The method of calling the recordset generated by AdoDB in the .NET in the .NET.

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  73

The adodb.recordset in the background is called at the front desk! Use XML storage data. After generating the Recordset in the background, save the data as a data file in an XML format with the RECORDSET, or save it in a certain control button. Then, in the front script (VBScript), create a RecordSet ("AdoDb.Recordset")) and then call the RECORDSET's open method to open the XML file, or use the data in the Stream to read the data in the control, and open it with open (stream) data. This should be okay. .NET background program (generated adoDb.recordset) ------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------ DIM ADO_CONN AS New Adodb.Connection () DIM ADO_RS AS ADODB.RECORDSET DIM ADO_SQL AS STRING DIM STREAM As Adodb.Stream Dim XML AS String

ADO_CONN.OPEN (Application ("conn_string")) ado_sql = "select * from traceresult where g3e_tno =" & cmd.parameters ("v_g3e_tno"). Value

ADO_RS = ado_conn.execute (ado_sql) stream = new ()

ADO_RS.SAVE (stream, adodb.persistformatenum.adpersistxml) XML = stream.readtext


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