TAKING Heapdumps:
Heapdumps can be used in the current session by using the command ALTER SESTEM SET Events or through the ORADEBUG Events command. Heapdumps will be written into a trace file to the Directory of the Process Dump, which is the same as the corresponding table x $.
The syntax of the event is immediate trace name heapdump level n. Level's value can be as follows: 1, 2, 4, 8, 32. These values correspond to DUMP, respectively, PGA, SGA, UGA, CGA, Large Pool.
The syntax of the SubHeap Dump event is immediate trace name heapdump_addr level n. N is a sixteen SubHeap address descriptor. These addresses can be obtained from the field KSMCHPAR in the KSM X $ table, or string DS from Heapdump files = Get
SQL> ALTER Session Set Tracefile_Identifier = TEST
SQL> Alter Session Set Events 'Immediate Trace Name Heapdump Level 1'
Then to $ oracle_home / admin / udump, find a file name with TEST with TEST to open, Dump coming out of the document:
*** 2004-11-30 10: 42: 09.000
*********************************************************** ****
Heap dump head name = "PGA Heap" desc = 067d1fe8 --- Red can see which HEAP of our dump, here DUMP PGA.
Extent SZ = 0x213c alt = 84 Het = 32767 REC = 0 flg = 2 OPC = 2
Parent = 00000000 out = 00000000 NEX = 00000000 xsz = 0x25b8
Extent 0 addr = 07beb9a4 --- Extent number and its address
CHUNK 7BEB9AC --- Chunk Address
SZ = 9648 --- This Chunk size, in Bytes.
Freeable ---- Type of CHUNK
"KCRR KCRPDI AR" ---- This CHUNK is described
Extent 1 addr = 07be9854
CHUNK 7BE985C SZ = 8500 perm "perm" alo = 7524
Extent 2 addr = 07be7474
Chunk 7Be747c SZ = 9156 Freeable "fixed uga"
Extent 3 addr = 07be5324
Chunk 7Be532c SZ = 3764 Perm "Perm" alo = 3764
CHUNK 7BE61E0 SZ = 2788 Freeable "Alloc Environm" DS = 07B6ADF4
DS = 07b6adf4 ----- This is the address description of subheapdump's Level, SubHeap's address description.
Chunk 7Be6cc4 SZ = 540 Freeable "Kopolal DVOID"
Chunk 7be6ee0 SZ = 288 Freeable "Kopolal Dvoid" Chunk 7Be7000 SZ = 220 Freeable "Kopolal Dvoid"
CHUNK 7BE70DC SZ = 900 Freeable "Kopolal DVOID"
Extent 4 addr = 07be31d4
CHUNK 7BE31DC SZ = 8440 Perm "Perm" alo = 8440
CHUNK 7BE52D4 SZ = 60 Free ""
Extent 5 AddR = 07be1084
CHUNK 7BE108C SZ = 7096 Perm "Perm" alo = 7096
CHUNK 7BE2C44 SZ = 1140 Perm "Perm" alo = 1140
CHUNK 7BE30B8 SZ = 28 free ""
CHUNK 7BE30D4 SZ = 36 Freeable "Koh-Kghu Call H"
CHUNK 7BE30F8 SZ = 200 Freeable "PLS CCA HP DESC"
Extent 6 addr = 07bb0034
CHUNK 7BB003C SZ = 3052 Perm "Perm" alo = 3052
CHUNK 7BB0C28 SZ = 404 Perm "Perm" alo = 404
CHUNK 7BB0DBC SZ = 56 Free ""
CHUNK 7BB0DF4 SZ = 92 Freeable "JOXP HEAP"
CHUNK 7BB0E50 SZ = 36 Freeable "External Name"
Chunk 7BB0E74 SZ = 36 Freeable "Kzsna: Login Nam"
Chunk 7BB0E98 SZ = 17012 Freeable "KSM Stack"
EXTENT 7 AddR = 07B68D34
CHUNK 7B68D3C SZ = 2000 Perm "Perm" alo = 2000
CHUNK 7B6950C SZ = 152 Perm "Perm" alo = 152
CHUNK 7B695A4 SZ = 116 free ""
CHUNK 7B69618 SZ = 540 Freeable "Kopolal DVOID"
CHUNK 7B69834 SZ = 92 Freeable "KSFQ Heap Descr" CHUNK 7B69890 SZ = 16 Freeable "Ksfh Indicator"
CHUNK 7B698A0 SZ = 4144 recreate "alloc environm" latch = 00000000
DS 7B6ADF4 SZ = 6932 CT = 2
7be61e0 sz = 2788
CHUNK 7B6A8D0 SZ = 1424 Freeable "Kpuinit Env Han"
Total Heap Size = 81976 ---- This HEAP size should be in KB.
Free Lists: ----- Some information about this PGA Free Lists
Bucket 0 size = 44 --- Bucket number and its corresponding free chunks size, this size is based on bytes.
