How to get control of Your time and your life

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  69

How to get control of Your time and your life

1. i count all my time as important time and try to get satisfaction (not necessarily acid) Out of every minute.

2. I Try to enjoy whatver I am doing.

3. I'm a Perennial Optimist.

4. I Build on success.

5. I Don't waste Time Regretting My Failures.

6. I Don't waste the Time Feeling Guilty About What I don't do.

7. I Remind Myself: "There is always enough Time for the Important Things." IF it's important, I'll make time to do it.

8. I Try to find a new Technique Each Day That i can use to help gain time.

9. I Get Up Early During The Week (AND Go to Bed Early TOO).

10. I Have a light lunch so i don't get sleepy in the afternoon.

11. I Don't watch Television Except The Very Special Programs That I really want to see.

12. I Examine Old Habits for Possible Elimination or streamlining.

13. If I have to wait for Something, I Use the time as a chance to relax or do things I would not Otherwise has done.

14. I Keep My Watch Set Three Minutes Fast, To Get A Head Start.

15. I Carry A Small Notebook with me to Jot Down Notes and Ideas.

16. I Revise My Lifetime Goals List A Month.

17. I Review My Lifetime Goals Every Day.

18. I Put Up Signs over my design.

19. I Keep My Long-Term Goals in Mind Even While Doing The Smallst Task.

20. I Always Plan My Day and set priorities first Thing in the Morning.

21. I Keep A List of specifici Items To Be Done Each Day, or Arrange THEMIORITY ORDER, AND THEN do my best to get the important ones done as so on piers.

22. I Schedule My Time Well in Advance Leaving Plenty Of Open Time That I Can Use for "Hot Projects." 23. I Give Myself Time Off and Special Rewards When I've Done The IMPORTANT Things.

24. I do dimst things first.

25. I Work Smarter Rather Than Harder.

26. I have confidence in My Judgment of priorities and stick to Them in spite of difficulties.

27. I ask myself, "Would Anything Terrible Happen if I Didn't Do this?" IF The Answer IS "No," i don't worry about it.

28. If i see procrastinate i ask myself: "what am i avoiding" - Then I try to confont The string head-on.

29. I Start with The Most Profitable Parts of Large Projects and offten Find It is not Necessary to do the rest.

30. I Cut Off Nonproductive Activities As Quickly As Possible.

31. I Give Myself Time To Concentrate On High Priority Items.

32. I have developed The Ability To Concentrate Well for Long Stretches of Time (Sometimes It Takes Lots of Coffee)

33. I Concentrate On One Thing At A Time.

34. I Focus My Efforts on items That Will Have The Best long-term benefits.

35. I Keep Pushing and am Persistent When I Sense I have a Winner.

36. I have trained myself to go down my "do list" without Skipping over the difficult items.

37. I Do Much of My Thinking on Paper.

38. I set aside a ceertain time of day to work alone creative.

39. I set deadlines for myself and tad.

40. I Try to listen actively in every discussion.

41. I make Use of Specialists to Help Me with Special Problems.

42. I Generate As Little PaperWork As Possible and throw away anything i Possibly CAN.

43. I KEEP My Desktop Cleared for action, and put the MOST IMPORTANT Thing in The Center of My Desk.44. I Have a place for everything.

45. I Try Not to Think of Work On Saturdays.

46. ​​I RELAX AND DO NOTHING Rather Frequently.

47. I Recognize That Inevitably Some of My Time Will Be Spent on Activities Outside My Control and Don't Fret About IT.

48. I Keep Small Talk to a minimum during work hours.

49. i Look for action steps to be taken now to further my goals.

50. I ask myself: "What is the best use of my time right now?"


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