C ++ terminology control

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  47

The following is the term compliance with Houjie's individual collected in the field of I am involved in the field of the field. All friends are welcome to give me an opinion (any comments). Thank you.

When new books write, or when you publish a article, I will use this.

All listed in this table does not mean that I will use the Chinese terminology in the table when writing books. I may also use English terms.

"Things" similar to the same group, if the translated name has always been, the feeling of reading is very good. Consistent terms, high expansion, high extension, and high systemism. ● I like "style": constructor constructs Declaration declaration definition definition deStructor deductible Expression calculator (arithmetic) Function Function Pattern paradigm, pattern, style Program program Signature tag

● I like "piece" :( This is a very large combination word) Assembly (installed) accessories Component Components Construct Components Control Control Event Events Hardware Hardware Object Parts Part Parts, Parts Singleton Software Software Work Workpiece, Movement

● I like "I": Adapter Adapter Allocator Compact Compiler Compiler Container Container Iterator Itecher Linker Lunker Listener Listener

● I like "Don't": Class Category Type

● I like "Chemical": generalized generalized specialized special Overloaded Multi-vector (overload)

● I like "type": polymorphism multi-type Genericity generics

● I like "Cheng": Process Tour (Or Process, Continent) Thread Thread (Continent) Programming Programming

● English and medium-sized profile terminology in English - Chinese Traditional Chinese Trade (Some are Hou Jie personal preferences, universal and dealing) Continent term ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------- # Define defines predefined abstract abstract abstract abstraction abstract body, abstraction, abstract abstract body, abstraction, abstract access access, access access , Access Access Level Access Level Access Level Access Function Access Form Access Function Activate Activation Active Active ADAPTER Gear Adapter Address Address Address Space Address Space, Address-of Operator Address Operator Operator Address Operator aggregation aggregation Algorithm Run Algorithm Allocate Configuration Assign Allocator Configurator Distributor Application Application, Application Framework Application Framework, Application Framework Application Frame Architecture Architecture, System Architecture Architecture Argument Quotes (Passage to Value).

See parameter number, substantial number, real, independent array array arrow arrow Operator arrow (arrow) operator arrow operator Assembly assembly assembly language assert (ion) assertion assign assign, specified, set value , Assignment assignment assignment assignment, specify assignment, assign assignment operator assignment (assignment) operator = assignment operator associated, related, associated, corresponding Associative Container association container (corresponding sequential container) correlation container ATOMIC Attribute attribute attribute attribute, characteristics Audio audio AII artificial wisdom artificial intelligent background (for graphics coloring) Backward Compatible Backward Compatible Backward Compatible BASE CLASS Category Bath Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Batch Benefit Advance BEST VIABLE FUNCTION Best Velocity Best Volunteer Function (Best Animals Pickled from Viable Functions)

Binary Search Dual Searching Finding Binary Tree Binary Tree Binary Binary Function Binary Binary Binary Operator Binary Operator Binary Operator Binding Square Binding Bit Position Bit Field Bit Position Ben Bit Field Bitmap Bitmap? Bitmap Bitwise is copied by Bit as a unit? BitWise Copy is copied as a unit in Bit; the bit is copied one by one copy bit copy block, segment block, block, statement block Boolean cloth value (true value) , True or False) Boolean Border Border, Box Box Brace (Curly Brace) Big arc, Big Brackets Praggard, Parental Bracket (Square Brakcet) 括 括, 中 中 方 方 方 中, square brackets BREAKPOINT interrupt point breakpoint Build Construction , Build, build ( MS language) Build-in Built-in Built-in BUS bus bus business business, business service Buttons button button BYTE bit ing group (consisting of 8 bits) byte cache Cache Cache Call call, called Callback callback calla Operator Call (Violi Call) Operator () call operator (with Function Call Operator)

