DB2 certification exam experience (700 && 701)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  76

Many people have passed DB2's 700 and 701 exams, and it is not difficult to pass it. In fact, these certifications have not much use, as long as they can learn some things from the middle of the pass by the certification, they will not be white. First, from the perspective of learning. Textbook selection. IBM recommended the most authoritative textbooks have two. For 700, "DB2 UDB V8.1 Certification Exam 700 Study Guide", author Roger Sanders; for 701, "DB2 UDB V8.1 for Linux, UNIX, And Windows Database Administration Certification Guide", author Baklarz and Wong. Both books are in English, almost cover all the contents of the certification exam, and each is about thousands of pages. The first book is the foundation, and the download is downloaded online; the second book contains some of the contents of the first book, that is, some content is repeated, and there are also downloads online. For Chinese textbooks, there is a translation version of the two books in the bookstore. There are also some Chinese translation tutorials, not full, more summary, but for the exam, it is almost enough, you can go to DB2 developer garden to download . DB2 software installation. I want to learn some things in DB2, I have to practice some things personally, so I can impress it. Because the test is an English answer, it is recommended to install an English version of DB2, preferably DB2 UDB version. Again from the perspective. If you want to pass the exam, you must do a lot of simulation questions. I have recommended a DB2 certification exam online analog test site, http://www.selftestsoftware.com/assessments/db2.aspx, this site is very good, analog DB2 certification exam environment, and there are many DB2 exams question. There are some simulation questions collected online, some of the simulation test questions of some DB2 certified books, when you finish these simulation questions, there will be many surprises during the real test. For the online version of the DB2 certification question bank, individuals think that there is no need to purchase, the foundation of the database theory, take a closer look at the books mentioned above, doing some simulations to collect, should have no problem. other instructions. In fact, it is indeed two yards when learning and exam. Good learning, the test results are not necessarily good. It is not good to learn, and the test results are not necessarily not good. For DB2 authentication 700 and 701, you can do not read, just look at some simulation questions, or it is the so-called question bank, which will pass. Even if you use it better, you have experience, if you don't look at the simulation, you may not go. The learning process is important because it can bring you a lot of knowledge, but the simulation questions are the same because it can bring you good results. I believe I have already understood it. November 22, 2004


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