Hotel management system problem

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

The first thing to do is that the problem as much as possible, the project is to be solved, (mentioned in the "OO Design Process", in which the expert of the business logic should be required, and people involving people need certain Professional knowledge, but this is hard to reach this project), which I may ignore some real hotel management logic, but this is unavoidable, if the system is successfully completed, and by the user is willing to use it, I can improve the business rules provided by users. Before I define the problem, I will further explain the main purpose of the system to use computer management hotels, registration, and settlement, etc., not to deal with general company management, such as finance, personnel and so on. The following is the definition of my question: Customers can implement the room for booking by phone (or the next version of the Internet), which is actually implemented by the hotel staff. The predetermined room can be truly leased or canceled (two ways are artificial cancellation one is automatically canceled). More detailed customer information needs to be provided when renting the room. Leave the rental period or settle the rental fee after renting the room or settlement. Hotel Management Division can view records (depending on various conditions, such as time, housing type, etc.). Glossary: ​​1, fee: room unit price * lease time (possibly there may be discounts). 2, users: The purpose is to ensure that anyone can operate awareness (the hotel staff). 3, room 4, rent: customers began to use room 5, rental time 6, idle: The room is not reserved or leased 7, customer: housing leaser. Realization Premise: 1. Enter the room information in the guest house when the user is running. Several use cases: 1, scheduled: keep a specific room to a specific date for customers. 2, rent: Customers use this room to a specific date. 3. Extension: Customers extend the time of renting rooms. 4, settlement: Customer ended accommodation and pays the fee. 5. Release the reservation: The customer files no longer rented the reservation room. 6, candidate reservation: It should be considered if the room is scheduled or leased, but there is a case where the user needs to be scheduled: At this time, some users may leave or cancel the situation that the room is idle, so it should pay attention to this Processing. (In the "OO design process" clearly proposes this) 7, check the room rental situation. Copyright: IDILENT website reproduced please indicate the author's other reprint, please contact the author (


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