Let UltraEdit also support Delphi syntax highlights

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  70

UltraEdit is often written in UltraEdit, but UltraEdit itself does not support Delphi's syntax highlight, it is very uncomfortable, so prepred for the following script to support Delphi, add it to the endfile.txt file under the UltraEdit installation path. can.

/ L8 "dephi" line comment = // block comment on = {block comment off =} block comment on alt = (* block comment off = *) escape char = / string chars = 'NOCASE File Extensions = PAS DPR DPK DFM COD INC / DELIMITERS = ~! @% ^ & * () - = | // {} [] :; "'<>,.? / Function string ="% [A-ZA-Z _] * ^ ([[ A-ZA-Z_] ^) (*) [~;] "/ function string 1 ="% [A-ZA-Z _] *. ^ ([A-ZA-Z_] ^) (*) [~ ;] "/ Indent strings =" begin "/ unundent strings =" end "/ c1" keywords "

absolute abstract and array as asm assembler automatedbegin breakcase cdecl class const constructor contains continuedefault delete destructor dispid dispinterface div do downto dynamicelse end except explicit export exports externalfar file finalization finally for forward functiongotoif implementation implements in inherited initialization inline interface islabel librarymessage modnear nil nodefault notobject of or out overload overridepackage packed pascal private procedure program property protected public publishedraise read readonly record register reintroduce repeat requires resourcestringsafecall set shl shr stdcall stored stringthen threadvar to try typeunit until usesvar virtualwhile with write writeonlyxor / C4 "Operators" - * = // //: % &> <^! |;,. '"() $ [] @ // # // $ ~


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