PANTONE standard color basic colored ink
Execution standard: Q / 12YQ4422-2004 I. Product use and characteristics: "Tiens" PANTONE® standard color basic colored ink is suitable for rubbing four-color machine, two-color machine printing copper paper, white paper, paper jam and other printing substrates, Good printing adaptability and quick-drying, clear printing outlets, bright color, good gloss, excellent water adaptability, good machine stability. Ink color complies with the US PANTONE® color international standard, suitable for high-speed printing in 0.8-1.5 million prints / hour. "Tians" PANTONE® standard color basic color ink can be divided into: THP type rubber printing quick dry ink, TCT type rubber printing bronchies two major types, each type of fifteen basic colored inks, can be used in PANTONE® standards The color of the color is separately printed or used for each spot color ink, which is an ideal printed material for high-grade printing and packaging decor. Second, can supply oil color varieties
PANTONE® TRANS WHITE THP-015-P Adhesive Print Glaness Dry Dry Dry TCT-015-P Adhesive Shine Tasty Dry Dry Dry THP-239-P Adhesive Shine Stress Trunk TCT-239-P Adhesive Printing Dry Yellow PANTONE® YELLOW012 THP-237-P Adhesive Shine Straight Dry Mid-337-P Adhesive Shine Quick Dry Mid-215-P Adhesive Shine Fast Dry Orange TCT-215-P Adhesive Shine Express Dried orange PANTONE® WARM RED THP-155-P Adhesive Shine Straight Dry Golden Red TCT-155-P Adhesive Printing Shine Fast Dry Golden Pantong PANTONE® Red032 THP-145-P Adhesive Shine Express Red TCT-145-P Adhesive Shine Fast Dry red PANTONE® RUBINE RED THP-139-P Adhesive Shine Brinks Red TCT-139-P Adhesive Shine Quick Dry Drying PANTONE® RHODAMINE Red THP-125-P Adhesive Shine Quick Dry Pink THP-125-P Adhesive Shine Quick Dry Pink PANTONE® PURPLE THP-115-P Adhesive Shine Quick Rose Red TCT-115-P Adhesive Shine Straight Dry Rose Red PANTONE® GREN THP-315-P Adhesive Shine Dry Green TCT-315-P Adhesive Brown Dry Green PANTONE® Process Blue THP-429-P Adhesive Shine Express Dryland TCT-429-P Adhesive Shine Express Dellan PANTONE® Blue 072 THP-443-P Adhesive Shine Express Dryland TCT-443-P Adhesive Shine Dryland PANTONE® VIOLET THP -515-P plastic printing fast dry purple TCT-515-P rubber bright light dry purple PANTONE® Reflex Blue THP-444-P rubber bright light dry shooting light-free TCT-444-P glolic print fast dry shooting light blue PANTONE® Black THP- 719-P Adhesive Shine Short Dry Black TCT-719-P Adhesive Shine Quick Dry Black 3, Usage: Tongue Shingang, Quick Dry Ink Warm User: 1, "Tiens" brand all kinds of printing ink has excellent function, and Features. Given the diversity and complexity of printing conditions, printing matrix, post processing conditions, and customer's physical chemical performance requirements for printing products, and the physical chemical parameters of various inks are measured under the predetermined conditions, Condition changes. It is recommended to use after experiment. Provide data for reference only. 2, the product quality period for two years. After the shelf life, it can be used if the technical indicator is still available.