Visual InterDev -> Tools-> option-> Debugger-> General Select all hooks.

1. Create a new web project in Visual InterDev 6.0.

2. Add an ASP page to the project.

3. Add the downlink code to the HTML body of the new ASP page: <% response.write "Hello World"%>

4. Right-click on the Response.write line, select Insert Breakpoint. A breakpoint will be set at this position, and a large red dot will appear along the left along the left.

5. Right-click on the file in Project Explorer and select Set As Start Page.

6. Select START from the Debug menu.

7. A dialog will appear at this time, ask if you want to activate the project's ASP debugging. Select Yes.

8. Then you will be prompted submit the debug credentials. Use an account that has been added to the Admin Group.


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