Realization of the windows family portrait with win2000 boot menu: Transfer reading: 386 Time: 2004-6-11 Source: Haike Digital - Resource Center Q: Why win2000 multi-boot menu instead of other third-party multi-boot software? A: WIN2000 (including NT4) The multi-boot menu is located at the system activity partition, easy to manage, error, or pending machine, you can simply start the machine with the floppy disk, then SYS C: The system start area will be restored. In addition, we know that the hard disk is the most important partition table, if the partition table occurs because of the repeated read and write partition table, the hard disk is basically equal to the scrap. The partition system area is in different locations with the difference in the position and size. So even if the hard disk has a bad track, it does not affect its use. Q: Can Win2000's startup menu supports how many systems installed? A: This problem is not good to answer, if your hard disk is divided into three primary partitions, plus N extension partitions, the system supported by Win2000 is not effective. But this is not the focus of our discussion, we discuss the installation of DOS6.22, Win32, Win95, Win98, WinMe, WinNT4, Win2000. Or WinXP. Q: The previous multi-system software needs to be re-emergence Partition (mainly for several primary partitions), and my hard disk has only one primary partition and an extension partition, can I use Win2000 multi-system? A: Yes. We know that NT4 and NT5 (win2000) can be installed in an extended partition, but their startup menus are only supported from launching Win2000 from logical partitions and other systems on starting logical partitions. Moreover, Microsoft's products have a characteristic that it always believes that it started in the activity partition (that is, the C disk we often say), so the Microsoft's family blesses introduced by most information is the C disk of each operating system. The software is implemented by the overlay of the file. This always makes people feel unsatisfactory, can it be implemented in the file change as Win95 enters DOS6.22? What is the reason for this stupid approach? In fact, this problem is very simple. Because of a Microsoft's launch file called IO.SYS, its location must be the first file of the active partition, so for this first, the front method must ensure that its first. So, our purpose is to let WIN2000 support other Windos from logical partitions, and achieve Microsoft family blesses through simple file renamers. A: You are so good, how to do it? Q: Before entering the actual combat, we first assume that your current hard disk structure is a region of Microsoft's standard fdisk, namely a C disk and several logical trays. C: Pack Win98 (or WinME), D: Discharge Installs Win2000 So-standard Structure. (What, you haven't installed Win2000? Don't close, you can also realize the multi-windo-coexistence that I mentioned earlier. This trick is to restore the C drive after the Win2000 is installed, and the Win2000 boot menu is lost. Friends are also applicable. But to say a sentence, please look patient.) 1. Our first partition C: make DOS6.22, Win32, Win95 coexistence. If you don't have to say more, Win9X itself supports these three systems coexistence.
Simply put into the system file to the DOS6.22 system file to the root directory, and name IO.DOS, MS.DOS, config.dos, autoexec.dos, and copy Win95's IO.sys to copy one point in C-root directory Name IO.W40, and set BootMulti = 1 MSDOS.SYS. Note that the format of the C drive must be FAT16 (if you intend to abandon DOS6.22, you can use FAT32. You don't have to change it above.) 2. Restore Win98's clone to the D disk, will prepare WinMe Cloning Restore to the E disk, you will slowly install it without clone. To ensure a good C drive, use the installation method to install the Win9x's comrade for the D disk and the E disk first reserve the IO.SYS of the lower C disk, and the MSDOS.sys installation is complete and then covered the same name. And do WIN98 and WINM boot disk (cloned comrades are not done) After the system starts the system, SYS D:; SYS E: transmits the system to the corresponding logical partition. 3. Install the WIN2000 to F disks, gays with clones can also be cloned. Comrades who have no clones can also do not do the four Win2000 boot dishes, Win2000 uses NTFS format or FAT32 with you. If your partition is not enough, please use pqmagic to draw a few. Ok, now the raw materials are already aligned, just wait. Start it first. The front use clone installed WIN2000 in the E disk comrades can only start the C disk's WIN95, and the Win2000 of the Win95 and the E disk of the C disk can be started with a friend. Now you will enter the focus: 1: Restore Win2000 before starting the order Preparation Win2000 Startup Menu has not lost comrades to skip this step. Only add the option to add. Restore Win2000 Multi-Start menu to use a tool, bootpart. It is a free software specifically used to modify Windows NT multiple boot menu. In addition to things, Bootpart adds DOS, Windows 9x to NT multiple boot menu, even if there is no problem with OS / 2MultiBoot, Linux Partitions (with Lilo) or floppy power-on function! (Software is then introduced.) Here is a friend to ask, that is, bootpart already has a multi-power function to modify NT, and write this article? Haha, the problem is only supported by the BootPart to join the partitions and non-FAT formats of the FAT16. And our current big hard drive can only manage it with FAT32. In addition, bootpart also does not support joining the second hard drive from the NT startup menu, and it does not support the starting system from the logical hard drive. We use bootpart just start menu features with its rebuild NT. BootPart can be downloaded from the Disk Tool of Huajun Software Park. File size 24K. Http:// Before rebuilding the NT startup menu, you must do it first. Copy NTLDR,, bootfont.bin from the Win2000 installation disk or installed with Win2000, but not, just the menu is in English.) To your C drive root directory. Then use a Boot.ini to your C drive using a BOOT.INI to your C drive.
