Rational Product Configuration Typical Case

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  74

I. Object-oriented visual modeling tool - rose 1.1 Why choose ROSE? During the development of the software system, developers often encounter the following questions: · You cannot understand the needs of users; · The system is difficult to integrate; · Software is difficult to maintain and expand; · For continuous changes; · Some serious Errors to find out after the project; in fact, the above problems can be summed up as a problem, that is, information exchange issues: there is no sufficient, effective exchange between developers and users and the interior of the developers. The fundamental is that the reason is that the system model does not explicitly explicitly in a unified manner. Unity can guarantee mutual understanding. Rational has been committed to modeling the standardization of modeling language for many years. He successively plays a unified modeling language UML under the flag-oriented master-oriented master-oriented master. (Unified Modelling Language) and continuously modify UML according to the feedback of industry partners (such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP, etc.) to ensure that it can adapt to the needs of different fields. Meihua is incense, and many years of efforts have finally achieved fruitful results. In November 1997, UML1.1 was identified as an international standard by OMG. Rational Rose is the industry-leading UML-based visual modeling tool. According to International Data Corporation (IDC), the research report of OOAMDC (object-oriented analysis, modeling, design and construction) tool market announced in May 1998, Rational Rose has been in the leading position in the market for the third consecutive year. It has reached 6,300,000 US dollars, and the market share has reached 26.4%, which has exceeded the sum of the three product market share. Roselink Partner Program is seamlessly integrated with Roselink Partner Program to seamlessly integrate Independent Software Merchants (ISV) and third-party developers to form a complete solution. So far, more than 150 well-known companies have joined the Roselink program, strive to create interfaces with ROSE to extract information from the model. Rational Rose can be used in combination with any object-oriented application structure, through the Rational Rose series, you can get direct support for all primary programming languages ​​and fast application development tools: a. Model and code's high Rose can truly realize To, reverse and bidirectional projects. ROSE in the forward engineering can generate the corresponding code for the model, and Rose can export the model from the user's original software system, and Rose, Rose, which can truly realize the circular project between the model and the code in the two-way engineering. This ensures that the model is consistent with the code, and the user will not lose or override any code that the user has been developed in the bidirectional engineering. b. Multi-language support ROSE itself supported languages ​​include: C , Visual C , Java, SmallTalk, ADA, and 4GL language: Visual Basic, PowerBuilder, and Forte, you can also generate interface definition language IDLs for CORBA applications and to database applications Generate a database description language DDL. Rose can provide support for CORBA 2.2. At the same time, ROSE also has more than 150 Rose-Link software vendors to provide support for other languages ​​and fields for ROSE.

This also reflects the wide application of Rose in the OOA & OOD field from one side. To maximize the Rose users, Rose divide the product into Enterprise Edition and Expert Edition, and users can choose different versions according to their needs in developing language. c. Support for team development with strong support Rose supports team development: one is a team development method using SCM (software configuration management); the other is a team development method without SCM. These two ways provide users with great flexibility, and users can choose their team development based on the development of scale and developers and funds. In general, we recommend that users use SCM's team development, which enables us to develop a model development with a good support for large-scale parallel team development; while also facilitating model versions of the model, for future models Reuse laying a solid foundation. When Rose is developed with ROSE, ROSE not only supports SCM tools, but also uses the entire model, but the user can shoot the package in the model into a control unit, and use the SCM tool to manage these control units, and each control unit itself can be Dispatched different developers or specific developers for parallel development. Rose integrates internal integration with ClearCase and SourceSafe (Microsoft products), and as long as it is complied with Microsoft version control system, any version control system of the Microsoft version control system can be integrated into ROSE as configuration management. tool. In summary, Rational Rose can: • Support model team parallel development, model can be decomposed into a control unit in Rose to perform corresponding version control. • Support for motion or replication of model files or control units through virtual path mapping mechanisms. · Support team management of multiple different projects by integrating with standard version control systems. · Provide a Visual Differencing tool to support the merge function and report the difference between the control unit. · With Microsoft Repository has a good integration, support the ROSE model to Microsoft Repository to make it easy for another modeling tool to input this model, thereby increasing the reusability of the model. · Since the functionality of Framework can be increased in Rational Rose, the team can reuse numerous design models developed in early modeling work. d. Support Modeling Language UML Rational 麾 Has a three-oriented object: Grady Booch, James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson, the UML (Unified Modeling Language), which is jointly created, is unified, and the object-oriented modeling method is eliminated. Differences in the mold. In November 1997, UML was approved by the US OO Industry Object Management Group (OMG) as an industrial standard language-oriented industry standard language, and has received support and certification of large manufacturers such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, HP. Microsoft's repository uses UML as a component description language. As an object-oriented industry standard language, UML is the only standard language that can be shared on UNIX and NT. e. INTERNET release ROSE's Internet Web Publisher's HTML version of the Web-based ROSE model enables other people to view the model through standard browsers such as Netscape Navigator or IE. f. Use a simple and custom-made document to generate ROSE itself provides a convenient function of directly generating model documents, but if you can use the Rational Document Generation Tool SODA to automatically generate OOA and OOD phases required Various important documents.

