How to effectively use dialog box: Xu Jing Zhou (original: Nishant S) This article is
"How to Use Dialog Box" continues.
1. How to effectively make the initial window not display when we want the window to be initially not displayed, it usually uses showWindow (sw_hide), but actually starts to see a slit that the window flashes. Therefore, you can use the following method to implement it: (1.1) Set the Built Variable Visible value in the constructor is False.
Visible = false; (1.2) Reload WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING, and add the following code:
Void ctest_deletedlg :: OnWindowPoschanging (WindowPos Far * lpwndpos)
IF (! Visible)
CDIALOG :: OnWindowPoschanging (lpwndpos);
(1.3) Then set the Visible variable value of True and use showWindow (sw_show) when you want to display the window.
Visible = true;
2. Direct screen display of the dialog
The full screen display of the dialog can be rearranged with SETWINDOWPOS and HWND_TOPMOST in OnInitDialog ().
Bool cfullscrdlgdlg :: oninitdialog ()
CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog ();
// ...
HDC DC = :: getdc (null);
CX = getDeviceCaps (DC, Horzres)
GetSystemMetrics; SM_CXBORDER
CY = getDeviceCaps (DC, Vertres)
GetSystemMetrics; SM_CYBORDER
:: ReleaseDC (0, DC);
// Remove the title and border
Setwindowlong (m_hwnd, gwl_style,
GetWindowlong (M_HWND, GWL_STYLE) &
(~ (WS_CAPTION | WS_BORDER)))))));
// Set the dialog as the top and expand to the entire screen
:: SetwindowPos (M_HWND, HWND_TOPMOST,
- (GetSystemMetrics 1),
- (GetSystemMetrics 1),
// ...
Return True;
3. How to get the window in 2K / XP
Under 2k / XP we can use AttachthReadInput and setForegroundWindow to get focus.
// Capture and set the current focus window for our window
:: getForegroundWindow (), NULL,
GetCurrentThreadId (), true);
// Place our focus window
SetForegroundWindow ();
Setfocus ();
// Release Thread
:: getForegroundWindow (), NULL,
GetCurrentThreadID (), FALSE);
4. Make your dialog box at the top
You can use SetWindowPos in OnInitDialog ().
SetWindowPOS (& this-> Wndtopmost, 0,0,0,0,0, swp_nomove | swp_nosize); 5. How to dynamically zoom in / narrowing dialogs can also be implemented with SETWINDOWPOS or MOVEWINDOW.
Void ctest_deletedlg :: onmakesmall ()
SetwindowPOS (NULL, 0, 0, 200, 200, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE);
Void ctest_deletedlg :: Onexpand ()
SetwindowPos (NULL, 0, 0, 500, 300, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOMOVE);
// Stretch, shrink between IDC_DYCREDITS and IDC_COPYRIGHT two STITIC controls, as partitionline
Bool cabout :: OnInitDialog ()
CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog ();
// "About" dialog box can shrink
CRECT RECT1, RECT2; / / Dialog Seasonal
Getdlgitem (IDC_DYCREDITS) -> getWindowRect (Rect1);
Getdlgitem (IDC_CopyRight) -> getWindowRect (Rect2);
m_nreducedheight = Rect1.Height () ( -Rect2.bottom) / 2; // After shrinking the form height
DLGRect.bottom - = (Rect1.Height () ( -Rect2.bottom) / 2);
MoveWindow (& DLGRECT); / / If you want to display the dialog starting dynamic effect, you cannot use this sentence.
