SIP Message Analysis Design
Because SIP's protocol is complex, it needs to break by, which we started grammar analysis of its protocol.
1) SIP includes two messages: generation and processing
a) Generating requests include requesting a message header space message body
b) Processing request includes status line message header space message body
2) Requesting line includes Method Request-URI SIP-VERSION
a) Method includes:
l invite
l apk
l Cancel
l Bye
l Options
3) Status line includes SIP-VERSION STATUS-CODE REASON-Phrase
4) The message header includes multiple messages
5) Message head type
a) Vias
b) froms
c) TOS
d) Call_ids
f) Max_forwards
g) Contacts
h) Content_Types
I) Content_lengths
j) supported
K) Require
We have just started to analyze in simple messages: Invate Sip: Sip / 2.0VIA: SIP / 2.0 / UDP Laura Brown
1. WS [/ t] // space
2. NL / N
3. Whitespace ^ [/ t] * / n // blank line
4. URL ([^ / T / >] *) @ ([^ / T / >] *)
5. qstring / "[^ /" / n] * [/ "/ n] // matches" DFDFD "
6. Commpro UDP | TCP | TLS | SCTP // Communication Protocol
7. Float [0-9] *. [0-9] *
8. Integer [0-9]
9. Threenum [0-9] {3} // Triple Integer
10. String [A-ZA-Z] [A-ZA-Z0-9]
11. Field [A-ZA-Z0-9.]
12. Name [A-ZA-Z] [] * [A-ZA-Z] *
13. Localid [A-ZA-Z0-9 -] @ [A-ZA-ZA-Z0-9.] These expressions are relatively simple, and readers can refer to the regular expression control.
Here first, the friends developed by Lex and Yacc, WINDOW may be a bit unfamiliar, but it is very popular in xnix .lex is the lexical identification tool, YACC is a syntax recognition tool. Complete a computer language compiler If you don't introduce, you can refer to: l CN / Linux / SDK / LEX / INDEX.SHTML
l "Lex and YACC (Second Edition)"
SIP message can be quickly resolved by the use of these tools. Lex and yacc, and because the C code can be generated, we can quickly migrate to our program code.
First, we write lex: ******************************************** *************% {# incrude
Extern int Lineno;
%} WS [/ t]
NL / N
Whitespace ^ [/ t] * / n
URL ([^ / T / >] *) @ ([^ / T / >] *)
Qstring / "[^ /" / n] * [/ "/ n]
CommPro UDP | TCP | TLS | SCTP
Float [0-9] *. [0-9] *
Threenum [0-9] {3}
STR [A-ZA-Z] [A-ZA-Z0-9]
Field [A-ZA-Z0-9.]
Name [A-ZA-Z] [] * [A-ZA-Z] *
Localid [A-ZA-ZA-Z0-9 -] @ [A-ZA-Z0-9.]
%% {ws};
{whitespace} {return white;}
{Url} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return URL;}
{qstring} {yylval.string = strdup (YYTEXT 1); / * Skip open quote * / if (YYLVAL.STRING [YYLENG-2]! = '") Warning (" Unterminated Character String ", (char *) 0); else yylval.string [yYLENG-2] = '/ 0'; / * remove close quote * / return qstring;}
{Commpro} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return COMMPRO;}
{Float} {yylval.floatval = atof (yytext); return FLOAT;}
{Integer} {yylval.intval = atoi (yytext); return INTEGER;}
{Threenum} {yylval.intval = atoi (yytext); return THREENUM;}
{Str} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return STR;}
{Field} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return FIELD;}
{Name} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return NAME;}
{Localid} {yylval.string = strdup (yytext); return LOCALID;} / * command * / INVITE {return INVITE;} ACK {return ACK;} CANCEL {return CANCEL;} REGISTER {return REGISTER;} BYE {return BYE Options {return Options;} / * msg head * / via: {;} to: {return;} call-id: {return callid;} cseq: {return; } Max-Forwards: {return MAXFORWARDS;} Contact: {return CONTACT;} Content_type: {return cONTACTTYPE;} Content_length: {return CONTACTLENGTH;} Supported: {return SUPPORTED;} Require: {return REQUIRE;}
{nl} {lineno ;}. {return yytext [0];} %% **************************************** ************************************* After writing Lex, we will come forward the front. Syntax analysis becomes YACC code: *************************************************** ******************% {# include
% union {char * String; / * string buffer * / int tent; double floatval; int cmd; / * command value * / int headfield;}
% Token
% Type
START: SIP_MSG; / * SIP includes two messages: generating and processing * / SIP_MSG: generating_request | sending_request; / ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************* *************************************** * request includes requesting bank header blank message body * / generating_request: Req_line msg_head spaceline msg_body | start_line msg_heads;
/ * Processing includes status line message header space message * / sending_request: status_line msg_head spaceLine msg_body / ************************************************** ********************************* *************** ********************************************************* / / * Request line includes Method Request-URI SIP-VERSION * / REQ_LINE: Command Require_URL SIP_VER;
/ * Status line includes SIP-VERSION STATUS-CODE REASON-phrase * / status_line: SIP_VER STATUS_CODE REASON_PHRASE; / **************************************** ******************************************* /
/ ************************************************** ************** / / * Messaging includes multiple messages * / msg_heads: msg_head | msg_heads msg_head; / * can be multiple as: msg_heads: via from To or msg_head: via from To CSEQ CALL_ID * /
// msg_head: vias froms TOS CALL_IDS CSEQS MAX_FORWARDS Contacts Content_Types Content_Length
/ * SD type * / msg_head: vias / * any * / | foms | TOS | CALL_IDS | CSEQS | MAX_FORWARDS | Contacts | Content_types | Content_lengths | Supported | Require; / *********** *********************************************************** * /
/ ************************************************** ****************** /
VIAS: VIA / * One or more * / | vias via; via: via sip_ver_pro field; foms: from name, * one * /; from name request_url; TOS: to / * one * /; to: to name required_url Call_ids: Call_ID / * A * /; Call_ID: Call_ID URL; CSEQS: CSEQ / * A * /; CSEQ: CSEQ Integer Command; Max_forwards: max_forward / * A * /; Max_forward: maxforwards integer;
Contacts: / * empty or one * / | contact; contact: contact name required_url; content_types: / * empty or one * / | content_type; content_type: | Media_Type;
Content_lengths: / * empty or one * / | Content_length, "/ ***************************************************** ***************************************** /
/ ************************************************** ****************** / COMMAND: INVITE | ACK | Cancel | Register | BYE | Options; Status_Code: threenum
Reason_phrase: STR;
Require_url: SIP ":" URL {Printf ("% s", $ 2);} | "<" SIP URL ">" SIP_VER: "SIP /" Integer {Printf ("% D", $ 2);
SIP_VER_PRO: SIP_VER "/" common; field: field ":" Integer; Media-type: STR "/" str; / ********************** *************************************************** /
LIBS = -ly -ll -lm
Lex = flex
Yacc = yacc
Cflags = -dyydebug = 1
SIPANALYSE: Y. Tab.o Lex.Yy.o
$ (Cc) $ (cflags) -o sipanalyse lex.yy.o $ (libs)
Lex.yy.o: lex.yy.c
Y. Tab.c SIP.Y
$ (YACC) -d Sip.y
Lex.yy.c: Sip.l
$ (Lex) sip.l
The above code has not been checked. If you have any questions, please reply, and your interest will be modified on this basis.
Big dog