ASP call stored procedure error '800A0BB9'

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  44

Create Procedure DBO.SP_INSERTSO (@cust_name varchar (120)) as begin insert insto (cust_name) VALUES (@cust_name)

END asp: set cmd = server.CreateObject ( "adodb.command") set cmd.ActiveConnection = conn cmd.CommandText = "{call sp_InsertSo (?)}" Cmd.Parameters.Append cmd.CreateParameter ( "@ cust_name", adInteger , Adparaminput) CMD ("@ Cust_Name") = "999" cmd.execute ()

Adodb.command error '800A0bb9' parameter type is incorrect, or is not within acceptable range, or conflicts with other parameters. Row: cmd.parameters.Append cmd.createParameter ("@ Cust_Name", Adinteger, AdParaminput) Find a solution for half a day with Baidu, search for English website with Google:

(a) PUT <% OPTION Explicit%> at the top of your code (b) in case ado type library or at the top of then add: dim cmdDim adCmdSPStoredProcDim adParamReturnValueDim adParaminputDim adParamOutputDim adIntegerDim iValDim oValDim adoFieldDim adVarChar 'these values ​​are pre-in VB Define constants, can be called directly, but there is no predefined adcmdspstoredproc = 4adparamreturnValue = 4ADPARCHAR = 200 IVAL = 5OVAL = 3

execution succeed


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