1. Related environments. Tomcat can be downloaded from the Internet; JK plug-in, you can download to the latest in http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-connectors/jk. (IIS's JK plugin is Isapi_redirect.dll) 2. Copy the JK plugin (Isapi_Redirect.dll file) to the / bin directory 3. Generate two files in the / conf directory. The workers.properties is as follows: workers.tomcat_home = c: / tomcat 5.0 // 你 t j at 目 = = C: /J2SDK1.4.2_03// 你 你 j 目 目 目 目Worker1 worker.worker1.port = 8009 worker.Worker1.host = localhost worker.worker1.type = ajp13 worker.worker1.lbFactor = 1 2.) UriWorkerMap.properties is as follows: /*.jsp=worker1 / Your JSP engineering directory / * = worker1 // Engineering directory can have n 4. Edit and execute this JK.REG file, the content is as follows Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Apache Software Foundation / Jakarta Isapi Redirector / 1.0] "EXTENSION_URI" = "/ JAKARTA / ISAPI_REDIRECT.DLL "" Log_File "=" You want to store directory and file name "" log_level "=" debug "" "worker_file" = "Tomcat directory on your machine ////wrkers.property "" "" "" worker_mount_file "=" The Tomcat directory //conf//uriworkermap.properties on your machine. Open the Internet information service on your machine, create a new virtual directory in the default Web site item, named Jakarta, actual The file resource path is the directory where the ISAPI_Redirect.dll file is located / bin6. Modify the property of the Jakarta virtual directory, set it to "Script and Executable" 7. Directory Tree at the Internet Information Services Main Window The IIS host node, open its properties, click the "Edit" button on the edge of the WWW service in the Internet Information Services page, then add an ISAPI filter, the name is Jakarta, the executable is / bin / isapi_redirect .dll. Application save. 8. Restart the IIS service, then open the Tomcat service, you can test http: //localhost/index.jsp.jsp.jsp.jsp.jsp.jsp.jsp