It is worth noting whether it is the document generated by Rose himself or SODA, and SODA can be launched directly in Rose, and Soda and MS Word are completely seamlessly integrated. g. Database Applications The solution uses ROSE to model the database, and Rose can automatically generate data description language DDL for ANSI, ORACLE, SQL Server, Sybase, Watcom, etc. Rose can also be tight between Rose and Erwin, and the other model can be derived from each other. In addition, ROSE can also achieve the forward and reverse engineering of Oracle 8, so that the user can: • Generate an object model from the relationship between Oracle 8, and further expand the object model to use Oracle 8's object capabilities · Visualized existing Relationship Database · Confirmation of the Discovery and Synthesis of Business Objects · Protection in an existing database area investment, while enjoying object modeling and development to all benefits to applications. 1.2 Configuration Scenario uses ROSE to perform visual modeling, running through software development, from the initial starting demand analysis modeling, detailed process, and to the final test and finally complete the entire project. This program is aimed at 25 people, and the development platform focuses on development teams on UNIX. Because such a team is a parallel development of several projects, it is recommended to use SCM (Software Configuration Management) team development, combined with Rational's software configuration management tool ClearCase, can arrange different developers for different projects, And specify the project that the group's developer can operate, which can meet the relative independence between the project group, and can set access to each other when necessary. The above situation, recommended configuration scenario: Rational Rose 98i for UNIX, FLOATING LICENSE: 4 - 6 Sometimes more members in the project group can use ROSE more easily, consider adding 2-3 license. Also refer to Rational ClearCase configuration. If the user's management requirements for demand analysis are high, it can consider the Tools for Rational's specialized analysis and management. Requisite for PC Windows, 95, NT Series: Rational RequisitePro (Floating license) Quantity: 2 - 3 1.3 Applicable platform operation System: • Windows 95 and Windows NT · Solaris 2.5 & 2.6 · HP-UX 10.2, 11.00 · SGI Irix 6.2, 6.4 · AIX 4.1.4, 4.2 · Digital Unix 4.0b and D II, Demand Analysis Management Tools - RequisitePro 2.1 Solution The problem Rational RequisitePro is a simple and easy-to-use tool for Windows. In the entire life cycle of software development, the team can easily track a system or application with Microsoft Word and a multi-user database throughout the life cycle. Control demand changes. RequisitePro allows you to keep your needs. Different from traditional demand management tools, Rational RequisitePro provides two ways for Document-Centric and Database-Centric, and can be with industry-leading tools - from visual modeling, project management, documentation and testing tools - no The seam is integrated, because the demand always promotes the whole side of your project development, seamless integration with other tools, make you worry about worry.