CHUNK 7BB0DBC SZ = 56 Free ""
CHUNK 7BE52D4 SZ = 60 Free ""
CHUNK 7BE30B8 SZ = 28 free ""
BUCKET 1 size = 76
BUCKET 2 size = 96
CHUNK 7B695A4 SZ = 116 free ""
BUCKET 3 size = 140
BUCKET 4 size = 236
BUCKET 5 size = 268
BUCKET 6 size = 524
BUCKET 7 size = 1036
BUCKET 8 SIZE = 2060
BUCKET 9 SIZE = 4108
BUCKET 10 size = 8204
BUCKET 11 SIZE = 16396
BUCKET 12 SIZE = 32780
BUCKET 13 SIZE = 65548
BUCKET 14 SIZE = 131084
BUCKET 15 size = 262156
BUCKET 16 SIZE = 524300
BUCKET 17 SIZE = 2097164
Total Free Space = 260 --- in KB.
Unpinned Recreatable Chunks (Lru First):
Permanent Chunks:
CHUNK 7BE985C SZ = 8500 perm "perm" alo = 7524
Chunk 7Be532c SZ = 3764 Perm "Perm" alo = 3764
CHUNK 7B6950C SZ = 152 Perm "Perm" alo = 152
CHUNK 7BB0C28 SZ = 404 Perm "Perm" alo = 404
Chunk 7Be31dc SZ = 8440 Perm "Perm" alo = 8440chunk 7be2c44 SZ = 1140 Perm "perm" alo = 1140
CHUNK 7BB003C SZ = 3052 Perm "Perm" alo = 3052
CHUNK 7BE108C SZ = 7096 Perm "Perm" alo = 7096
CHUNK 7B68D3C SZ = 2000 Perm "Perm" alo = 2000
Permanent Space = 34548 --- in KB.
*********************************************************** ****
*********************************************************** ****
Heap Dump Heap Name = "TOP CALL HEAP" DESC = 067D46D8
Heap name = "TOP CALL HEAP" ---- CGA information in this PGA
Extent SZ = 0x213c alt = 92 HET = 32767 REC = 0 flg = 2 OPC = 3
Parent = 00000000 Owner = 00000000 NEX = 00000000 xsz = 0xfffc
Extent 0 AddR = 07BF0004
CHUNK 7BF000C SZ = 32828 Perm "Perm" alo = 136
CHUNK 7BF8048 SZ = 30552 free ""
CHUNK 7BFF7A0 SZ = 1072 recreate "callheap" latch = 00000000
DS 67D3D00 SZ = 1072 CT = 1
Chunk 7Bffbd0 SZ = 1072 Rereate "CallHeap" Latch = 00000000
DS 67D3D68 SZ = 1072 CT = 1
Total Heap Size = 65524
Free Lists:
BUCKET 1 size = 76
BUCKET 2 size = 96
BUCKET 3 size = 140
BUCKET 4 size = 236
BUCKET 5 size = 268
BUCKET 6 size = 524
BUCKET 7 size = 1036
BUCKET 8 SIZE = 2060
BUCKET 9 SIZE = 4108
BUCKET 10 size = 8204
BUCKET 11 SIZE = 16396
CHUNK 7BF8048 SZ = 30552 free ""
BUCKET 12 SIZE = 32780
Bucket 13 size = 65548bucket 14 size = 131084
BUCKET 15 size = 262156
BUCKET 16 SIZE = 524300
BUCKET 17 SIZE = 2097164
Total Free Space = 30552
Unpinned Recreatable Chunks (Lru First):
Permanent Chunks:
CHUNK 7BF000C SZ = 32828 Perm "Perm" alo = 136
Permanent Space = 32828
*********************************************************** ****
*********************************************************** ****
Heap dump head name = "TOP UGA HEAP" DESC = 067D47F8
Heap name = "TOP UGA HEAP" --- UGA information in this PGA
Extent SZ = 0xffdc alt = 92 HET = 32767 REC = 0 flg = 2 OPC = 3
Parent = 00000000 out = 00000000 NEX = 00000000 xsz = 0x1FFFC
Extent 0 Addr = 07C00004
CHUNK 7C0000C SZ = 48 Free ""
Chunk 7C0003C SZ = 65476 Rereate "session heap" latch = 00000000
DS 7BE7490 SZ = 65476 CT = 1
Total Heap Size = 65524
Free Lists:
CHUNK 7C0000C SZ = 48 Free ""
BUCKET 1 size = 76
BUCKET 2 size = 96
BUCKET 3 size = 140
BUCKET 4 size = 236
BUCKET 5 size = 268
BUCKET 6 size = 524
BUCKET 7 size = 1036
BUCKET 8 SIZE = 2060
BUCKET 9 SIZE = 4108
BUCKET 10 size = 8204
BUCKET 11 SIZE = 16396
BUCKET 12 SIZE = 32780
BUCKET 13 SIZE = 65548
BUCKET 14 SIZE = 131084
BUCKET 15 size = 262156
BUCKET 16 SIZE = 524300
BUCKET 17 SIZE = 2097164
Total Free Space = 48
Unpinned Recreatable Chunks (Lru First):
Permanent Chunks:
Permanent Space = 0
*********************************************************** ****
There are some things that haven't been clear about it. So I didn't explain here.