Be Sure Programmers Undrstand That Writing Bug-Free Code Is So Difficult That The Can't Afford Not To Use Every Means To Detect and Prevent Bugs. Almost all programmers believe that there is no bug program, but different The programmer has different attitudes to treat BUGs. Some people are unhappy because they believe in this theory, and they are often compiled after compiling, but this program will have more high quality. But in fact, zero error programs may not be able to achieve, but it is a target that can be pursued, but it is only necessary. If the programmer has the right attitude: there is no reason, BUG appears in the program is not. Then he uses more experience when writing the program or in unit test, the quality of this code will increase a lot. When Somebody Says That Something Can't Be Done, He or She is Usually Wrong. Some people often say "this matter is impossible" when they encounter some difficulties. This "unable to attitude" is extremely harm to solve problems and creativity. Whether this thing can be done, this is also seen that he has to think about this problem. Sometimes people 's attitude is a problem. When he encounters difficult things, it will psychology will have an emotion, and only the problem is very annoying, not only how to solve it, but resentment people who make questions.
Be Sure That Programmers Always View The Product As An End User Would. Programmers Must Be Sensitive To The End User's Perceptions. In fact, we have a man who develops software every day, and he is very fewer as a user. It is not a chance. Used program. So when you design and write programs, you will rarely consider problems from the perspective of users. If the user complains that there is a problem in the use of the program, most of the programs will feel that users are computer idiot, they will not use their own programs. They didn't think that idiots were not user, but their program interface. Take the user as a stupid programming designer, will not listen to the user's complaints, will not try to find out the direction of improvement of the product. Give Some Priority to Writing Easily Shared Code. Program's Code Unless They're Writing It So That It Can Be Shared. For the reuse of the program code, most of the programming designers agree with this. But they baked the procedures that others wrote is difficult to use. In order to increase the value of the program code, the programmer should develop new attitudes, pay attention to whether the program written by "reused" is to satisfy this, and the programming will try to reduce the association between subroutines and main programs. Sex, the subroutine is independent and can be used by others.