· Simple and easy to use, seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Word, track and manage, track and manage the current process, integrated with the current tool, in line with IEEE, SEI CMM and ISO quality standards · Promotion Team Exchange · Offline editing Document 2.2 Configuration Program Recommended Configuration Scenario: Rational RequisitePro (Node-Locked License) Quantity: 1 2.3 Applicable Platform Operating System: • Windows 95 or Windows NT Worder: · Word 95 or Word 97 Third, Document Automatic Generation Tool -Soda / Word 3.1 Solved Problem Rational Soda is the only special report generating tool in the industry, making software professionals to easily achieve daily documents, project reports, and formal documents. Rational SODA can be seamless with the current most popular word processing tool - Microsoft Word seamless, Rational Soda For Word provides an easy-to-use interface that can easily have reports and documents. At the same time, Rational Soda and Rational Development Tools in the market are dominated by Rational Rose, Rational RequisitePro, Rational TeamTest and Rational Clearquest, etc., can be integrated, and can generate a separate demand, design, test, and status, respectively. Document interface. Rational Soda can help you implement: • Excluding the contradiction between project source data and project documents · Automatic documentation, which save time and save money · Make all team members to create their own documents in their familiar environments · Provide a consistent method such that users can generate a consistent document from multiple information sources in each iteration, to generate an analysis document, design document, test document, status report, and integrated document 3.2 configuration scenario in document processing In the case of Windows, the interface is basically positioned, according to the number of teams and the number of items: Rational Soda for Word, Windows (FLOATING License) Quantity: 4 - 6 3.3 Applicable platform operating system: · Windows 95 or Windows NT processing Word 95 or Word 97 4, Configuration Management Tools - ClearCase Family 4.1 Solved Questions 1. ClearCase With the increase in software team, ClearCase changes, the software version is constantly changing, the time is shortage, and the complex environment of multiple platforms makes ClearCase's special components have become tools necessary for today's software developers (engineers and managers). The distributed operation allows the CLIENT / SERVER-based computing structure to span online clients and servers, and ClearCase's advanced features directly solve the difficult problems faced by the original development team. The problems faced by software development include: the development and maintenance of current products, guarantee the precise product version, reconstructing the previously released products, strengthening the unity of development policies and the treatment of special versions. By solving these problems, ClearCase uses resource reuse methods to help the development team make all of them build more reliable.

A. ClearCase's four-functional company's ClearCase is a powerful software development configuration management tool. It is the guide for software configuration. It is based primarily based on Windows and UNIX development environments, which are applied to complex product development, distributed team development. , Parallel development and maintenance tasks, including support today's popular software development environment Client / Server network structure. In a fierce market competition, ClearCase features a direct response to the demand of the software team, such as software production, release, maintenance, etc. ClearCase is different from other software configuration management systems. From essentially, ClearCase is unparalleled because it contains a complete software configuration management tool and the structure is transparent, and the interface can be pro. Although ClearCase is an integrated environment, it is actually possible to divide all of ClearCase's characteristics into four specific features: version control Version Control · Workspace Management Workspace Management · Establish Management Build Management · Process Control Process Control Using ClearCase, you can maintain a well-known development environment to ensure smooth development work, and no software developers change their existing environment, tools and work. b. Graphical User Interface ClearCase Contains Traditional command line interfaces and Motif and Windows Click graphical user interface (GuIS) including tasks Setting the GUI component. The ClearCase of UNIX and Windows NT provides a drop-down and pop-up menu, a toolbar, and a Context-Sensitive help display to simplify the public user-level command. In addition, interfaces contain file browsers, views, VOBs, version trees, super join, optional data, and more in queries and selections that can simplify public data objects in ClearCase. GUI also provides intuitive comparisons and merged functions, describing insert, delete, and modifications with high brightness colors. GUI can be customized by extended scripting languages, enabled users to create their own buttons, toolbars, and multi-level menus. Customized organizational policies and scripts can be accessed in GUI, and external commands can also be integrated with GUI. In addition, ClearCase has a function of graphical events and attributes. The event display provides a history of related ClearCase control elements, which can be customized to the history of all elements. With regard to current elements or settings version of property information, use tab keys to display command information, labels, properties, super join, triggers, security, and lock. c. Bridges connect UNIX and Windows ClearCase fully support software configuration management, bringing huge benefits to teams that often develop compleite projects across complex environments (such as: UNIX, Windows systems). When UNIX and Windows software engineers put forward the platform's characteristics, Clearcase for UNIX and ClearCase for Windows have high interoperability. For the platform supported, ClearCase connects the client and server through TCP / IP. In addition, the floating license owned by ClearCase can be shared across the UNIX and the Windows NT platform. Clearcase for Windows NT Access to ClearCase Unix VOBS can be implemented by a product of NFS for Windows NT. d. Advantages ClearCase helps development organizations in all scale to develop and maintain, strengthen competitiveness, increase revenue, and reduce costs.