Candidate Function Candidation Candidation Candidate (Candidating Form in Function Multi-loaded resolution program) Chain string (example CHAIN ​​OF FUNCTION CALLS) Chain Character Character Character Check Box Nuclear Bounce (IE CHECK Button) Check Box Checked Exception Controlled Exception (Java) CHECK button (IE CHECK BOX) check button Child Class Subcategory (or Derived Class, Subtype) Sub-class Class Category Class Class Body Category Ontology Category? Class Declarative Category Declaration , Category Declaring Class Definition Category Definition, Category Definition Class Definition Class DeriVation List Category Division Column Inheritance List Class HEAD Category Header Head? Class Hierarchy Category Inheritance System, Category Class Level System Class Library Category Pack, Category Bank Class Class Template Category Template, Category Model Template Class Template Partial Specializations Category Template Offset Template Some Templates Class Template Templates Templates Template Clean, Clean, Clean CLIENT Customer, Client, Customer CLIENT-Server Home From Architecture Customer / Server Clipboard Scrapbook Clipboard Clon Copy Cloning (Easy and Copy Confused) "Clone" is an acceptable translation, anyway, "copy" as an accuracy) If it is a verb translation as "clone"

When doing as a noun, it is best to translate "Clonn" recipient "copy" Collection Cluster Collection? Combo Box Composite Square, Composite Box Combination COMMAND LINE Command Line (Direct Execution Command in System Text Mode) Communication Communication Compatible compatible Compile Time compile period compile period, compile compiler compiler compiler Component Component Component Composition Composite, Synthesis, Combination Combination Computer, Computer, Computer Concept Concept Concept Concrete Configle Concurrent Configuration Group State Configure Connection Connections, Connect (Network, Database) Connects Constraint Constraints (Condition) Construct Components Container Container Container Container Container ContaT, Vector ...) Contain, contains contained CONTEXT background relationship, surrounded by the environment, Upper and down context environment, context Control Control Components, Control Control Console Main Control Table Constant Constant (Constant Abbreviation, C Keyword) Constant constant (relative to variable)

Constant constructor (CTOR) constructed structural function (a member functions with CLASS) Copy (V) copy, copy copy copy (n) copy, copy Cover covers CREATE creation, establishment, production, and build Creation generation, generate Create a Cursor Cursor Cursor Custom, custom Data Data Data Database Database Database Database Structure Compendium Data Member Data Member, Member Variable Data Member, Member Variable Data Structure Data Data Structure DataGRAM Data Message DEAD LOCK Dead Junction Dead lock Debug Debugger debugger debugger Declaration Declaration, Declaring Declaration Deduction Declaration (Example: Template Argument Deduction) Dedu Delegation Delegation (ory) DEMARSHAL anti-column discharge Dereference Program (the contents of the indicator referred to) Solution Dereference Operator Dereference (Promotion)

Operator * Solution Operation Derived Class Derivation Category Derive Design By Contract Contract Design Design Pattern Design Paradigm, Design Style Design ※ Recently I prefer "Design Paradigm" Destroy Destroy Destructor (DTOR) Deconstruction Destructor DEVICE device, device equipment Dialog dialog window, dialog box dialog Directive Directory (compiled) indicator DIRECTORY Directory Directory Disk Dispatch Dispatch Distributed Distributed Computing Distributed Calculation (Distributed Electrical Count) Distribution Calculating Dispersion Calculation (Dispersion) Document File Document Dot Operator Dot (Bode) Operator. (Circle) Operator Driver Drive Code Drive (Program) Dynamic Binding Dynamic Binding EffICIENCY Efficiency Efficient Efficient END USER ENTITE ENTITY IM ENCAPSulation Package Enclosing Class (related to Nest "Nested Class) Example (a C Data) Don't) Enumerate Enumerators Enumerate Yuan (Member in Enum Type)

Enumerate members, enumerator equals equivalent equality equality equivalent equivalent Equality Operator Equality EquiValence == Equivalent ORE Equivalence is equivalent, equivalent, equal equivalent equivalent equivalent equivalent, equivalent, Equivalent ESCAPE CODE Evolution Code Evaluate Evaluation, Value, Approval Evaluation Event Event Event Driven Event Drive Event Drive Exception Exception Exception Declaration Exception Declaration (REF. C Primer 3 / E, 11.3) Exception Handling exception handling, exception handling mechanism exception processing, exception handling mechanism Exception Specification exception (REF. C Primer 3 / E, 11.4) Exception Specification EXIT Extract (I refer to the execution point when leaving the letter) Exit Explicit Understand, obvious, explicit explicit export exchange, export Expression Facilities, Equipment Facilities, Equipment Feature Features Field field, data bar (Java) field, value domain (Java)

