Before said before
Install Boost1.32.0, SDL, WXWIDGETS, STLPORT in the MINGW GCC environment
Because DEVCPP and MINGW Developer Studio are used with Mingw, the Devcpp can be able to go to Mingw Developer Studio
Here is an example: Download
DEV C code
There is a LESSON05 directory after decompression.
You build a console program with Mingw Developer Studio, just in that lesson05 directory.
Then add that Lesson5.cpp. Under the Source File directory.
Can't find Glaux.h
Glaux.h copy from VC or DEVC is the mingw west / gl directory of Mingw Developer Studio.
Compile, LINK error
Plus OpenGL32, Glu32, GDI32 in the LINK configuration page
Then compile success!
An OpenGL program came out.