The special interests of unique ClearCase: · Parallel development adds team efficiency · Automatic workspace management - such as: direct version access, eliminating the waste of time on copy files, adding personal efficiency, fast and accurate Reconstruction of previous versions, implement simple maintenance, improve support for customers • Version control for each component of the software, ensure accuracy of constructors, and implement fast and accurate product issuance · After the event, the change of each component is tracked. Reduce errors, distributed constructs, reduce file copies, useful objects, and implement hardware resources, automatic associations for hardware resources, and automatic associations for changes and development cycle have improved project coordination and preparation, flexible process control and graphics interface customization, Make software development consistent in practice, improve product quality · Reducing system management and maintenance burden to achieve more effective team expansion · Rehabilitation - it does not interfere with software programmers, so common tools and file system interfaces can be used · Added software security and protection. Distributed storage structure allows all software resources to be updated at any time, and the version information stored by ClearCase is immediately restored when the hard disk or network is incorrect. · Integration with other tools (such as defect tracking), system, and structures, to achieve strong development and maintenance · Support different types of development - through software configuration management systems that are compatible with different platforms, such as: Windows NT, UNIX, And some of the CLIENT software, such as Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.1, and Windows for Workgroups. 2. ClearCase Component Rational Software Development Infrastructure Products Clearcase, ClearcaseMultisite, ClearCaseAttache, Clearguide and Clearddts (About ClearDTTS, Configuration Reference Reference Change Requirements Management and Workflow Management Tools), provide the software development team to provide necessary support. These products help team effectively manage software configuration, modify demand, development processes, and test complexity and real-time pressure. ClearCaseMultisite ClearCaseMultisite is one of the series of Clearcase, which supports geographical - distributed project team parallel software development and software reuse. Multisite can create and update ClearCase VOBs, allowing the Distributable Project Team to use the familiar ClearCase commands to access, develop, and software integration. Multisite This product expands the complete software configuration management function of ClearCase to provide transparent support for developers, providing flexibility and security for management, providing familiar tools for system administrators. ClearCaseMultisite's excellence and reliability make a promise for effective distributed development. In addition, ClearCaseMultisite's peer-to-peer architecture provides adjustability and flexibility for any size software team. · Copying VOB · Automatic Synchronization Update Different Site VOBs for Distributed Parallel · Support Continuous Development Mode · ClearCase Seamless Integration · System Requirements: ClearCase Multisite is installed on the ClearCase host as an optional product, requiring 6-11MB disk space ( Affected by the hardware operating platform). Each user needs a ClearCase Multisite License and a ClearCase license when accessing the replicated VO.

Clearcase Attache Multisite This product extends ClearCase complete software configuration management feature, providing transparent branch ClearCaseAttache to provide software developers with Microsoft Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.1 or Windows for Workgroups 3.11 as their desktop development environment. Extend the power of ClearCase software. ClearCase Attache is a Windows client software that works together with ClearCase on UNIX and Windows NT servers. · Bringing a powerful ClearCase function for the client using Windows project team to manage the function of version control data in local works · Provide access to Cleartool Command · Integration · Optional Tools for Microsoft Visual C and Visual Basic · ClearCase Multisite supports distribution development. The ClearCase Multisite component provides support for geographically distributed development teams using ClearCase and ClearCase Attache. Clearcase Multisite can copy and update ClearCase VOB across wide area networks and local sites. This component allows ClearCase Attache users to access, modify, and copy software elements on the distribution project. · Systemal requirements and license: Clearcase Attache requires 386/486 Pentium PC, Windows 95, Windows NT, Windows 3.1, Windows for Workgroups 3.11, 8MB memory 10MB or more hard drives. The demand of disk space depends on the number and size of the local working space. Clearcase Attache also needs to run ClearCase R.2.1 or higher on UNIX Workstation (Dec, HP, IBM, SGI, Sun); ClearCase R.2.0 running on Windows NT PC. ClearGuide ClearGuide is a new software process management (SPM) product, which combines project management, workflow, and key features of process modules. ClearGuide exceeds the ability of traditional engineering changing management systems (including: project plan, definition, and process execution and management of all tasks for software lifecycles). With ClearGuide, the software development team can benefit from powerful timelines, predictable software projects and definition capabilities. Repeat and improve their software development process through a flexible process framework. They can also improve the accuracy and efficiency of the software development life cycle through regular task automation. ClearGuide requires a ClearCase3.x version. 4.2 Internal Network Management of Configuration Scheme Specification is a prerequisite for ClearCase, whether it is Windows or UNIX platform, ClearCase uses the system's user information to identify, verify, and record, for this purpose, using Windows 95/98 / NT Workstation users You must log in to the NT domain, each user on UNIX must have its own username and password. Since the user's actual network environment is different, ClearCase is configured with great flexibility. According to the user's specific needs, it determines the storage location of the VOB library, the assignment of Register Server, License Server, but there is a basic principle, ie Clearcase. The configuration is divided according to the concept of this concept, determines the permissions according to the user group. At present, most users are divided into project groups when doing software development, so that ClearCase is configured to have a certain law.

