Here will tell the fastest in running Demo in the JBPM in your system.
Required software
JBPM2.9 has been tested on the Windows XP machine:
'J2se SDK V 1.4.2_03', Downloaded from 'apache ant version 1.6.1', Downloaded from http: // /BINDOWNLOAD.CGI 'Apache Ant Version 1.6.1', Downloaded from http://ant.cgi You can deploy JBPM to JBoss J2EE Server (JBoss 3.2.5) .http: //prdownloads. SourceForge.Net/jboss/ download and set your jboss_home environment variable
Take the latest version of JBPM.
Install and run JBPM in your system, you only need to do the following things
One: Unfold the downloaded file to the directory you specified
2: Modify the file under $ {jbpm.home}.
JBPM.HOME = JBPM listing directory ANT.HOME = ANT stored for directory jboss.home = JBoss stored directory
Three: Switch the directory to the JBPM directory execute ant configure.jboss.3.2.3 , which corresponds to a configuration item in build.xml. In Directory $ {JBPM.HOME} Run 'ant configure.jboss.3.2.3 '. (The Same Task Works for JBoss-3.2.5) That Creates A JBPM Configuration $ {jboss.home} / server / jbpm Which IS Basically a copy of the 'all' configuration. The only Difference is That 2 Files Are Added to the Deploy Directory: JBPM-DB-Service.xml and jbpm-ds.xml 4: New STARTJBPM.BAT file in JBPM, The content is as follows:% jboss_home% / bin / run.bat -c jbpm 5: Switch the directory to the web directory of the directory to the JBPM in the DOS environment Perform 'ant deploy' with 'ant deploy.process.archives'. Now you can log in: http:// localhost: 8080 / jbpm to see it.