Translated pureftpd profile

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

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# # # # # # #

# Configuration File for Pure-ftpd Wrappers #

# # # # # # #

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# If you want to use the configuration file instead of the command line option to run Pure-ftpd, run the following command:

# /usr/local/pureftpd/sbin/


# RRPM default uses another profile:

# / etc / sysconfig / pure-ftpd


# Please don't forget to browse [URL] [/ url]

# Document, see all list of options.

# Limit all users in their home directories

Chrooteveryone Yes

# If the previous instruction is set to "NO", the member (GID) of the following group is not limited by the main directory. And other users are still

# Will be restricted in its own home directory. If you don't want to limit any users in your home directory, just get rid of Chrooteveryone

# And trustedgid is OK.

# TrustedgID 100

# Compatible with IE, more unregistered FTP clients

BrokenClientScompatibility No

# The server allows the maximum number of users to connect at the same time.

MaxClientSnumber 50

# 做 进 Process Run (Fork in Background)

Daemonize Yes

# 同 i 允 允 同时 同时 同时 同时 用户 (Maximum Number of Sim Clients with the Same IP Address)

MaxClientSperip 8

# If you want to record all customer commands, set this instruction as "Yes".

# This Directive Can Be Duplicated to Also Log Server Responses.

Verboselog no

# Even if the client does not send '-a' options, the hidden files are listed.

DisplayDotfiles YES

# Do not allow authentication users - only an anonymous FTP as a public.

Anonymousonly NO

# Do not allow anonymous connections, just allow authentication users to be used.

Noanonymous No

# Syslog facility (Auth, Authpriv, Daemon, FTP, Security, User, Local *)

# 缺 能 ((Facility) is "ftp". "None" will prohibit the log.

Syslogfacility ftp

# Customize the display message after login (Display Fortune Cookies)

# Fortunesfile / usr / share / fortune / zippy

# Do not resolve the host name in the log file. If the log is not so detailed, use fewer bandwidth. Very accessed

In the site, set this instruction as "Yes" if you don't have a working DNS.

Dontresolve Yes

# Client Allowed Time (Minute, Latency 15 minutes)

MaxIdletime 15

# L l 配置 配置 (Reference Readme.LDAP)

# Ldapconfigfile /etc/pureftpd-ldap.conf

# MySQL configuration file (Reference Readme.Mysql) # mysqlconfigfile /etc/pureftpd-mysql.conf

# Postgres configuration file (refer to readme.pgsql)

# Pgsqlconfigfile /etc/pureftpd-pgsql.conf

# PUREDB User Database (Refer to Readme.Virtual-Users)

# Puredb /etc/pureftpd.pdb

# Pure-Authd Socket path (refer to readme.authentication-modules)

# Ket /var/run/ftpd.sock

# If you want to enable the PAM authentication method, remove the comments below.

# Paatentication YES

# If you want to enable a simple Unix system authentication method (/ etc / passwd), remove the comments of the next row.

# UnixAuthentication YES

# Please note that ldapconfigfile, mysqlconfigfile, pamauthentication and

# UnixAuthentication These instructions can only be used once, but they can be mixed together. For example: if you are using

# MySQLConfigfile and UnixAuthentication, then the SQL server will be accessed. If the user name is not found

# 到 到 使 l 认 认 认 认, if you try another certification in / etc / passwd and / etc / shadow, if

# If the password is incorrect, the authentication will end this. The authentication method is chained by the order they have given.

# 接 了.

# 'LS' command recursive restrictions. The first parameter gives the maximum number of files displayed. The second parameter gives the largest subdirectory depth.

LimitRecursion 2000 8

# Allow anonymous users to create a new directory?

AnonymouscancreatedIRS NO

# If the system is loaded more than the value below, anonymous users will be disabled.

MaxLoad 4

# The port range of the passive connection response. - for firewalling.

# PassiveportRange 30000 50000

# Forced an IP address to use passive response (PASV / EPSV / SPSV Replies). - for nat.

# Symbolic host names are Also Accepted for GateWays with Dynamic IP

# Addresses.

# Forcepassiveip

# Anonymous user's upload / download ratio.

# Anonymousratio 1 10

# All users' upload / download ratio.

# This Directive Superscedes The Previous ONE.

# Userratio 1 10

# Do not accept the download of the owner for "ftp". For example: files that are not verified by local administrators after anonymous user upload.