File Archive Firmware Flash Flag Flag Mark Flash Memory Flash Memory Flash Flexibility Flexible Flush FLUSH Cleanup, Scanning Font Font Font Form Form (Programming) Formal Parameter Form Number Form Forward Declaration Pre-declaration preamplification forwarding callback, forward forwarding forwarding function calling Function, forwarding Function Function FRACTAL Defense Framed Framework Framework Full Specialization Fullination (REF. Partial Specialization)? Function Function, Function Function Call Operator with Call OperatorFunction Object Function Item (Ref. C Primer 3 / E, 12.3) Function Object Function Overloaded Resolution Volume Download Solution (Plan)

FunctionAlity function, function function function template function template, Function Template Functor Imitation Function Imitation Function, Cyclars Game Game Game Generate Generate generic generic, generalized general, general, generalized generic algorithm pan Global Object Operator Objects Global Objects Global Scope Resolution Operator Object Global Scope Resolution Operator Space (Range Resolution) Operator :: Global Resolution Group group? Group Box group block packet box Guard CLAUSE: REFAAATORING, P250) 卫 图 graphic interface Graphical interface Hand Shaking Handshake negotiation HANDLE Identification code, identification number, number card, authority handle handler handler process function hard-code Diened hard-coded hard-copy hardmoth screen screenshot Hard Disk Hard disk hard disk Hardware Hardware Hash Table Miscellaneous table hash table , Hash table Header File header, header header file Heap Stacking Hierarchy class system hierarchical structure (system)

Hook Hook Hook HyperLink Ultra Link Hyperlink Icon Illustration, Icon Icon Ide Integration Development Environment Integrated Development Environment Identifier Identifier, Identifier Identifier IF and Only IF Rui and IME and IMAGE IMAGES Image Immediate Base directly (close to the upper base class. Direct upper class IMMEDITE DERIVED direct (close to) under the lower Derive Class.

Direct lower-level transmital Immutability (IMPLEMENT), implementation, realistic, actual, actual code, physical implementation IMPLICIT metaphor, dark, implicit implicit import import import Increment Operator accumulative operator Add Operator Infinite Loop Infinity Recline Infinity Cycle Infinite Recursive Infinity Regeneration Inforction Information Information Infrastructure Inline Inheritance, Inheritance Mechanism Inheritance, Inherited Mechanism Inline Inline Inline Expimention Initialization Initialization (Action) Initialization List Initial Group Initialize Initialization Inner Class Internal Inclusion Class INSTANC E Effect instance ("something" actually generated according to some expression, "INSTANTIAT), physicalization (usually used in Template) is instantified in instantiation, there is a chemical entity (always used in Template) instance Integer (Integral) ) Integer () integer ()

Integrate Integrated Interacts Conversation, Interactive Interaction Interface Interface For GUI Interface Interpreter Zener Interpreter Invar Atterer, Constraint Condition Constrained Condition Invoke Call Iterate Iteration (Round a Round Back Return) Iterative Itrative Repeat, iteration Iterator iterator (a generic indicator) iterator orthoped Iterative (ITERATION ITERATION) Iterative Item Project, Terms, Terms, Terms of Terms (Level Laser Laser Level "? Higher layer library program library, card library, function library Lifetime life, life life Life LINK Joint, Connection, Link Linker Board, Connectors LITERAL Constant Field Constant (Example 3.14 or "Hi" This constant value) List LIST list, table, Link list list Box list block, list box list box load Load load loader loader loader, loader Local area (corresponding to global)

Local LOCAL OBJECT Region Partial Object LOCK Lock LOOP Back ring LVALUE Left Value Macro Magic Macc Number Magic Digital Magic MAINTAIN Maintenance Maintenance Manipulator Actuator (iostream pre-defined something) Manipulator MARSHAL list Collection DEMARSHALMECHANISM mechanism mechanism MEMBER Member Member Member Access Operator Member Review Operator (DOT and Arrow Two) Member Access Operator MEMBER FUNCTION Member Verstries Member Function Member Initialization List Member Group member initial list Memberwise MEMBER is a unit, and Members is a member-based MemberWise Copy Copy Memory by Members as a unit. Memory memory MENU form, menu menu Message message message Message based message-based message-based Message Loop message loop message loop Method (java) method, behavior, function META-super-yuan-case meta-programming super Programming Metal Programming Micro Micro MiddleWare Intermediary Middleware MODELING Modeling Language Mode Language,

