These days have to debug a program to view some system process information, so in order to facilitate debugging, I have written a procedure for a process. The principle is relatively simple. First get the system process ID, then listen to several modle of the ID and THREAD information. Here I am now introducing the system kernel function Toolhelp, and must include Tlhelp32.h header files in the header file before using this function. Then call the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot () function to get a handle of a system process. The module and thread information of the process are then listed through this handle. Let me introduce several important functions in the Toolhelp.
Handle CreateToolHelp32Snapshot () function
Parameters: DWORD DWFLAGS flag When the handle is returned, the information included in the handle is returned.
Here I used three logo information:
TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS: Returns the handle contains all processes information
TH32CS_SNAPMODULE: Return sentence handle contains module information for all specified processes
TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD: Returns all THREAD information with the specified process
Parameters: DWORD TH32PROCESSID The process ID number specified, if you specify as the current process
Role: Generate a snapshot
BOOL process32first () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPPROCESSENTRY32 LPPE points to the pointer to the Processentry32 structure
Role: get the first process record information from Snapshot
BOOL process32next () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPPROCESSENTRY32 LPPE points to the pointer to the Processentry32 structure
Role: Get the next process record information from Snapshot
Bool module32first () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPModuleEntry3 LPME points to a pointer to a ModuleEntry32 structure
Role: get the first module record information from Snapshot
BOOL Module32Next () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPModuleEntry3 LPME points to a pointer to a ModuleEntry32 structure
Role: get the next module record information from Snapshot
BOOL Thread32First () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPTHREADENTRY32 LPTE points to a pointer to a ThreadEntry32 structure
Role: get the first THREAD record information from Snapshot
BOOL Thread32Next () function
Parameters: Handle HSnapshot Introduced Snapshot Handle
Parameters: LPTHREADENTRY32 LPTE points to a pointer to a ThreadEntry32 structure
Role: get the next THREAD record information from Snapshot
Handle openprocess () function
Parameters: DWORD DWDESIREDACCESS Permissions Information
Here I use the process_all_access function to have all permission parameters: BOOL BINHERITHANDLE determines if the handle can be inherited
Parameters: DWPRCESSID Process ID Number
Role: Open an existing process object
The following is the test code:
Test environment: VC 7.0
Operating system: Windows2000 Professional SP4
Program function: list all the current system and the Module and Thread information of the process
// Module: ProcessTest.cpp //
// Development date: November 11, 2004 //
// Last modified date: November 11, 2004 //
// Description: CopyRight (C) 2004 Jiangjiang //
#include "stdafx.h"
Bool getProcessList ();
Bool ListProcessModules (DWORD DWPID);
Bool ListProcessThreads (DWORD DWOWNERPID);
Void Printerror (Tchar * MSG);
INT _Tmain (int Argc, _tchar * argv [])
GetProcessList ();
Printf ("/ n system process is all listed! / n");
System ("pause");
Return 0;
Bool getProcessList ()
Handle HProcessSnapshot = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
Handle HProcess = NULL;
Processentry32 PE32;
DWORD dwpriorityclass;
HProcessSnapshot = CreateToolHelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
IF (HProcessSnapshot == Invalid_Handle_Value)
"" CreateToolHelp32Snapshot (of processes ");
Return (False);
PE32.dwsize = sizeof (ProcesSsentry32);
IF (! process32first (hprocesssnapshot, & pe32))
Printerror ("Process32First");
CloseHandle (HProcessSnapshot); // Note! Don't forget to release the handle when you don't use it! ! !
Return (false);
Printf ("/ n / n =========================================== =========== ");
Printf ("/ n process name:% s", pe32.szexefile;
Printf ("/ n ------------------------------------------- -------- ");
HProcess = openprocess (process_all_access, false, pe32.th32processid);
IF (hprocess == null)
Printerror ("Open Process Error!");
DWPRIORITYCLASS = GetPriorityClass (HProcess);
IF (! dwpriorityClass)
PrintError ("Get priority levels!");
CloseHandle (HPROCESS); // Note! Don't forget to release the handle when you don't use it! ! !
Printf ("/ n process ID: 0x% 08X", pe32.th32processid;
Printf ("/ N thread count:% D", pe32.cntthreads;
Printf ("/ n parent process ID: 0x% 08X", pe32.th32parentProcessID);
Printf ("/ N Basic Priority:% D", PE32.PCPriclassBase);
IF (dwpriorityClass)
Printf ("/ N Process Priority:% D", DWPRIORITYCLASS;
ListProcessModules; PE32.TH32PROCESSID;
ListProcessthreads (pe32.th32processid);
Printf ("/ n");
System ("pause");
While (Process32Next (HProcessSnapshot, & PE32));
CloseHandle (HProcessSnapshot); // Note! Don't forget to release the handle when you don't use it! ! !
Return (TRUE);
Bool ListProcessModules (DWORD DWPID)
Handle hModulesnapshot = invalid_handle_value;
ModuleEntry32 me32;
ME32.dwsize = sizeof (moduleEntry32);
HModulesnapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, DWPID);
IF (hmodulesnapshot == invalid_handle_value)
"" CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (of modules) "; Return (false);
IF (! module32first (hmodulesnapshot, & me32))
Printerror ("Module32First Error!");
CloseHandle (hmodulesnapshot); // Note! Don't forget to release the handle when you don't use it! ! !
Return (False);
Printf ("/ n / n module name:% s", me32.szmodule);
Printf ("/ N Run Path:% S", Me32.Szexepath);
Printf ("/ n process ID: 0x% 08X", me32.th32processid;
Printf ("/ N global count value: 0x% 04x", me32.glblcntusage);
Printf ("/ n process count value: 0x% 04x", me32.proccntusage);
Printf ("/ N base address: 0x% 08X", (dword) me32.modbaseaddr);
Printf ("/ N base site size:% D", me32.modbasesize;
While (Module32Next (HModulesnapshot, & me32));
CloseHandle (hmodulesnapshot); // Note! Don't forget to release the handle when you don't use it! ! !
Return (TRUE);
Bool ListProcessThreads (DWORD DWOWNERPID)
Handle HProcessthread = Invalid_Handle_Value;
ThreadENTRY32 TE32;
TE32.dwsize = sizeof (threadentry32);
HProcessThread = CreateToolHelp32Snapshot (TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, DWOWNERPID);
IF (hprocessthread == invalid_handle_value)
Return (False);
IF (! thread32first (hprocessthread, & te32))
Printerror ("Thread32First");
CloseHandle (HProcessThread);
Return (False);
IF (te32.th32ownerprocessid == dwownerpid)
Printf ("/ n / n thread ID: 0x% 08X", te32.th32threadid);
Printf ("/ N-based priority:% D", te32.tpbasepri;
While (thread32next (hprocessthread, & te32));
CloseHandle (HProcessThread);
Return (TRUE);
Void Printerror (tchar * msg)
Tchar sysmsg [256];
Tchar * p;
ENUM = getLastError ();
FormatMessage (format_message_from_system | format_message_ignore_inserts, null, enum,
P = sysmsg;
While (* p> 31) || (* p == 9))))))
Do {* p - = 0;} while ((p> = sysmsg) &&&
((* p == '.') || (* P <33))));
Printf ("/ N Warning:% s Failed with Error% D (% s)", MSG, Enum, SYSMSG;