/ ************************************************** ************
* This program finds an index of the specified number in the specified sequence
* Adoption
* Order array lookup specified number
* CODER: Nine Day Shenlong
* Lastupdate 11/25/2004
*********************************************************** ************ /
Import java.lang. *;
Class FindIndex {
// *********************************************
// Function Name Index
/ / The main function of this program,
// Use two-point method to find the index of the element in the specified array
// Parameter a, specified array
// NUM to find the number
// Return the value of the specified element to the index value of the specified element
// Nothing to return -1;
// ***************************************
Static int index (int]) {
INT spos = 0;
Int epos = a.length;
Else IF (a [POS]
#Number is the number to find ");
Else IF (args.length == 1) {
Int [] a = {3, 5, 9, 23, 54, 67, 89, 231};
INT i = index (a, integer.parseint);
System.out.print (ARGS [0] "subscript");
System.out.println (i);