Modem Mode Module Modifier Module Module MODIFIER Trim Memor Most Derive Class Mouse Mouse Mouse Mouse Mutable Multi-workers Multi-Task Namespace Name Space Name Space, Native Native Native Local, Inheit Other Nested Class NetWork Care Network Network Network Network Card Network Card Object Both Item Object Based Based on object-based object file destination file target file Object Model object model Object model Object Oriented object-oriented object-oriented ONLINE online OPAQUE opaque OPERAND ORC Operation Operating System (OS) Job System Operation Operation, Operation Behavior Operation Operator Operator Operator, Operator Option Option, Optional Scenario Option ORDINARY General General Overflow Ultimate Sleeve (relative to Underflow) overflow (Underflow: Ultraflow)

Overhead extra burden, additional additional overhead overload multi-vector, multi-vector load, overload overloaded function multi-loaded function overloaded Operator multi-load operator is overloaded Overloaded set multi-load set Overload set override rewrite, overwritten overload, rewritten, redefine (redefine the virtual function Package Kit PAIR to the Group Palette palette, component disk, component disk, component disk, toolbox PANE pane pane (sometimes embedded) The purpose of the board, the Java Content Pane) Parallel parallel parallel Parameter parameters (variables on the plurality of words) number, form parameters, shape parameter list 叁 number number list Parent Class Parent category (or Base Class) Parent-class ParentheSes small inclumbers, parentheses, parentheses, parentheses PARSE Analysis Analysis Part Part Parts (?) Partial Specialization Offer (REF. C Primer 3 / E, 16.10) Localization (REF SPECIALIZATION) Pass By Address Address (Password of Function) (informal) ) The transmitted address pass BY Reference address (a transfer method of the letter quotes) transmission address, pass the pass By Value transmission value by reference (a way to pass the number of letter quotes)

Pattern paradigm in value, style mode ※ Recently I prefer "paradigm" term Performance efficiency, performance combined with performance PERSISTENCE sustain Pixel Pixel composition, pixel pixel Placement delete Ref. C Primer 3 / E, 15.8 .2PLACEMENT NEW REF. C Primer 3 / E, 15.8.2Platform platform platform Pointer Indicator pointer restructively, full-site, full) POLL polling polic, POLYMORPHISM multi-mode POP Up , Pop-up pop-up port port POSTFIX rear type, rear sequence rear precedence priority (usually used for priority execution of operators) prefix pre-sequence, predetermined predeterior PreProcessor Front Processor Prerequisitator Prime Module Primitive Type Basic Model (Different from Base Class, Basic Category) PRINT Print Print Printer Printers Prior Priority (Usually used to perform a priority) Procedure program Process procedural procedural, program-based process, process-processed Process Tour ProFile Review Evaluation PROFILER Efficacy (Efficiency) Efficacy (

Performance) Evaluator Program Mer programmer Programming programming, program design, stylized programming Progress bar progress indicator progress indicator Project Project Code Qualified (for example, plus SCOPE operator) Limited? Qualifier qualification modification word Send an Exception) caused, triggered random random random number, ranging ranging ranging from ranging, range (for STL) range, interval Rank Level, minute, etc. (REF. C Primer 3 / E 9, 15) Level RAW fresh, unprocessed unprocessed RECORD record recording RecordSet Record Collection Set Recursive Recutance Re-Direction Heavy Guide Redirect Refactoring Reconstruction, Reconstruction Refrush Refer Refer to Refer to Point, Indication

