Delphi section function, command, attribute Chinese description

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  45

Abort function causes abandonment accident

ABS function absolute value function

The AddExitProc function adds a process to the end of the runtime library.

Addr function returns the address of the specified object

The AdjustLineBreaks function adjusts the threshold of the given string to a CR / LF sequence

The align property enables the control in a part of the window.

Alignment property control tag text location

Allocmem function Assigns a given size block on the stack

ALLOWGRAYED attribute allows a grayscale selection

AnsiCompareStr function comparison string (case sensitive)

AnsicompareText function comparison string (not case sensitive)

AnsilowerCase function converts characters to lowercase

The ANSIUPPERCASE function converts characters to uppercase

The Append function opens existing files in additional ways

ARCTAN functions

AssignFile function gives an external file name to file variables

Assigned function test function or processing variable is empty

AutoSize property automatically controls the size of the label

BackgroundColor properties background color BeginThread function Estably establishes an inner frame of the BEVELINNER attribute control box in the appropriate manner BEVELOLOLOLOLOUTER Property Control Block How to Frame The Fraction Box Width BlockRead Function Read one or more The blockwrite function writes to the variable One or more records from the variables One or more records Borderstyle attribute boundary type BorderWidth property boundary width BREAK command Termination for, While, Repeat Cycle BRUSH Property brush

CAPTION Attribute Label text content CHANGEFILEXT function change file suffix chDIR function Change the current directory check attribute to determine the checkbox Check Status CHR Function Returns the character closefile command to turn off the Color Color property Tag Color columns property Show column number CompareStr Function comparison strings (case sensitive) Concat function merge string Continue command Continue for, while, repeat of the next loop COPY function Returns a string of a string CoS function Cosm string CTL3D attribute if there is a 3D effect Cursor property mouse pointer shift Post shape

Date function returns the current date DateTimetOfileDate function Convert Delphi's date format DateTimetostr function to the date time format to string DateTimetostring function Transfer the date time format to string DateTstr function to convert the date format to a string DAYOFWEEK function Returning the value Dec function of the week Decreme Decode Decode Decompose Decomposing the Decomposition DecoDetime function Decomposes the time format to time, minute, second, millisecond Delete function from the string deleted substring deletefile command Delete file DiskFree function Returns remaining The size of the disk space Diskize function returns the CapoSe function release Dynamic Variables The space DITHERBACKGROSIOR DITHERBACKGROURSOR attributes in the stack DITHERBACKGROURSOR attribute When the mouse Press Time The target shape DragMode property Press the action mode DROPDOWNCOUNT attribute to the number of display data items EDITMASK Property Edit Mode Enabled Attributes Does the Label Rendering Open State ENCODEDATE Function The day-yield is combined into the date format ENCODETIME function, minute, second, millisecond Synthesis The end margin attribute end margin EDMARGIN Attribute end Edmar GF Function Whether to go to the file tail eoln function Return to the text file end State ERASE command Delete ExceptAddr function Return to cause the current unexpected address EXCLUDE function from the collection Some elements ExceptObject function returns the current unexpected index EXIT command to exit the exp function index function from the current statement block Returns a string extendedSelect property that contains absolute path extensEDselect attributes to allow the existing mode, True, MultiSelect is meaning EXTRACTFILEDIR function return Drive and Path ExtractFileExt Function Returns the Suffix ExtractFileName function returns the file name ExtractFilePath function Returns the path to the specified file

