Translation: Delphi 2005 New Features (4) (End)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

Enhanced ECOSPACE designer

ECOSAPCE features a lot of increase in Delphi 2005, including the format that generates the default XML model image file, and converts EcoI's database format to Eco II, unpacking / packing an existing database. ECOSPACE Designer also enhances bubbles Tip, showing the current series of lists that need to complete tasks, such as the PersistenceMapPerBDP below the figure below.

Delphi 2005 Eco II design bubble tips

The work task list will automatically check, so you will always get a new prompt, prompt you, what is already completed, and that step needs to continue.

Another example with bubble tips, when you intend to open a new ECO package, the bubble prompt displays all the class names defined in the ECO package you selected.

Eco II project object

Delphi 2005 can now produce several different Eco II projects. For C # types, we can create an Eco ASP.NET web application, or Eco ASP.NET Web Service, or Eco Package in the DLL (so we can be in addition This ECOSAPCE is referenced in the project to use the corresponding DLL), as well as the Eco WinForms application. For the Delphi for .Net type, we can create an Eco ASP.NET web application, Eco ASP.NET Web Service, and Eco WinForms applications.

2.7 Alm Delphi 2005 Support Borland Application Life Cycle Management Suite, including CaliberRM, StarTeam, and Janeva

Integrating StarTeam Starteam provides support for source version control, including demand management, defect tracking, packet discussion record, remote collaborative development. Delphi 2005 contains a built-in StarTeam client, you can call from menu StarTeam or project manager, you STARTEAM can be operated in the IDE interface of Delphi 2005. You can put a project into StarTeam, you can detect files, or to import files, or restore the previously old version of code. Lock or unlock the file in the StartEAM warehouse, etc. Wait actions.

In addition, history manager also supports StarTeam, so you can access, compare and restore backup files in your local backup or in StarTeam's warehouse.

Built-in Janeva

Delphi 2005 Built-in support Janeva (in Enterprise Edition and Designer Edition). Janeva can be used to join .NET client (C # or Delphi for .net) to J2EE's EJB or CORBA object. When Janeva is installed (that is, installation The Janeva IDE plug-in), add two menus, add J2ee Reference ... and Add Corba Reference ..., you can use to increase specific references on the project node of the project manager.

Menu Add J2ee Reference ... When you choose an EJB from one .jar file, a dialog box appears, and when you add corba reason ..., when you select a .idl file that contains the CORBA object that contains the interface. Display a dialog. After import .jar or .idl file, you will get a native object, which can be used directly in the .NET client, will now no longer need additional layers (like Web Service or other gateway class software) But use the Janeva assembler directly to the J2EE EJB or CORBA object. Previous version of Janeva plug-in (C # Builder Belt) can generate C # code, but the installation of Delphi 2005 can be used by any .NET language. The current Janeva plug-in wizard generates the corresponding parameters according to the Janeva client software, and then automatically generates the corresponding app.config file.

* Janeva requires a runtime license when you distribute your application, you can find it in Borland's sales license

2.8 Refractor / Language / Debugger Delphi 2005 Refractor, Syntax, Debugger has many enhancements.

Reinforcement and grammar

Delphi 2005 Relations Realize several performance-related enhancements, making the editing speed accelerated. The sector now supports the source code file in Unicode and UTF8 format, you can use Unicode to define the identifier and symbol .for ... in ... Do Delphi language adds a new for-loop syntax. And the Foreach structure is similar. This powerful feature can be used to overlap the value of a collection.

Inline function

The Delphi language of Win32 and .NET adds inline functions, use it to improve the performance of the program. It replaces the direct call routine, but directly puts the code of the called routine in the call code (saving Call and return time, there are time to manage the time). This pair of routines, not in the same unit range, or with multi-parameter routines are very useful. And to large routines, in the application Before the link, you should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages between the efficiency and generating code.

We can use inline to identify an inline routine, you can also use {$ INLINE Auto}. The latter action will allow the selection of the index to choose the routine that will improve system performance. The dialogue is the inline manner using the {$ INLINE ON}, you specify the routine starting from this card.

There are many opponents who do not implement inline in the sector, for example, even if you can inform the inner units in the inner (fitting), you cannot interlocate inline. Similarly, it is impossible Language, dynamic methods, or messaging methods, the same, the inner linkage and DISPINTERFCES.