Quote, the test address, the SEE POINTERREGISTER Terminal Register Reflection Reflective Reflection, Image RELATIONAL DATABASE Relational Database Relational Database Repesent Speech, Expression, Expression Resolve Resolution (Looking for Resolving Resolution to the Symbolic Name in the Earth Process) Resolution Resolution Procedure, Resolution Process Analysis Process Resolution Resolution Resolution RETURN Release Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Return Type RETURN VALUE Return Value Return Value Robust Strong, Rachest Robust Robustness Circular routine Runtime execution period running period, runtime Common lang UAGE RUNTIME (CLR) translated to "Universal Language Execute Layer" RVALUE Right Value Save Storage SCHEDULE Scheduling Scheduling Scheduler Scheduler Scheme Structure Compendium, Organization Scroll Bar Scroll Bob SCOPE Space, Survival Range, Survival , Scope Space SCOPE Operator Space (Range Resolution) Operator :: Survival Space Operator Scope Resolution Operator Space Resolution Operator Survival Space Resolution Operator (with Scope Operator)

SCREEN screen Search Search SEMANTICS Langanting Sequential Container Sequence Container Sequence Container (corresponding to Associative Container) Server Server Server Server Server Serial Serial Serial Serial Serial Serialization, Serialize Setter Compared to getter) Value Fingers Signal Signal Signature Mark, Signature, Signature Slider Roller Slot Slot Bacout, Slot Snap Smart Pointer Delivery Indicators, Spirit Indicators Smart Pointer Snapshot Screenshot (Figure) Screenshot Specialization Special Chemical, specialization, specialization declaration test Specification specification Specifications, Specification Splitter Split Window Split Window Software Software Solution Solutions, Solution Solution Source Original Code Source Code, Source Code Stack Stack Stack Unwinding Stack Turns (This word is used for Exception topics)

Stack Rolling Option * Standard Library Standard Template Standard Template Library Standard Template Program, Statement Status Bar State Column, Status Bar Status Stand STANDARD Template LibraryStream Data Flow, Strunch Springs Strous Strous Subroutine Subscript Operator Bidding Operator [] subscript operator Subtype Submount Sub Type Support Support SUSPEND Menus Symbol Symbol Syntax Syntax Syntax Tag Label Tag Index Tags Target Task Switch Work Switch Task Switch TEM Plate Template, Model Template Template Argument Deduction Template Quotes Derivation Template Digital Diversity Template EXPLICIT SPECIALIZATION Template Explicit Special Type (Version) Template Explicit Special Type Template Template Templameter Template Template Temporary Object Temporary object Temption object Text text text Text Text Text Text File program This document (file file file file) Text file Thread Decutation Thread Thread Safe Reading Secure Multithreading Security Throw Throw (often send an Exception)

Throw, trigger the Token language unit symbol, tag TRANSACTION trading transparent (LY) Transparent (LY) TRAVERSE Trigger (Round) Traversing Trigger Trigger Trigger Type Types UML Unified Modeling Language Unified Modeling Language Unary Function One Letter Single ie Unary Operator One - Dimensional Operator One Dollar Operator Underflow Underflow (relative to Overflow) Unchecked Exception Unqualified UNQUALIFIED Unqualified modified (and tap)? User User, user user user interface user interface, user interface, human interface user interface Variable variable (relative to constant const) variable vector vector (a container, a bit similar to array) vector, vector (?) Viable can be implemented, Feasible Viable Viable function Feasible functional feasible function (pick out from Candidate Functions)

Video Video Video View (1) View (Document / View) Document / View View (2) Virtual Function Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Machine Virtual Memory Virtual Memory Virtual Memory, Volume Volatile Violent, Easy? VOWEL Mother Voice Letter Window Window Window Window Function Window Function Window Function Window ProCedure Window Form Window Process Word Word Word Processor Document Processor Worder Wrapper Outside, Outsourcing Packaging XXX Based Based on XXX , Plant based XXX-based XXX Box XXX box, XXX block, box XXX box such as Dialog Box dialog box, dialog box, dialog dialog, XXX Oriented XXX-oriented XXX

Broadband broadband, via, through colds are not interested, do not appreciate, have opinion, the cold is very popular, very hot is quite comparison symbolic bunary arc {} 花括 括 小括 () Circular arc horn Inclusive arc <>

The sharp arc-Self itself presents the reflection of Cover covers the cover cooperation. Do this for Example, for example, for example, such as recipes, such as recipes. The level level is actually salary, salary salary plus total add Generally ordinary advanced? Advanced high-end books mix "cost" and "overhead" to talk (and translate Cost translated into expenses) I think their significance is not the same. NO BEST, JUST BETTER has no "most" good, only "compare", there is no "most" good, only "more" is good ● Microsoft Word English Dynamic Language Control