If the user's development environment is a pure UNIX environment, developers use UNIX, X terminals, X Server on the PC, divided into several project groups according to the situation of the project, and each group is generally a Unix host, in which case we You can set a VOB library for each project group. All project groups are stored in this VOB library, setting a total VOB library throughout the development team, store some public files and various project group development Stage sex, you can back up some important files, which can be used as an integrated platform for the entire project. This structure is a bit similar to triple structure, distributed, concentrated, flexible, and basically adapt to user requirements. If you need to consider the use of Windows / UNIX hybrid environments, you have to talk to each other between Windows and UNIX. CLEARCASE can only be used by Windows union access Unix, and you need to install NFS Client products when you do dynamic view access. For example, Hummingbird's NFS Maestro, NetManage's UNIXLINK97, Intergraph's DiskAccess, etc. When you configure ClearCase, you should take into account this, the top level VOB Server can only be UNIX. ClearCase is a true CLIENT / Server-based configuration management tool that implements the configuration management method to everyone. Therefore, there is only a few people in the development team to use ClearCase meaningless, our suggestion is every participation The personnel have a ClearCase license, and if the fund is can't be done, the License number should reach 60-80% of the total number of people. ClearCase components, users can determine the options and quantities required according to the actual situation. Suggested configuration scheme: Rational Clearcase, UNIX, FLOATINGLICENSE: 15 - 20 ClearcaseMultisite, UNIX or NT FLOATINSE: 3 - 5 Clearguide, UNIX or NT FLOATING LICENSE Number: 3 - 5 4.3 Applicable platform ClearCase supported operating system: · Microsoft Windows NT · Sun Solaris, Sunos · Hewlett-Packard HP-UX · Silicon Graphics Irix · IBM AIX · DIGITAL UNIX · SCO Unixware · Siemens Sinix · NCR MP-RAS · Pyramid DC / OSX Attache supported operating system: · Windows NT · Windows 95 · Windows 3.11 5, Change Requirements and Workflow Management Tools - ClearQuest and Cleardts 5.1 Solved Questions A. ClearQuest ClearQuest and ClearDTS are tools for the Rational implementation of change requirements and workflow management, where ClearQuest is used On the Windows platform, it is a flexible defect tracking, changing the demand management system, is suitable for a variety of projects. ClearQuest unified team members - including project administrators, testers, developers, etc., management of software development changes, effectively shortening the development cycle. ClearQuest has strong reporting and tabular functions that make it faster and objectively at any time during software development.

ClearQuest allows you to understand the situation of the entire project group, which features the change requirements management and workflow management on Windows · Help team members clarify their assigned tasks and their priorities · Understand existing change needs and new Change demand is to solve and generate with how fast speeds and highly customizable items and management reports · NT and mixed UNIX / NT environments. ClearCase is integrated B. Cleardts CLEARDDTS is Rational to achieve changes in the UNIX platform and The tools for workflow management are distributed change management systems that help developers and quality assurance organizations measure product quality and management changes. ClearDTTS's extensive defect management capability records and tracks all information (on the defect report, providing project query, report, chart, providing distribution support for defects. Cleardts' powerful change management tools can be integrated with ClearCase, and store information (About checking information The files inspected) ensure full tracking on the pre-inspection. • Implementation requirements Management and Workflow Management on Windows · Provide project metrics and status reports - 40 preset management reports · Flexible User customization function • Support Distributed Projects • Integrate with ClearCase 5.2 Configuration Sample Since the user's development platform is basically Based on UNIX, ClearDTTS can be used to achieve the purpose of achieving change requirements and workflow management, and achieve integration with ClearCase. Suggestion Configuration: Rational CLEARDDTS, UNIX FLOATINGLICENSE Number: 4 - 6 5.3 Applicable platform ClearQuest operating system: • Windows NT · Windows 95 (ClearQuest client only) browser: • Netscape Navigator 3.0 and Above · Microsoft Internet Explorer Database: · Microsoft Access · Microsoft SQL 6.5 CLEARDDTS operating system: · Sun Solaris 2.5, 2.5.1, 2.6, 2.7 · HP-UX 10.20, 11.00 · DEC OSF1 4.0D · IBM AIX 4.2.0, 4.2.1 · SGI Irix 6.2, 6.4 browser: · Netscape Navigator 3.0 and above · Microsoft Internet Explorer4.0 and above HTTP Server Daemons:. · Apache 1.2 *, 1.3.4 · Netscape Enterprise 3.0, 3.0.1, 3.6 VI reliability testing tools -Purify, PureCoverage 6.1 Solving the problem 1. Purify software quality is the life of the software! Software test should occupy 30% to 50% of software development fees, fully test quality. However, many software did not test before distribution. This Contradictory derived from two reasons: first, test software is extremely difficult, And with the complexity of software design, software testing is more difficult. Second, the implementation of the typical software test does not have a clear method and the required automatic support. When the complexity of the software makes the handmade fully testing no longer possibly, the automatic testing tool will be born, and the software is greatly improved. The productivity and efficiency of the test. For current complex software development projects, Run-Time errors, and access memory errors belong to the most difficult solution. Being out of the read and write operations of the array boundary, the memory is not preused to use uninitialized memory, which is likely to spend a few weeks to be discovered and correct.