Fileage Function Returns the existing time fileclose command to close the specified file file name created a new file name FileDateTodateTime function Convert DOS Date format FileExists function Check if there is a FileGataTr function to return to files FilegetDate Function Returns DOS Date Time Mark FileOpen Command Opens the specified access mode Open the specified file filepos function Return to the current pointer position fileRead command to read the filesearch command from the specified file FileSearch command to search the specified file fileseek function change the file Pointer FileSetattr function setting file attribute FISETDATE function setting file DOS date Time Tag FileSize function Returns the size of the current file FileWrite Function FilleChar function FillChar function FillChar function Finding the number of FindClose commands Findfirst / FINDNEXT sequence The FindFirst command returns the specified file name and attribute search directory findnext command to the next entry FLOATTODECIMAL function to match the file name and attribute, convert the floating point number to the decimal number of FLOATTOSTOSTRF functions convert the floating point number into a string floattostr function converts floating point numbers to characters String floattotext function Converts a given floating point number to a decimal number of floattotextFmt functions to convert a given floating point number to a decimal number of Flush functions to refresh the contents of the buffer refresh to the output text file. FMTLOADSTR function from the program's resource string table. String FMTSTR function format a series of parameters, which returns the Font property formatted a series of parameters and returns a series of parameters formatDateTime function formatted a series of parameters formtDateTime functions in the format format format. The date and time formatfloat function Specifies the decimal part of the floating-point format FRAC function Return parameter FREEMEM function to release the space GetDir, which is released by a given size, returning the current directory GetHeapStatus returning the current status of the Memory Manager GetMem to establish a specified size Dynamic variables, and points the pointer to the getMemoryManager returns the memory manager Image of dot glyph function buttons

Halt stop program execution and return to the upper limit value of the HIGH returned to the operating system Hi return parameter HINT attribute prompt information

INT Return Parameter Integer Part INCLUDE Add Element to Collection Insert In String Strings INTTOHEX Converts Integer to Hexual INTOSTR Transfer to String iResult Return to the latest I / O operation completion Status IsValidIdent test string is a node that is displayed by default for a valid identifier items property.

Kind property placed

LARGECHANGE Attribute Maximum Change Value Layout Property Image Layout LENGTH Function Returns the Dynamic Length Lines Property LINES Property Default Display Content LN Function Natural logarithmic LO Function Return Parameter Load Bit LOADSTR Function Loading characters from the application's executable The resource LowerCase function becomes a given string to lower-write LOW function returns the lower limit of the parameter.

MAX Property Max MaxLength Attribute Max Master MIN Property Minimum Mkdir Command Create a Subdate Move Function From Source to Target Copy Byte MultiSelect Property Allows Several Data Items

Name Properties The name new function creates a new dynamic variable and sets a pointer variable to his newstr function to assign a new string now on the stack. NOW function Returns the current date and time.

The ODD test parameter is moving to the form on the form to move on the form on the form. When you trigger the onclick event, click Form Blank Area to trigger the OndblClick event Double-click the window blank area to trigger an onCloseQuery event user try turns off the form to trigger the onclose event form. Oncreate event form The first time the ONDEACTIVATE event user is triggered to another application to trigger the onDragDrop event mouse Drag and drop operation. Trigger the onDragover event. There are other controls from him to trigger the onMouseDown event. Trigger the ONMOUSEUP event when pressing the mouse button. When the mouse button is released, the OnMouseMove event is triggered when the OnMouse event hides the mouse when it triggers the onkeydown event to press the keyboard to press the keyboard to press the keyboard to press the single character button on the keyboard when the onkeyup event is triggered when the onkeyup event releases a key on the keyboard. Trigger OnPaint. There is a new part of the event form Exposure to trigger the onResize event Re-adjust Form size Trigger the ONSHOW event before the form is actually displayed. The order OutlineEle property type OutlineStyle property is OutlineError cause the OutofMemory Accident PageIndex Property Page Index Pages Property Page Detribute Pages Properties page paramcount function Returns the number of parameters passing to the program to the program parametr function Returns the specified command line parameter PEN Property Demand Set PI Function Return Wen We Rong PIPICTURE Property Display Image PictureClosed Property Settings Closed Bitmap PictureLeaf Property Settings LEAF Bitchart Pictureminus Properties Setting Minus Bits Figure PictureOpen Property Setting Open Bitmap PicturePlus Properties Settings Plus Bitmap POS Functions Returns the previous parameter random function Returns a random function Randomize function Returns the built-in random number generator Read function pair Formatted files, read one file component to the variable; perform a READ process in the written file, read one or more values ​​to one or more variables, and then jump to the file next to the readonly property read-only property ReallocMem function Assignment A dynamic variable rename function renamed an external file RenameFile function to rename the reset function on files Open existing text The REWRITE function creates and opens a new file RMDIR function Delete empty subdirectory Round function rounds the real value to the execution of the integer RUNERROR function stop program

