Oracle9i New Features: Isqlplus

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Oracle9i New Features: Isqlplus

Last Updated:

Wednesday, 2004-10-27 12:04


Isqlplus is a new feature provided by Oracle9i, which is published in SQLPLUS. It is based on the three-layer structure. Its Client, Middle, Server can be located on the same machine or within different machines. Isqlplus does not need to be installed separately, access isqlplus You only need to know the address and port of the intermediate layer server, you can log in with standard users or sysdba, sysoper. ISQL * Plus provides fast, browser-based interface, which uses SQL * PLUS processing engines through a three-layer model, including:

Client layer (ISQL * Plus user interface, usually a web browser).

The intermediate layer (ISQL * Plus Server, Oracle Net, Oracle HTTP Server).

Database layer (Oracle9i).

These three layers can be located on the same computer or on different computers. Isql * Plus Server must be on the same computer with Oracle HTTP Server.

The intermediate layer is responsible for coordinating interactions and resources between client layers and database layers. The database layer is Oracle9i and can be accessed through Oracle Net.

Well, make a detailed introduction

1. Start HTTP Server on the server

Start Http Server Powered by Apache

2. Access the HTTP server via the browser

Generally, the default settings Our ports and protocols are:

HTTP 7778 port / https 4443 port

Note: Different versions may use different ports, and you can see the default port settings by viewing the ports.ini files under $ Oracle_home / Apache / Apache.

If you need more ports, you can set more ports by adjusting the $ ORACLE_HOME / APACHE / CONF / HTTPD.CONF file.

This example is set:

Http: // Ggqiang: 7778

Https: // ggqiang: 4443

The browser input is shown below:



By inputting in the browser

http://machine_name.domain: port / isqlplus

You can start ISQLPLUS:

Enter information such as username password to log in to the database and perform SQL statements and script files.

You can also load the original execution:

4. Log in as SYSDBA

Log in as sysdba, you need to run:

http://machine_name.domain: 7778 / isqlplusdba

This requires you to enter the password of HTTP Server first, this is different from database authentication.

Create an authentication password file:

D: / oracle / ora92 / apache / apache / bin> htpasswd d: /oracle/ora92/sqlplus/admin/ Admin

Automatic or using md5 format on window.

New Password: *****

RE-TYPE New Password: *****

Adding Password for User Admin

You can then use this user to log in to the database as SYSDBA:

Log in as SYSDBA:

Start the database as SYSDBA:

4. Start service reference

Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]

(C) All rights reserved 1985-2000 Microsoft Corp.

C: /> ps -ef | GREP ORACLE

System 816 240 0 19:23:12 Conin $ 0:00d: /oracle/ora92/bin/omtsreco.exe "OracleMtsRecoveryService"

System 1132 240 0 19:23:32 Conin $ 0:00 d: /oracle/ora81/bin/dbsnmp.exe

System 296 240 0 19:23:48 Conin $ 0:01 "D: /oracle/ora92/apache/apache/apache.exe" --ntService

System 1192 240 0 19:23:50 Conin $ 0:00 d: / oracle / ora92 / bin / tnslsnr

System 1212 240 0 19:23:52 Conin $ 0:01 D: /oracle/ora92/bin/oracle.exe Vilen

System 1432 296 0 19:24:14 Conin $ 0:00

"D: /oracle/ora92/apache/apache/apache.exe" -z ap296_c1 -f

"D: /oracle/ora92/apache/apache/conf/httpd.conf" "-d"

"d: / oracle / ora92 / apache / apache" "-f" "d: /oracle/ora92/apache/apache/conf/httpd.conf"

System 1696 1432 0 19:24:16 Conin $ 0:01

D: /oracle/ora92/jdk/bin/java.exe -doracle_home = d: / oracle / ora92 org.apache.jserv.jServ -opmpropfile

D: /oracle/ora92/apache/jserv/conf/ -opmhost Eygle -opmport 3339 -opmgrp group1 -opmindex 0 -opmProcid 1

System 1704 1432 0 19:24:16 Conin $ 0:00

D: /oracle/ora92/jdk/bin/java.exe org.apache.jserv.jserve

-opmpropfile d: /oracle/ora92/apache/jserv/conf/ -opmhost

Eygle -opmport 3339 -opmgrp group2 -opmindex 0 -opmprocid 2

System 1712 1432 0 19:24:16 Conin $ 0:00 "D: / Oracle / Ora92 / bin / isqlplus"

C: />

Please refer to:

SQL * Plus Quick Reference Release 9.2 Part No. A90843-01

ISQLPLUS online help manual

Author: eygle, Oracle technology followers, Oracle technical forum from China is the biggest author's personal site you may contact the author by welcome to explore technical exchanges and links. exchange.

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