PURIFY provides a graphical user interface (GUI) to solve these complex problems by checking Run-Time errors. • Identify error and memory loss in any application in any application. · Make developers to exclude Run-Time errors before bringing application to end users. · Easy to use, easy-to-understand user interface helps improve working efficiency and reduce training time. a. Widely capture run error In order to perform extensive examination, Purify uses Object Code Insert to cut memory access, which is done in the target code before the storage operation is inserted. The most prominent advantage of OCI is fullness: all code (including shared third-party function libraries) can be tested, even if hand-optimized integrated code is no exception. Compared to other similar tools, Purify applies OCI technology to discover more types of errors in more areas of the application. This completeness means that errors in the application code can be found. b. It is easy to use by adding a word -purify in the application-Purify, Purify starts automatic detection. After this procedure is a standard executable program that can be born and run in debug state. c. New graphical user interface Purify provides interactive mode of operation, generating a group of error messages to facilitate analysis. An intuitive GUI allows users to easily browse the error message. Use the hierarchical directory structure to provide detailed information specifying errors so that users should pay attention to the most serious errors. Access the application resources or development processes (such as: run, make, debug) just click on the mouse. This quick access makes it easy to modify the application error. d. Complete solution Purify and Pure Coverage (Pure Software provided to improve code coverage domain) is completely integrated together. The developer can get the data in the code overlay in the identification and clearing the error in the application. The perfect combination of Purify and Pure Coverage provides an impeccable solution for units with high quality development. e. Features · Intuitive graphical user interface · Can be found in the passive program, and you can find anywhere's error. The error types that can be identified include: - Unin-initialized local variables - unpredict Memory - Using the released memory - write operation in array boundaries - Readout of Array Boundary - Memory Loss Problem - Document Description - Stack Overflow Error - Stack Structure Boundary Error · Detailed Report, including stack tracking and source code lines • Identify and report errors in multi-clue applications · Immediately locate · Support for customized memory management · Support for other commonly used debugging tools, close to Pure Coverage Integration (except SGI) · Easy to install and master · Multi-platform F. benefiting · Comprehensively improve the application quality · Make changes to the current environment · Distribute more trusted code · Capture error as early as possible to make costs Utilization • Improve product performance · Cost for support and upgrading 2. Purecoverage Pure Coverage is the first tool for improving code coverage domains for developers. Patent Technology of Pure Software Oci (Object Code Insert) makes Pure Coverage stand out from the traditional code coverage domain tool. Pure Coverage effectively utilizes the code coverage domain by supporting the C and C development environments. · Preventing code from being distributed to customers without testing, improving software quality and quick and convenient identification of codes that have not been tested in applications • Improve all developers' development efficiency Pure coverage is easy to use. In fact, adding a word -Purecov before the Link line in Makefile, you can make developers to collect important overlay domain data from any application. Pure coverage can even collect information from the application that does not provide source. Using Pure Coverage does not need to be compiled again, developers only need to connect to Pure Coverage again.