English version of the Chinese version of the language Simplified version --------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Here are all " MENU ITEM "File Archive New Open New File New Open Open Open Save Open CLOSE Close Save Save Save Save As Save Save Save As Save As Web Page Save As Web Page Search Versions version version Web Page Preview Web Screen Preview Web Page Preview Page SETUP Layout Set Page Setup Print Preview Print Preview Print Preview Print Print Print Send To Transfer to Send Properties Properties EXIT End Exit Edit Editing UNDO TYPET TYPING Type Repeat Type Repected Typing Repeat Type Repeat Type CUT Cut Cut Copy Copy Copy Copy Copy CLIPBOARD P ASTE Sticker Paste Special Selective Paste Selective Paste Paste As ??? Sticker Paste the Super Link Clear Clear SELECT All Select All Select Find Look for Replace Replacement GO to Locate Update IME Dictionary Recombinant Chinese Character Recombination ReconvertLinks link link Object ... item object

View View Normal Standard Mode Ordinary Web Layout Web Layup Configuration Web Typography Print Layout Final Page Outline Outline Outline Task Pane Toolbars Tools Toolbar Ruler Scale scale Show Paragraph Marks Display Paragraph Tag Different Tag Gridlines Document Map file boot mode Documentation Structure Figure Header and Footer Page / Tetail Header and Footer Footnotes Footnotes Markup Note Number Full ScreeM full screen display Zoom Display Scale Display Polysold Insert Insert BREAK Separation Set Delivery Page NumBers page Page size date and time date and time date and time autotext automatic graphic set automatic graphic Field function variable domain Symbol symbol Special symbol special symbol Comment annotation Annotations Number Digital Digital Reference Footnote footnote footnote Endnote endnotes endnotes Caption label caption Cross reference interaction three photos interactive reference Index and Table index and directory and directory Web Component Picture Picture Picture Diagram Text Box text box text box File archive Object Object Object Bookmark Bookmarks HyperLink Super Link Hyper Link

Format Format Font Fonts Paragraph Paragraph Different Bullets and Numbering Issue Symbols and Number Symbols and Number BORDERS AND SHADING Frame and Net Base Border and Shading Columns Bar Bar Tabs Logout Table Bit Drop CAP The first word zoom in the first word Sinking Text Direction Change Case Size Change Change Size ... Ultimate Size Adjustment Width Align Layout Asian Mode Configuration Chinese version Background Background Theme Theme Frames Frame Frame Autoformat Auto Format Settings apply format styles and formatting styles styles Reveal formatting cache pattern / picture format Object Object Object tool tools spelling and grammar spelling and grammar checking spelling and grammar language language Fix Broken TextWord count count count AutoSummarize automatic summary AutoSummarize Automatic Correction AutoCorrect SPEECH TRACK CHANGES Tracking Revision Revision Compare and Merge Documents Merge File Merge Document Protect Document Protection Document Online Collaboration Line Common Operation Online Collaboration Merge Mail Mailing Letters and Mailings Envelopes and Labels Envelopes Envelope Envelope Guide English letter wizool Tools on the Webmacro Macro Templates and add-instructions and gain set templates and add-in AutoCorRect Options Customize Self-order Custom Options Options Options Options

TABLE Table Table Draw Table Hand-drawing Table Draw Table INSERT Insert Table Insert DELETE Delete Subsequer Delete SELECT Select Merge Cells Merge Solid Split Unit Split Cells Split Split Split cell Split Table Split Table Table AutoFormat Table Auto Set Table Automatic sleeve format Autofit The most suitable high-automatic adjustment Heading Rows Rows Rows Rows REPET Specifications Row Title Repeat Insert Multi-diagonal Storage Grid Occreen Head CONVERT Text Convert to Table Conversion Conversion -> Text Go Form, Table Transfer text - -> Text Convert to Table, Form Convert to Text Sort Sort Sort Formula Formula Hidden Line Hidden Dirty Grid Table Properties Form Content Table Properties Window Window Window New Window New Window New Window Arrange All Split Split Move Split split

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