Antiwarez Yes

# 服务 服务 的 i i 地址 地址 地址 i. (The default is all IP addresses and 21 ports)

# Bind,11

# Anonymous user's maximum bandwidth (kb / s).

# AnonymousBandWidth 8

# All users' maximum bandwidth (Kb / s), including anonymous users.

# Use anonymousbandwidth * or * userbandwidth, Both makes no sense.

# UserbandWidth 8

# Newly build the property mask value of the directory and file. : .

# 177: 077 if you feel Paranoid.umask 133: 022

# Certified the user to allow the minority group ID (UID) to log in.


# Only the authentication user is allowed to perform FXP transmission.

AllowUserFXP YES

# Allow anonymous users and non-anonymous users to make an anonymous FXP transfer.


# 用户 用户 不 点 点 (file name "with '.' Starting with '.'), Even if the user is the owner of the file, it will not work.

# If the TrustedGID command is enabled, the file owned by the file can access the dot-files.

ProhibitDotfileswrite No

# 禁 读 点 文件 (. ') (.History, .ssh ...)

ProhibitDotfilesRead No

# Never overwrite the file. When the uploaded file, the file name already exists, automatically rename, such as File.1, File.2, File.3, ...

Autorename No

# Do not accept anonymous users upload a new file (NO = allowed to upload)

Anonymouscantupload no

# Only non-anonymous users from the following IP address are allowed. You can use this instruction to open several public IPs to provide anonymous FTP,

# And keep a private firewall protected IP to make remote management. You can only allow the intranet address to be certified, but in addition

# An IP provides pure anonymous FTP services.


# If you want to add a PID to the log in each line of the log to get the comment.

# LogPid Yes

# Create an extra log file using a format similar to the Apache, such as:

# - JEDI [13 / DEC / 1975: 19: 36: 39] "Get /ftp/linux.tar.bz2" 200 21809338

# This log file can be processed by the WWW traffic analyzer.

# Altlog CLF: /VAR/LOG/Pureftpd.log

# Use an optimized format to create an additional log file for the statistical report.

# Altlog stats: /var/log/pureftpd.log

# Create an additional log file using the standard W3C format. (Compatible with most business logs)

# Altlog w3c: /var/log/pureftpd.log

# Do not accept the chmod command. Users cannot change their files attributes.

# Nochmod yes

# Allow users to recover and upload files, but they are not allowed to delete them.

# KeepallFiles Yes

# If the user main directory does not exist, automatically creates.


# Enable the virtual disk limit. The first number is the maximum number of files.

# The second number is the maximum total file size (unit: MB).

# So, 1000: 10 Limit each user can only use 1000 files, a total of 10MB.

# Quota 1000: 10

# If your pure-ftpd compiles, you can change the PID file when you join the stand-ftpd compile.

# s position. The default location is /VAR/Run/


# If your pure-ftpd is added to Pure-UploadScript support, this instruction will make Pure-ftpd

# Send About the new upload information to /var/run/pure-ftpd.upload.pipe, so Pure-UploadScript

# You can read and then call a script to process new uploads. # Calluploadscript YES

# This option is useful to allow an anonymous server to be uploaded. When / var / ftp is in / var, you need to keep a certain disk space

# To protect the log file. When the disk partitions use more than 1%, new uploads will not be accepted.

MaxDiskusage 99

# If you don't want your user to rename the file, set it to 'Yes'.

# NoreName Yes

# Is 'Customer Proof': Workaround against an ordinary customer error, similar to: 'chmod 0 public_html' error.

# That is a valid command, but it will lead to ignorant customers set their own documents, which will make your technical support in the stupid problem.

# If you are sure that all your users have basic UNIX knowledge, this feature will not be used. However, if you are a host provider

# 的, enable it.

CustomerProof Yes

# Each user concurrent restrictions. This instruction only begins after the -with-peruserlimits compiles are added.

# Role. (Most binary releases are examples)

# 地式 是: :

# For example: 3: 20 means that the same authentication user can have 3 simultaneous activities. And at the same time, you can only have 20 anonymous user processes.


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