Even if there is no debugging information, Pure Coverage can also collect important overlay domain data. a. Flexible report Pure Coverage reports overweight data with extremely flexible way. The hierarchical tree structure allows developers to browse critical overlay domain data at the level of applications, files, libraries, functions, rows, or basic blocks. By taking the mouse, developers can see the source program for comments, help analyze the test or unsatisfactory application code line. The powerful reporting function allows developers to merge data in multiple runs, and warn when the test data is below a certain threshold. b. Complete solutions Pure Coverage and Purify (Pure Software are used to prevent Run-Time errors) are perfect. Developers can collect code overlay domain data while identifying and eliminating errors. The combination of the two provides unparalleled solutions for the unit of high quality development. c. Features · Intuitive graphical user interface · Powerful reporting method · No source program · Easy to use · Support C, C and Fortran · Multi-platform and Purify constitute close integrated D. benefit · Comprehensive improvement of application quality · Prevent Unpredictable software distribution to users · Make changes to the current environment Minimize 6.2 Configuration Program Suggestions: Rational Purify Unix Quantity: 3 - 5 Rational Purecoverage Unix Quantity: 3 - 5 6.3 Applicable Platform Purify • Sun OS4 SUN SPARC Workstation · Run SOLARIS 2.3 - 2.6 and above SUN SPARC Workstation · Run HP9000 Series 700 Workstation · Run HP9000 Series 800 Workstation · Run IRIX5.2, 5.3 , 6.2 and 6.3 SGI Workstation • Running Windows NT Server 3.51 above Purecoverage • Sun SPARC Workstation running Sun OS4 • SUN SPARC Workstation running Solaris 2.3 and above • Run HP-UX 8.07 and above version of HP9000 Series 700 Workstation · Run HP9000 Series 800 Workstation HP 9000 Series 800 Workstation HP 9000 Series 800 Workstation Seven, Function Test Tools - TestStest 7.1 Solving questions accompanying the technologies used by the development and distribution software, software tests are facing new opportunities, graphical user interface GUI, distribution Treatment and huge distribution networks are representatives of these new technologies. Not only is the technology is new, but they are more difficult to test more than traditional software, because these software is more complex, and the user interface is more rich. The client / server (C / S) application constitutes an important type of software, and has become mainstream. They use more new technologies, in the C / S software architecture, the processing is dispersed on the client and server, where the client handles implementation and providing user interfaces and some local processing, while server processing Implement and provide specific services, such as database management or communications. Usually the client software has a GUI interface and can be operated on a relatively inexpensive PC; server software requires multi-user capabilities and higher performance. In this environment, the application of the application is facing new challenges. First, the software structure of GUI uses event-driven mode, which is very different from the traditional order program. The number of conditions combinations is large and variable. Traditional test methods are difficult to cover all operating states; in addition, due to force test demand Fast application development (RAD: RAPID Application Development) technology popularization and the difference in hardware and software configuration of multiple client sites, making automated tests an indispensable link.

From the server side, many clients have access to the test, which is difficult to simulate and reproduce with manual way. To this end, the quality of the customer / server application software based on the Window interface must rely on the automated test tool. Perhaps this is a view: Excellent test tool increases the budget for software development. But this is an old point of view. All software needs testing, and the test is the most important means of ensuring software quality. According to relevant expert studies, in the development cycle, the error will be checked for an error every step, and the cost will increase by 1/10. Therefore, the best start time for developers find errors is at the beginning of the project design, and then the synchronous test should be accompanied by every aspect of the development process, and truly develops and tests integrated. At the same time, for users who entrust others to develop applications, the software testing is also the necessary means of maintaining their own interests to ensure high quality applications. It can be seen that the users who are actually developing or the users who are entrusted to others have effectively needed to have excellent testing tools. From this point of view, excellent software testing tools will not only increase budget, but will reduce the cost of software development. Teamtest is a test software for enterprise-class Internet, ERP, and Windows Client / Server applications that can be seamlessly integrated with Rational Other products. Based on a scaleable, integrated, server-based test repository, Rational TeamTest combines leading-edge Internet and client / server testing power with comprehensive management tools to set the standard for automated testing of Web, ERP and cross-Windows client / server applications. Rational TeamTest contains comprehensive tools to verify operation of enterprise applications, whether they are custom client / sever developments, Web-based, or packaged applications such as ERP. Rational TeamTest includes Rational Robot, which delivers Object Testing? technology for object-level testing of Applications from Component-Based Development Tools, Such AS Microsoft Visual Basic? And Microsoft Visual C

?. Object Testing provides dramatic improvements in ease of use and test development productivity, and yields tests that remain robust throughout the development lifecycle. Rational TeamTest also incorporates test planning, management, and coverage tracking as well as defect tracking and reporting. In addition, Rational TeamTest integrates seamlessly with Rational RequisitePro? for integrated requirements planning, Rational ClearQuest? for comprehensive change request management and defect tracking, Rational Purify ?, Rational Visual PureCoverage? and Rational Visual Quantify?

