LINUX installation

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

LINUX installation I chose that redhat9 once wanted to choose the latest Fedora, but found that some versions of server software can't install properly on Fedora, which is limited, and it is impossible to recompile the kernel, so you can only give up. However, Fedora is also the main point of personal users, and the speed below the graphical interface is much faster than RedHat9, and it is also very convenient to use. If you want to make a server or use RedHat9 better. If there is no language barrier, it is recommended to install and use the interface interface. It feels more fast than Chinese speed, stability is also better. However, Chinese language pack is still to be installed, otherwise it will not be a Chinese web. ^ _ ^ Then more important is to install the partition method, I feel that this is a place where beginners is relatively depressed. LINUX and Windows have different installations, the concept of partition is to provide a separate space for a directory, and are not occupied by different partitions of the independent partitions. The following list is listed in a reference document ***************************************************** ******************************************** Linux hard drive partition Best Program Before the partitioning of the hard disk, you should first figure out how much computer should be worked and how much the hard disk is, but also the following questions: The first point is also the most important point, you know the current version of Lilo Because Lilo2.21 and earlier versions are limited to hard disk size, if they install the LILO to 1023 tracks, LILO cannot be started. But some BIOS is older, Linux still cannot break through the limit of 1024 track, so these BIOS cannot recognize the hard disk space greater than 1024. The problems that need to be considered are: • Does the disk space size can be used for users? · Which software is needed in the system? · How big is the exchange partition? · Does the system have multiple hard drives? Below, we have put forward some suggestions according to the different partitions of the working nature. Of course, according to the actual situation, under the premise of satisfying system work, the following partition size can also be flexible.

Partitioning program for basic workstations

Suppose the system's hard drive size is 10g. / boot 20m swap 128m / root 9.85g Creating a 20M / boot partition To avoid putting the system kernel files outside the 1024 track, if the / boot is used as a subdirectory of the root partition, the kernel file is installed in the root partition. Anywhere because the size of the hard disk exceeds 8G, so there is a problem in starting. It is recommended to set the size of the swap partition to twice the memory, where we assume that the system's memory is 64m. Finally, we give all the remaining spaces of the hard drive to the root partition.

RED HAT Linux 6.2 and its earlier version of the basic server hard disk partitioning solution

The server here We assume that only several universal services such as WWW services and FTP services, and there are few users logged in through Telnet. Assume that its hard drive is 25G. / boot 20m swap 128m / 10g / home 13g / var 2G The most in front of the hard disk creates a 20m size / boot partition, the reason is the same. The size of the switching partition is also 128m because the size of the memory is 64m. /, That is, the root partition is 10G is so big because there is one / usr directory, which may occupy a lot of hard disk space, especially when the X Server is installed, running the graphical interface. The / Home partition is the largest partition in the hard drive, which seems to have some contradictions with us to assume that the number of system users. In fact, there is no several user directories in the / home directory, but in the Red Hat6.2 and earlier versions, the Apache server and the WU-FTPD FTP server are placed in the / home / httpd and / home / ftp directory. . So this partition is so much reasons. Finally, the / var directory has occupied a partition, because all logs of the system are written to the / var / log directory, which will take a lot of hard disk space. If the system log is recorded very detailed, the entire directory will soon be filled, resulting in system working. Of course, you can modify the log configuration through the system log background daemon syslogd to avoid this. Basic Server Partitioning Scheme for Red Hat 7 and above

This situation is the same as the case in the previous solution, and the LINUX version is RED HAT 7.0 and its above. / BOOT 20M SWAP 128M / 10G / VAR 15G

Unlike RedHat6, the directory of the HTTP service and FTP services in Redhat7 is now located / var / www / and / var / ftp /, so the / var partition has 15G to be large.

Multi-user server partitioning solution

In this server system, there are multiple users through Telnet, SSH, RLogin or their way to remotely access the system. There are three 35G hard drives in the system, with a total of 105G disk space. The RAID 5 technology is used in the system to do data redundancy. In this case, the administrator must allocate disk space for each user. For RedHat 6.2 and earlier, the partitions are as follows: DISK 1:

/ Boot 20M / 4G / VAR 3GB / Home 27.98g


SWAP 20MB / 4GB / VAR 3GB / HOME 27.98GB

Disk 3:

SWAP 20MB / 4GB / VAR 3GB / HOME 27.98GB

The reason for this partition: First, the 20m / boot partition on Disk1 does not belong to any RAID array, otherwise if you put the / boot into the RAID array, you can't upgrade the system in the system. To facilitate management, 20M exchange partitions are established in other two hard disks. Such a server is generally equipped with more than 1G or more, so the size of the exchange partition is not problematic. If the exchange partition is increased, the RAID partition space will be reduced, so 20M is sufficient. The group of RAID partitions is as follows:

· 1-a, 2-a, and and 3-a form a 8G RAID 5 drive, which is open as the / root directory. · 1-B, 2-B, AND 3-B composition 6GB RAID 5 drive, as a / var directory. · 1-C, 2-C, AND 3-C Composition 55.96GB RAID 5 drive, as / home. Catalog. This distribution scheme has a total of 55.96g of space allocated to all users and Apache and FTP services, using 6G space to make logs, mail, such a large space in / var, such a large space is sufficient. If you install Red Hat7 or above, you should give the / var partition a larger space because it also stores both directories of the Web and FTP services. Excerpted from: Yanhuang horses ******************************************************* ***************************************** The redhat9 successfully installed under VMware After that all hardware devices can be installed normally, and it is also solved the problem of the most headache. Here is some basic settings: 1, start to the graphical interface, set the basic parameters such as the network, modify the ID: 5: INitDefault: 3, set to text, set off / etc / vsftpd The root in .ftpusers, add userlist_deny = no in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf and then run: Service vsftpd start and chkconfig vsftpd on launch the VSFTP server 3, run the Setup to turn on the SSH service, so you can use SSH with high security performance Remote connection redhat, SSH has a very good client software in Windows, F-Secure SSH Clien does not realize the function of copying paste code, and has a remote file management interface that uses SSH connections, just online under Windows Neighbor Access the remote computer.


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