Questions about JDK1.1

zhaozj2021-02-08  533

After the Sun Division JDK1.1 Limited Edition, the US Java World's reporter Kieron Murphy took an interview with the product of Sun Company. Here, our publication of this interview, with readers.

Q: An all seems to be the center of JDK version 1.1, adds several words and message abstracts. What is it for the old sand box (SAND BOX) model under this increased security?

A: Old sand box model is still available. We just provide more choices. The feedback from us is that the Sand box model is very good, but they want me to make it, can make them different things. Therefore, we added a digital signature to make the system to check a special partial source code in the program. However, let the sand box to include a partial code is non-important, in the future, can be able to find a security method for a dangerous and such digital signature machine. You can protect the use of sand box models through continuous use.

Q: These new security measures will produce what kind of shock of the developer?

A: This allows the user to communicate functions on the Internet with a trusted manner. this point is very important. In the Inner Network (Internet), people do not have to take into account the safety issues. But when you transfer the code on the Internet, this will become a big question. Therefore, it is only simply putting the code segment into a place, so that people can transfer resources with a recipient who does not have to worry about him or her.

Q: A Delegation Event Model is distinguishing in JDK 1.1. It gives the developer?

A: It gives the developer to provide two high-performance. First, it allows the developer to write a larger-scale Java application program, and the new representative event model provides clear separation between ui and (business logic). You can reuse this business logic, let it serve another UI component. Second, the representation of the representation model is actually a non-commonly plastic system structure. When it is required, it is allowed to make a lot of different types of lines to increase or expand to the system.

Q: For the program, the increase of I / O functionality seems to be induced. What is the Java process?

A: In JDK 1.1, we have added the characteristics of the internationalization. We are to provide a more variable form, so that the Java system can handle different character sets - especially speech. JDK uses the Unicode table to show anything in the east west, but JDK must have a honest to the different operations. These operations can have their own character sets, and we need to have a mechanism to handle it. Q: What is the relationship between the REFLECTION with JDK 1.1?

A: REFLECTION A basic technique, which enables Java components or objects to interact in operation. Recent methods, interfaces and domains can be dynamically generated. This is a strong power, so that I can realize Java Beans. Reflection allows things such as the object of the object inspector in some current-generation.

Q: Inner classes' rating?

A: Inner Classes is a DISE Event Model. They intend to simplify the contents of components messages or suitable for each of them, allowing the disciplinary staff to get the ability to view. The staff of the Sun Company did a lot of work to make an internal class.

Q: What is the character of Java Native Interface?

A: Java Local Interface The Java Application Program for Visiting the Local Code can be accessed in the Java virtual machine. This feature in JDK 1.0.2 is called NMI - Native Method Interface. NMI is a good taste, but it is not good.

Q: What is the characteristics of new objects and the characteristics of Object Serialization and RMI?

A: The sequence of symbolization will be archived as a stream, and then output it or entered into a document or output to the Java virtual machine through the line. One of RMIs is that in the local Java component model works through leverage, you can not only make two Java objects interact with each other, you can also make the required function from one virtual machine from one virtual machine from a virtual machine from one virtual machine from one virtual machine. machine. RMI is a localized Java distribution model. It is not often used in use. And because it is localized, its functions are also non-strong, which can provide a number of variable generality.

Q: What additions can I add in JDK1.1?

A: In the Java virtual machine, the code part is associated with the machine, and we add some admixties; in the early Benchmark test, we have taken two to three times sexual improvement in the accounting capacity. However, if it is involved in the I / O or Graphic system, its performance will be subject to restricted system. We also add the type of garbage collection to make the class that can no longer be used effectively from the system, reducing memory consumption and provides higher sexual energy. We also rewrite the peer classes, so that the host is on Win 32, not MFC. I have gone higher sex.

The most important thing is JAR. JAR is a file archive format that allows Java small application procedures and corresponding sound files, image files or it requires a material package to compress after packaging, and this will save a lot of time when the overlink is downloaded. In some Benchmark tests made in our Benchmark, I saw that the JAR file format is used, and the sequenity of the Java should be improved.

Q: The existing application program uses JDK1.1 Re-translation to get what kind of sex can be improved?

A: This master is determined by the application program.

Q: Is it close to JDK 1.1?

A: We do our best to use JDK 1.1 to solve obstacles. We want people to be able to write complete, large-scale applications. We will develop Java into a platform that is sufficient to be mature, so that people can develop Web-based small application procedures to all applications of the corporate range.


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