for comprehensive code coverage analysis Rational TeamTest:. Is one solution for all your functional test needs:. Web applications, custom Windows applications, and ERP Rational TeamTest Zha Object Testing technology means you are immediately productive in creating high-quality and robust tests for any . of these environments Provides complete support for your development and QE teams with integrated test planning, management and tracking as well as defect tracking and management Includes Rational Robot as well as Rational ClearQuest / TeamTest Edition New Features in the current version:. Integration with Rational ClearQuest, Rational Zha leading tool for change-request management and defect tracking. Rational TeamTest uses ClearQuest for tightly integrated defect tracking and reporting Integration with Rational RequisitePro, Rational leading requirements-management tool. Rational TeamTest test requirements planning feature seamlessly integrates with RequisitePro by sha ring identical storage technology Integration with Rational Purify, Rational Visual PureCoverage, and Rational Visual Quantify, Rational Zha solutions for complete code coverage analysis. 7.2 7.3 Application platform configuration scheme VIII, application performance analysis tools -Quantify 8.1 Quantify problem is easy to operate Used to improve software performance, it can identify factors that affect the execution speed. By displaying performance errors in graphics or text format, Quantify helps developers quickly analyze errors in the operating environment, help developers greatly improve the performance of the application, reveal the functions of the application, library, and operating system on application performance, reduce The possibility of performance bottlenecks during the development process. Quantify is easy to install, master. Providing developers with a simple way to avoid performance bottlenecks, and it has minimized the impact of the current development environment, just adding a word in makefile, greatly shortening the time used to find performance bottlenecks. Quantify's tree call relationship map provides visual data that reflects the key function. Function lists and detailed windows show a lot of data in the form of a table, easy to read. And you can read the source program of the gaze. Quantify accurately records the number of instructions executed by the source program. It subtracts the time consumption when reporting the CPU time, making the result correctly reflecting the time data.

Quantify transmits these records correctly between calling functions, so that the critical path is clear. Quantify users can control the type of data collected or reported: Filter a large amount of data; only the important program execution part is displayed. Quantify can operate in a way that interacts or batch. And regardless of the size of the application and the length of the test run time, Quantify provides information on performance information. Quantify can observe the implementation of sharing and third-party function libraries or UNIX operating system calls such as application performance. Developers can also identify performance issues in multi-clue applications. Quantify's add-on scripts track the performance improvement of the application by automatically comparing multiple runs, and combine data from multiple runs. Quantify is easy to integrate with conventional development modules for easy changes in application performance. Apply Quantify's data output function to strengthen automatic generation or user customization performance reports. · Provide extensive information, accurately display performance data, flexible, multi-change data control, extension, custom report · indicate user function, system call, sharing, and performance bottleneck in the third-party library · Collectable data, automatic Comparison of multi-operation • Provides multiple display methods for performance data · Provide user-defined, end-to-end data collection functions · Output function and add-on scripts make the performance monitoring and automation · can interact Working in two modes of batch and batch is greatly reduced. Time for finding bottlenecks · Enable various levels of developers to optimize performance · By eliminating system performance, make end users satisfaction · Give software power Competitiveness 8.2 Configuration Program Suggestions: Rational Quantify UNIX Quantity: 4 - 6 8.3 Applicable Platform • Support C, C and Fortran Language · Support DCE, Solaris Club and Sun OS 1WP Library · Support Sun OS 4.1.x, Solaris 2.x and HP-UX 8.x 9.x Nine, System Performance Analysis Tools - Problems Solved by PERFORMANCESTUDIO 9.1 PerformanceStudio Measure and predict the performance of Client / Server and Web systems. PerformanceStudio can simulate the end user's response, only the performance it tests is accurate. · You can accurately test the quality, performance, and stability of Client / Server and Web applications under large quantities of users. · Use the minimized computing resource to generate maximized networks and server loads. · Accurately report the reaction time and stability of specific client configurations. · Activate, drive and monitor all test content from a single MASTER machine. • Reports between the databases related to each other, end-to-end performance. · Datasmart Recording technology instantly generates parameterized scripts and completely disrupted the test data without programming. · Serversmart playback technology can verify the correct playback of the content changed. · LoadSmart scheduling technology is molded in complex script without programming. · ClientSmart Treatment technology automatically retains precise user simulation when playback to provide controlled test results. 9.2 Configuring Program Suggestions: Rational Suite PerformanceStudio Quantity: 1 9.3 Applicable Platform · Windows 95, 98, NT 10 Searching Rational Product Use Guide, enhance team development capabilities. It provides detailed guidance for software development through the Guideline, Template and Tool Wizard, so that team members can better learn how the UML language is used.


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