
xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Q1, how to transform your own website, BT is already very hot A: The code of the Search is found on the three BTs, and the SORT code is compiled on three BT, = "5Q.

2, A: Problem Defining Web Computer College website The functionality is as follows: Ordinary viewers can read all visible articles in the Web, and the article starts from now until now, the article is divided into three categories. The publisher of the article can view the article, three types, three categories issued by the selected publisher; can publish an article, set the visibility, attachment; editable; can delete a text or attachment,

Or both.

Super admin can do more flexible work: (1) Setting the website style (2) Set the content of the Header () Change Footer's local properties ⑷ About the various operations of User (optional: (1) Classification of flexible control articles, This is the content of the forum ^^ (2) Flexible control home navigation bar => Requires classification list and navigation list (3) ⑷) Vocabulary: Sufficient reached a consensus, so write the database table structure as follows: ########## ############### News: {newsman} Nid Int (10) Not null; news sequence number Titel varchar (80) Not null; News Title | Keyword Varchar (30) Null; Keywords | -> for search content text not null; Text content IssueDate Date Not Null; Published Date Lasteditdate Date Null; Modifying the last date of the article Issueip varchar (15) Not null; IPAUTHORTYPE VARCHAR for publishing articles 16) NOT NULL; the author's category -----> Author table authorname varchar (16) Not null; the author's name ----> Author TableBoolsee char (1) Not null default 1; visibility of the article, by default CONTYPE VARCHAR (20) Not null; News Category ----> Newstype TableviewTimes Int (10) Not Null Default 0; Article Browse Attachment Varchar (50) Null Default Null; Attachment location ###### ################# Newstype: {News Category List} NTID INT (10) Not Null; Journal Category TypenAme VARCHAR (20) Not Null; Category Name # ###################### Navid Int (10) NOT NULL; Navigation List IDNAME VARCHAR (50) Not Null; NAV Name NAVSHOW Char (1) Not Null Default 1; WHETHER SHOW THIS NAV Default Yes = 1NAVURL VARCHAR (50) Not Null; NAV URL ###################################################################################################################################################################################################################################### # user table {User database table} uid int (10); user iduname varchar (16); user's nameupwd varchar (16); user's passwordabletoannounce int (1) default 0; false not allow his to an annoucequestion varchar (20); user's Question -> Get Passwordanswer VARCHAR (20); user's answerRegip varchar (15); REG IP as you sadlogintimes int (5); How Many Times this user logged inlastIMe Date;


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