ScrollBars Attribute Scroll Bob Status Seek Function Moves the current pointer of the file to the specified component SEEKEOF function Returns the file end status Seekeoln function Returns the row of the file end State SelectMECTEDCOLOR Property Selected Color SetMemoryManager Function Setting the Memory Manager The entry point setTextBuf function given Text file specifies the shape showexception function displayed by the I / O buffer Shape property display Accident Message and address SIN Function Strove Function The SMALLCHANGE The minimum change value of the SORTED attribute is allowed to sort the SQR function square function SQRT function Square Root Function Startmargin Attribute Start Edge State Properties Control Current Status STR Function Converts Values ​​to String Stralloc Functions Give the Buffer StrBufSize Function of the Rachel String with NULL Returns Buffer StrobufSize Function Returns the maximum buffer stored by Stralloc The character strcat function attached a string to another string and returned the merge string strComp function comparing two string strcopy functions to copy a string to another string string string string string string string string string string string string string string string strings The function copies a string to another string and returns a pointer Strend function of the string tail back to point to the pointer at the tail of the string Stretch property. The STRFMT function formatted a series of parameters StriComp function compares two strings (Incounting case) StringTowideChar function converts the ANSI string to the Unicode string strlcat function to attach characters in a string to another string and return the merge string strlcomp function to compare two string strlcopy in maximum length. Strlcopy The function copies the characters in a string to another string Strlen function Returns the character string Strlfmt function formatted a series of parameters, and the result contains a pointer to the target buffer strliComp function to compare the maximum length. Two strings (in case case) strlower functions convert characters in the string to lowercase strMove functions to copy characters in a string to another string Strnew function allocated a string StrPas function on the stack. NULL End String Strings String StrPCOP Y function Copy the string of the PASCAL class to the string StrPlcopy function ended from the NULL Copy the maximum length string of the Pascal class to the end of the string StrPos function to return a string in another string Strrs STRSCAN Function Returns the final character of the string StRSCAN function Returns the first character in the string Strtodate function to convert the string to the date format strtodateTime function to convert the string to the date / time format STRTOFLOAT function to convert a given string Conversion of strings into integer strs to integer to integer or defaults to convert the string to the integer or default value STRTOTIME function to convert the string to the time format Strupper function to convert the characters in the string to the upper-write style property type Select the SUCE function Returns the high and low address bit Tabs property of the subsequent parameter SWAP function exchange parameters Tag each item TabINDEX Property Tag Index TEXT TEXT TEXTTOT function to convert a string (end format in NULL) to floating point number Time function returns the current Time Timetostr function converts the time format to a string Trim function Delete the front guide from a given string and the control character trimleft function removes the first space from a given string and control character Trimright function from a given Delete the space in the string and the control character trunc function intercept the real value to the integer value Truncate function to cut the current file position.

Unselected COLOR Attribute Unchecked Color Upcase converts characters to uppercase Uppercase to change the given string to the uppercase VAL function to convert a string to the integer value VaRrayCreate function with a given boundary and dimension Establish variant array VARARRAYDIMCOUNT function Return to a given The dimension of the variant VararrayHighBound function returns the upper bound VARARRAYLOCK function locking the given variant array VARARRAYLOWBOUND function Returns the lower bound VARARRAYOF function of the value of the number of dimensions to the specified variant VararrayRedim function By changing the upper limit to adjust the size of the variant of the VARARRAYUNLOCK function Unlock the specified variant array varial function to convert the variant to the specified type VARCASE function converts the variant into the specified type and saves his VARCLER function to clear the specified variant VARCOPY function. The specified variant replicates to the specified variant varformdatetime function Returns the variant varicray function test variant whether the variant is the array varisempty function test variant whether the change is the NullvartodateTime function to convert a given variant to the nullvartodateTime function The date time VARTYPE function converts variants to the specified type and saves the visibility of his Visible property control.

When the Wantreturns property is TRUE, press Enter to generate a carriage return; for false, press Ctrl Enter to generate the mercy write command to formatted files, write a variable into the file component; for text files, Write one or more values ​​to the file WRITELN command to execute the WRITE process, then output a line end flag widecharlentostring function converts the ANSI string to the Unicode string WideCharlentostrwar function converts the Unicode string to the ANSI string variable widechartostring function to convert Unicode string Convert Unicode string to ansi string variable for ansi string widechartostrvar functions


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