Multi-unit namespace

The last version of the Delphi for .NET segmentation adopts a method of using a unit image to a namespace (such a name of the unit will be the name of the namespace). Extend this method in Delphi 2005, now a namespace can Composed of several units. For example, a cell name is comp.Group.myUnit.pas, the left hand's is the name of the namespace, and myUnit.pas is a partial unit range in the restroom space. This can Let us use multiple units to set them the same namespace (handling the ASP.NET custom controls, now you can use a single control prefix).

Another effect of Delphi2005 new namespace features is that it is now possible to use Delphi2005 to give existing sense spatial extensions. For example, you can add a MyUnit.Pas unit to the System Web namespace to expand new classes and types. The namespace of the exhibition will be part of all applications and assembling containing system.web.myunit.pas.

Enhanced debugger

Delphi 2005 Win32 debugger now enhances support for Win32 heap structures without adjustment test information. When debugging in IDE, there is a dialog that deals with exceptions. When an exception is triggered, there will be A dialog box bounces let you have the opportunity to ignore this anomalous type or check this anomaly object, including an option to determine whether it is really trigger or continues.

Breakpoint list

The built-in editor also enhances a list of breakpoints. It is now ideal for use in a conditional sentence or group, enabling and deactivating breakpoints can be easily selected in a checkbox list. This does not have to pop up a dialog box selection, you can accelerate Set breakpoints.

Delphi 2005 breakpoint list with edible fields

There is also a new tool bar in the breakpoint window. With it you can delete a breakpoint, or remove all, or enable all immediately, or edit the properties of a breakpoint.

New debugging view

Delphi 2005 contains four new Delphi windows. Borland Delphi8 for .net provides breakpoint debug windows, stack windows, monitoring windows, threads, and event logs. Delphi 2005 adds FPUs, local variables, CPUs, and module windows.

Delphi 2005 now provides a module window that displays the application and allows you to operate the details of namespaces and accessories in the application domain. You can sort the display module by name or base site.

The CUP window is a current source code that displays the IL (intermediate language) and local machine assembly language, and pseudo code

Delphi 2005 CPU window for mixing PASCAL, ILASM and machine code

Parallel debugging Use Delphi 2005 IDE not only to load multiple projects simultaneously with the project manager, but you can run the Win32 and .NET debugger at the same time. You can debug WIN32 and .NET applications in the same development environment. You can even run both debuggers at the same time, switch to different projects in the project manager (switch from a language to another) summary

This white paper introduces the key new features of Delphi 2005, and also introduces some enhanced parts of the existing technology.

Just as you can see, IDE has an enhanced welcome page, supports multi-language, backup history file support (optional embedded StarTeam), floating VCL designer, synchronous editor, real-time error prompt, real-time help tips , Structural views, help find, better retrieval results, Tool Panel Wizard helps you start a new project faster.

Reconstruction is also an important new feature in Delphi 2005, providing renaming symbols, declared variables, declaration fields, extracting methods, and extracting resource strings to import namespaces.

Another additional major support is Dunit and NUnit unit tests, built-in test projects and test routines for IDE.

In the database, the BDP component updates the new driver, adds the BDPCopyTable component, the Datasync T DataHub component to support heterogeneous databases. And RemoteServer adds the RemoteConnection component to write three-layer .NET database applications (DataSync and DataHub, if You need, you can even be a heterogeneous database or three layers).

For web development, ASP.NET debuggers are enhanced, add DBWeb control to handle computing data, sound, video, and guide strip events, support DataGrid and DataList template dictor, and finally, Intraweb also supports Win32 and. NET web application development.

The core object of the company (now Eco II) has also enhanced support scalability, distributed development, supporting ASP.NET (ordinary and DBWEB controls), and has the ability to image in the ECO mode to existing databases.

Delphi 2005 provides embedded Borland ALM tools, including StarTeam, and Janeva (you can join J2EE and CORBA servers).

Finally, but not least least, in many ways in the sector and delphi language, such as new for ... IN loops, inline functions, cross-unit namespace. The debugger is enhanced, using better Breakpoint list new .NET debug window, and concurrent WIN32 and .NET project debugging.

The best Delphi ever

Whether your purpose is to develop components or applications under the Microsoft Windows operating system or in the Microsoft .NET1.1 framework, Delphi 2005 provides a wide range of modern Windows development, high productivity, high quality support.


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