m_bvertical = false; // Default Continue dialog
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
// Name: Onmore
// Function: Whether it is allowed
// Variable: no
// Return: None
// Write: Xu Jing Zhou, 2002.4.8
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
Void Cabout :: ONMORE ()
m_bvertical =! m_bvertical;
IF (m_bvertage == false // does not display
Setdlgitemtext (ID_MORE, _T ("more >>"));
SizeWindow (M_nReducedheight, true);
// m_dycredits.endscrolling (); // Stop scrolling
ELSE // Display
Setdlgitemtext (ID_MORE, _T ("<< Hide"));
SizeWindow (M_nReducedheight, False);
m_dycredits.startscrolling (); // Start scrolling
UpdateWindow ();
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------
// Name: SizeWindow
// Function: Stretch or Contract dialog
// Variable: reduceheight - contraction height, bextend - is stretched
// Return: None
// Write: Xu Jing Zhou, 2002.4.8
/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------- Void Cabout :: SizeWindow (Int ReduceHeight, Bool Bextend)
GetWindowRect (& RC);
IF (bextend)
For (int i = 0; i { Rc.bottom MoveWindow (& RC); } } Else { For (int i = 0; i { RC.BOTTOM ; MoveWindow (& RC); } } } 6. How to make the dialog back to the screen When the dialog is dragged from the screen, you can use the following code to return it to the screen. SendMessage (DM_Reposition); Note: It must be the top window and is not a Child window. 7. How to add or remove the maximum / minimize button to the dialog Change its display style in onCreate () or OnInitDialog (). INT ctest_deletedlg :: oncreate (lpcreateStruct lpcreatestruct) { IF (cdialog :: oncreate (lpcreatestructure) == -1) Return -1; // Todo: Add Your Specialized Creation Code Here Setwindowlong (this-> m_hwnd, gwl_style, GetWindowlong (this-> m_hwnd, gwl_style) | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_MAXIMIZEBOX; Return 0; } Or use: ModifyStyle (NULL, WS_MAXIMIZEBOX); 8. Change the mouse pointer Can be implemented in OnsetCursor. BOOL CTEST_DELETEDLG :: OnsetCursor (CWND * PWND, UINT NHITTEST, UINT MESSAGE) { // Todo: add your message handler code here and / or call default SetCursor (AFXGetApp () -> LoadStandardCursor (IDC_UPARROW); // Now we return instead of calling the base class Return 0; // Return CDIALOG :: OnsetCursor (PWND, NHitTest, Message); } 9. Change the foreground and background color of the dialog Can be implemented in InitInstance (). // red background, green foreground SetDialogbkcolor (RGB (255, 0), RGB (0,255,0)); 10. Icon not displayed on the task bar First create a top-level window that is not displayed from the CWINAPP inheritance class. CframeWnd * ABC = New CFrameWnd (); ABC-> CREATE (0, 0, WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW); CNotaskBaricondlg DLG (ABC); m_pmainwnd = & dlg; INT nresponse = dlg.domodal (); IF (NRESPONSE == iDok) { } Else IF (nresponse == idcancel) { } DELETE ABC; Modify the display style WS_EX_APPWindow in OnInitDialog. Bool cNotaskbaricondlg :: oninitdialog () { CDIALOG :: OnInitdialog (); ModifyStyleex (WS_EX_APPWINDOW, 0); Seticon (M_Hicon, True); // set Big icon Seticon (M_Hicon, False); // set small icon // Todo: Add Extra Initialization Here Return True; // Return True UnsS you set the focus to a control } 11. Join, here to help Modify the display style, join on LinitDialog, join, HLP Help Help Display. Bool helpdialog :: oninitdialog () { ModifyStyleex (0, WS_EX_CONTEXTHELP); Return cdialog :: oninitdialog (); } Overload onhelpinfo (...), with display related help information Bool helpdialog :: onhelpinfo (helpinfo * phelpinfo) { Short State = getKeyState (vk_f1); IF (State <0) // F1 Key Is Down, Get Help for THE DIALOG Return CDIALOG :: onhelpinfo (Phelpinfo); Else {// F1 Key Not Down, Get Help for Specific Control IF (Phelpinfo-> dwconTextID) Winhelp (Phelpinfo-> dwcontextid, Help_contextpopup; Return True; } }