These days 9CBS blog has problems, 唉. Today, go to buy a domain name, solve these things as soon as possible. Recommend the Tooltip component of Beibei: One !! Zhang Junqin friends's Tooltip
Pre {Font-Family: "Courier New", Courier, Arial; font-size: 12px;}
. galan {color: # 000000;
. readyword {color: # 993300;
.IDENTIFIER {color: # 000087;
.properties {color: # 000087;
{Color: # 000087;
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Class tooltip {
Private static var tipholdmc: movieclip;
Private static var mytextformat: textFormat;
Private static var msg: String;
Public Static Function SetTooltip (Target: MovieClip, Dummymsg: String): void {
Target.onrollover = function () {
Tipholdmc = target._parent.createemptyMovieClip ("Dummmc", 1000);
Tipholdmc.createtextfield ("Tiptxt", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0);
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.html = true;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.htmltext = msg;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.selectable = false;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.autosize = true;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.background = true;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.border = true;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.bordercolor = 0x000000;
Tipholdmc.tiptxt.backgroundcolor = 0xffffee;
With (tipholdmc) {
Beginfill (0x999999, 100);
MoveTo (2, 2);
LINETO (Tiptxt._width 2, 2);
LINETO (Tiptxt._Width 2, Tiptxt._Height 2);
LINETO (2, Tiptxt._Height 2);
Lineto (2, 2);
Endfill ();
(target._parent._xmouse tipholdmc._width) Var BoundObject: Object = target.getbounds (target._parent); (BoundObject.ymin-target.height-2)> 0? tipholdmc._y = boundObject.ymin-target.Height-2: tipholdmc._y = BoundObject.ymax 2; } Target.onrollout = target.onpress = target.onreleaseoutside = destroytip; Public static function destroytip (): void { RemoveMovieClip (TipHoldMC); } } Rendering: