Parameter information for the stored procedure

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  72

Declare @Proid Bigint

SELECT @ proid = id from sysobjects where type = 'p' and

Name = @ sp_name

SELECT A.NAME N 'Parameter',

ColumnProperty (@ proid,, 'precision') AS N 'Length',

A.Length N 'occupies the number of bytes,

A.isOuntParam n 'Yes input parameter',

A.XPREC N 'Accuracy', Isnull (ColumnProperty (@ ProID, A.Name, 'Scale'), 0) AS N 'Digital Number',

--Colid, don't this

B.Name N 'Data Type'

From syscolumns a, systempes b


ID = @ ProID and b.xUsertype = a.xUsertype


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