The content is as follows: [Boot loader] timeout = 10 default = c: / [Operating systems] multi (0) disk (0) RDisk (0) partition (4) / Winnt = "Microsoft Windows 2000 Professional" / FastDetect C: / = "Microsoft Windows95" c: /win98.bin= "Microsoft Win98" c: /winme.bin= "Microsoft WinMe" c: /floop.bin= "floop" here By the way, the Boot.ini is related to the setting problem. Timeout = Preset Launch menu stays on the default system, in seconds. Default = System for the default startup. This item is default = multi (0) Disk (0) RDisk (0) Partition (4) / WINNT. Note. Multi (0) refers to a hard disk interface as a non-SCSI interface. Most friends' hard disk interfaces are IDE interfaces, so they don't have to change it. Disk (0) refers to the win2000 boot menu installed on your first IDE interface. If you have a double hard drive, you are installed from the first IDE interface hard drive, and the win2000 is also installed on the second IDE interface, then this setting DISK (1). Partition (4) refers to the partition number installed by Win2000, 1 finger C disk, 2 finger D disk, 3 finger E disk, our Win2000 is installed in the F disk, use partition (4). Note that due to the hard disk with disk interlaced or your system has a hidden partition, the above PartTon number is based on the drive letter where the system is located after starting under DOS. Want to use the win2000 boot menu and don't want to install Win2000, you can remove the two lines about Winnt on the above boot.ini. 2: Adjust the corresponding startup files added to each partition. We know that the reason why Win2000 can start because it rewrites DOS boot records and backs up the DOS boot record of the original C drive to boosect.dos, so that the boot C disk is implemented. So, in addition to this bootsect.dos, we also need to boot the D disk Win98 boot backup win98.bin (this name is me casually, you can also get your favorite name, as long as you can correspond to Boot.ini) .) The guidance of the E disk WinMe.bin, the boot backup of the floppy disk floop.bin. Do these files need to use Norton2000's DiskeDit (611K) because it supports disk in FAT32 format. Diskedit can be found directly in the Norton2000 installation directory. Start the Diskedit from WindOS to pure DOS. Diskedit jumps out of a menu saying that it is now running in read-only mode, entering it after entering! Select Drive under Object, select C:, press Alt B, select Boot Record, read the DOS boot record of the hard disk C: zone. Then press Alt T to select Write Object to Write Object to Write Boot Record on Drive C: To a File, Enter Bootsect.dos, Drive: Enter C: The backup work of the C disk Boot area is completed.
Repeat the above operation, prepare your machine D: disk E: disk A: DOS boot record of the disk, and name Win98.bin, WinMe.bin, floop.bin, files are placed in the root directory of the C drive. Since this step we are doing in read-only mode, you will not make any modifications to the hard disk, so the operation is safe. Three: Adding Win2000 Start Menu This step can be not done for friends already have Win2000 boot menu. Add the Win2000 boot menu can also be used by disken. The method is to find a Win2000 machine (but the request is the C disk of the other party. That is the same as your C disk format, that is, FAT16 pair FAT16; FAT32 to FAT32) with Disked It's a DOS boot record, then copy data between 3EH to 1FH (when using FAT16), if it is FAT32, copy data between 5ah to 1FH, override the corresponding part of the main boot record of your C drive. This method has a certain risk. It may cause your machine can't start when you do something wrong, so I don't recommend it. If you want to try a friend who doesn't start your hard drive, you can start with your boot disk, then SYS C: you can restore. Method 2 is to operate this step with bootpart. Very simple, executing bootpart winnt boot: C: 4 under DOS: After the startup file of the logical partition, the final modification is completed, and the restart machine we have been able to start Win2000, Win95 and floppage. But one executes WIN98, WinMe will report an error and return the menu. This is because Win2000 does not support it from a logical disk launch system. So, we now enter the most critical part of this article, modify Win98.bin and Wimme.bin so that Win2000 supports from the logical disk. DOS Enter diskedit, press Alt T to select the configured (configured) under this, press the space bar to cancel the first option read only, and then press Tab to select Save. (Reassuring, we just rewrite the document for 16-based rewriting, even if it is changed, there is no danger.) Select Drive C: Press the Alt B key to read the C-drive boot record, write down the value of the Big Total Number of Sectors, Again, select Drive D:, read the D disk boot record according to Alt B, and record the value of the Big Total Number of Sectors. Note that when you record this value, you have to make sure the value of Special Hiddle Secters is 63. If not, please quit and use the SYS to transfer the system to the D disk and the E disk. For the explanation, I now assume that these two values are as follows: C: Big Total Number of Sectors = 1959867 D: BIG TORAL NUMBER OF SECTORS = 4482072 Let's do a calculation: 1959867 63 * 2 = 1959993, transfer to 16 Enter = 1DE839, friends who changed the game may know that this data is recorded on the microcomputer. This data is always low, so this value should be filled in Win98.bin, which is: 39 E8 1D, the specific location is At 1CH of Win98.bin, the original value is 3F 00 00, please use DiskeDit to transfer to Win98.bin and make this modification. Of course, you can also modify this value after modifying this value. For example, use the tools of modifying the game you often do this step.
