String segmentation and connection function:
Code: Array EXPLODE (String Dalimiter, String Data)
Use string Dellimiter to split Data into an array to return to a similar function: split ()
Code: String Implode (Array Data, String Dellimiter)
The role and explode () are just the opposite, connect arrays with Dellimiter into a long string function alias: join ()
Code: Array Split (String Pattern, String Text [, it])
Use the characters of the matching mode Pattern as the separator, split the string text to the array LIMIT optional parameters, limit the number of segments of the divided segment string codec:
Code: string addslashes (String text)
Plus "/" back before the special character in the string text, special characters include ('), ("), (/). Similar function: quotemeta ()
Code: String StripsLashs (String Text)
And the addslashes () function is just the opposite, remove the anti-slash coding
Code: String Quotemeta (String text)
Similar to addslashes (), the difference is that its special characters include:. / *? [] ^ () $
Code: String escapeeshellcmd (string command)
Antilamps are added before all possible characters that may cause trouble in the shell command. Used before exec (), system () and other functions.
Code: string mysql_escape_string (String text)
Turn a SQL string to the mysql_query () HTML related functions
Code: string htmlentities (String text) (STRING TEX)
Convert all HTML entities
Code: String htmlspecialchars (string string [, int quote_style [, string charset]])
Converting specific characters for html entity quote_style: (ent_compat | ent_quotes) quote_style default: ent_compat conversion & <> When Quote_Style is: ent_quotes, except for conversion "and"
Code: String Trim (String Text)
Remove the character string text start and the empty characters at the end
Code: String Ltrim (String Text)
Remove the empty characters at the beginning of the string Text
Code: String Rtrim (String text)
Remove the empty characters at the end of TEXT
Code: String Chop (String text)
Function RTRIM () alias