WinMe.bin has different modifications to the above modifications, and should add the value of the BIG TORAL MUMBER OF SECTORS after all of the SYS partitions. Therefore, WinMe.bin is worth = 1959867 4482072 63 * 2 = 6442065 = 624C51H, modified in WinMe.bin's 1Ch place 51 4C 62 5: After the modification is complete, let's make the final setting work to start Logic D and E WIN98, WinMe enters Windos, renamed the D disk, E disk system file msdos.sdos.98, command.98 (d disk),, ( E disk) and copy it to the root directory of the system. For ease of switching, please do not set the read-only and hidden properties of these files. For MSDOS.sys file, you have to modify the corresponding drive characters, replace it with your Win98 and WinME installation drive. Due to relatively simple, it will not exemplify. (1) In the C: Pangen Category, Autoeexec.98, two files, as follows: c: /autoexec.98 @echo off set winDir = d: / windows set winbootdir = d: / windows set comspect = D: /Windows/ set path = d: / windows; d: / windows / command set temp = d: / windows / temp set tmp = d: / windows / temp del c: / err; this is as After the repeated transformation file is added later, please add this line in all your autoexec.bat files, and the C drive does not build one, and join this. Modification of imitates this. If you have config.sys, please make a class seem to be modified. (2) Build the following to switch files on the desktop installed 1.chang95.bat @echo off if exist err goto end @echo errflag> c: / err; create an Err flag file to avoid repeating Chang * .bat causes system file confusion. If EXIST C: / Flag95 Goto end; check the logo file to tell the current system. IF exist c: / flag98 goto flag98 if exist c: / flagme goto flagme @echo falg> flag95; create a current system flag file.
Flag98: REN C: / FLAG98 FLAG95 REN C: /MSDOS.SYS MSDOS.98 REN C: /COMMAND.COM MSDOS.98 REN C: /CONFIG.SYS Config.98 Ren C: /autoexec.bat autoexec.98 goto flag95 Save the current 98 file system Flagme: REN C: / Flagme Flag95 Ren C: /msdos.sys ren c: / ren c: /config.sys ren c: / autoexec. Bat goto flag95; saves the current WIMME file system Flag95: Ren C: /msdos.95 msdos.sys ren c: /command.95 Ren C: /config.95 config.sys REN C: / AutoExec. 95 autoexec.bat; modified to work next time WIN95.
End: 2.chang98.bat @echo off f er>> @ @::::::>:::: f f::: g g g f C: / flag95 flag98 ren c: /msdos.sys msdos.95 ren c: / msdos.95 ren c: /config.sys config.95 ren c: /autoexec.bat autoexec.95 goto flag98 flagme: ren C: / flagme flag98 ren c: /msdos.sys ren c: / ren c: /config.sys ren c: /autoexec.bat goto flag98 flag98: ren C: /msdos.98 msdos.sys ren c: /command.98 Ren c: /config.98 config.sys ren c: /autoexec.98 autoexec.bat end: 3. Changme.bat @echo offix EXIST Err goto end @echo errflag> c: / err if exist c: / flagme goto end if exist c: / flag95 goto flag95 if exist c: / flagm8 goto flagme flag95: ren c: / flag95 flagme ren c: / msdos. Sys msdos.95 ren c: / msdos.95 ren c: / con Fig.sys config.95 ren c: /autoexec.bat autoexec.95 goto flagme flag98: ren c: / flag98 flagme ren c: /msdos.sys msdos.98 ren c: / msdos.98 REN C: / Config.sys config.98 ren c: /autoexec.bat autoexec.98 goto flagme flagme: ren c: / msdos.sys ren c: / Ren C: / config.sys REN C: /AUTOEXEC.ME AutoExec.bat end: Here you explain the usage of these batch files. When used for the first time, use the new command of Windows to build a FLAG95 file in the C drive root directory, and then execute chang98 and so on. If you don't want to build, please perform Chang95 once, restart the machine doesn't have to build this file. At this point, we have become. The next time you start the machine, you can enter the system you want to operate by menu.